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Ask a question.. verb ask noun question If it looks like chicken, smells like chicken and tastes like chicken, what is it?

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Presentation on theme: "Ask a question.. verb ask noun question If it looks like chicken, smells like chicken and tastes like chicken, what is it?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Ask a question.

2 verb ask noun question

3 If it looks like chicken, smells like chicken and tastes like chicken, what is it?

4 If it looks like chicken, smells like chicken and tastes like chicken, what is it? It is…

5 eat chicken? do you Do you I usually eat chicken at home. Because I love chicken; It tastes delicious! I eat it on Sundays. Yes, I do. I sometimes eat it with my fingers, when it is roasted. Form the appropriate question for each answer. do you eat? of chicken Any kind is fine, but I prefer it in “Mole”.



8 What do you do? Is this seat taken? Do you live with your parents? Where do you live? Do you have an extra pen? Are you writing a letter? When are you comming? What kind of car do you drive? question concept How much money do you spend in transportation? question concept

9 Questions involving descriptions and verb be (adjectives or nouns) main verb = be … doesn’t need auxiliary adjective I saw a slim man He is slim. adjective Is he slim? He is a man. noun Is he a man?

10 main verb = be … doesn’t need auxiliary Question Concept A man with grey hair What color is his hair? His hair is grey. How old is he? … age What time is it? … hour question concept Question Word Where is that man? … place How is that man? … state, condition Who is that man? … Information

11 When the answer of a question is the subject, they are called… Subject questions and they don’t need auxiliary Who wrote Hamlet? Shakespeare (Shakespeare wrote Hamlet) subject Which Australian city held the Summer Olimpics in 2000? Sydney held them. subject

12 -Each of you write one question in your notebook; just the question, not the answer. - It could be.. an Explanation Question with verb BE an Explanation Question with other verbs a Subject Question Don’t write a yes / no question. You have 2 minutes…go! -Form teams of four students, read all your questions and correct them if needed; they must be different form each other. -Write each question in one of the papers provided by the teacher. You have 6 minutes…go!

13 - Everybody stands up and remove the tables and chairs to the walls. - Divide the group in two with the same amount of students and have your questions with you. - Make two circles of students, one involving the other and facing each other. -Ask your question to the person you’re facing, listen to the answer, swap roles and after that exchange your papers. -The students in the outer circle step once to your write. -Repeat the exercise asking and answering the questions.

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