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Colleen Williams Department of Health Yorkshire and Humber Region 11 January 2008 Health in Strategic Environmental Assessment:

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1 Colleen Williams Department of Health Yorkshire and Humber Region 11 January 2008 Health in Strategic Environmental Assessment:

2 Health in SEA Health in SEA draft Guidance Written by Department of Health in close collaboration with the Health Protection Agency and in consultation with the Department for Communities and Local Government and Environment Agency Based on current good practice Overseen by the Health and SEA Working Group Complements other SEA topic guidance (e.g. Biodiversity, Landscape etc) It will be amended in the light of responses to the consultation and provide a short published version and a more detailed web based version with links to evidence

3 Health in SEA Aims of the Guidance To inform the health community _how to get involved _when to get involved _what data to provide To inform planners/Responsible Authorities – what data are available and where –health determinants to consider during scoping –who/when to consult ‘health

4 Health in SEA Strategic Environmental Assessment Directive 2001/42/EC “on the assessment of the effects of certain plans and programmes on the environment” Transposed into law by Environmental Assessment of Plans and Programmes Regulations 2004 Regulations do not add requirements to Directive Guidance: all-UK “Practical Guide to the SEA Directive” (September 2005) Sustainability Appraisal of Regional Spatial Strategies and Local Development Documents (November 2005) Other guidance for Wales and Scotland, and sectoral guidance including transport, river basin management etc.

5 Health in SEA SEA Requirements “Responsible Authorities” preparing a plan or programme must: 1.Prepare an Environmental Report on likely significant effects of “draft [i.e. proposed] plan or programme” - including effects on “human health” 2.Consult public and designated environmental authorities on draft plan/programme and Environmental Report 3.Take findings into account in decision making 4.Provide information on plan/programme when adopted 5.Monitor the effects of implementing plan/programme

6 Health in SEA Why is a health response required? Article 5 and Annex 1 An Environmental Report should be written that includes an assessment of… “the likely significant effects on the environment, including on issues such as biodiversity, population and human health, flora, fauna, soil, water, air, climatic factors, material assets, cultural heritage… and the interrelationship between the above factors.”

7 Health in SEA Planning Levels and Assessments POLICY Example: National transport strategy PLAN Example: Long-term national road strategy PROGRAMME Example: West Midlands 5-year road building programme PROJECT Example: Construction of a section of a motorway SEA/ SA EIA HIA

8 Health in SEA What does SEA apply to? Land use and Spatial Plans Regional Spatial Strategies Local Development Documents Minerals Plans Waste Plans Non Planning Regional Economic Strategies Transport Plans Community Strategies Waste Strategy 2000 River Basin Management Plans Oil, gas, offshore windfarm licensing rounds Nuclear Decommissioning Strategy

9 Health in SEA Stages of SEA A: Screening + Baseline B: Scoping + Alternatives C: Impact Assessment D: Environmental Report E: Monitoring

10 Health in SEA Broad interpretation of health

11 Health in SEA Who to contact on population health National plans and programmes – Department of Health, Health Improvement and Protection Directorate Regional plans and programmes - first contact the Regional Director of Public Health (RDsPH) Local plans and programmes - for same geographical area as the local Primary Care Trust (PCT) contact in the Director of Public Health Regional / Local - for a plan or programme covering more that one PCT, consult with both the RDPH and each of the relevant PCTs for the area

12 Health in SEA DPH expertise required Significant effects on the population’s health and well-being Consideration of health impacts, especially in scoping, objective setting, assessment and monitoring as appropriate Consultation at scoping & Environmental Report Signposting public health information & evidence Advise on the interpretation of health information SEA and Environmental Report quality Monitoring population’s health information

13 Health in SEA Draft Guidance provides Information SEA and Sustainability Appraisal and other related assessments Coverage of health and how health organisations contribute to SEA Potential health sector input in the Stages of SEA Examples of health impacts by types of plan or programme Examples of health evidence for SEA topics Health organisations and their sources of health information

14 Health in SEA Responses Very positive response with suggestions for improvement Workshop notes and 58 written responses, some individual others on behalf of groups

15 Health in SEA Themes from the responses Health as a consultation body and the need to underline the value of public health Changes to the structure, presentation, who the audience is and joint publication with Communities and Local Government Additional topics to be covered in the guidance Scope of health topics and need for a potential pre-stage before scoping of the SEA Clarification of Director of Public Health (DPH) and Regional Director of Public Health (RDPH) roles and Responsible Authority roles and responsibilities and suggestions for standardising health input Content, length and terminology

16 Health in SEA Themes from responses HIA and other assessments and issues around equity and equality Relationship to other guidance Robustness, access to and links to data, especially locally and more information on evidence and tiering Information on indicators and monitoring Accountability, consultation and performance Resources for carrying out the health part of the assessment Training and capacity building

17 Health in SEA Gaps in topics and Content and How RAs apply the data Regulatory Impact Assessment Links between SEA and Water Framework Directive Table showing the interrelationship between health and all the SEA topics. Number of plans to expect PH & Information Specialists Climate change & mental health Planning Policy Statements SEA Protocol & Manual Content Mental well-being Skin cancer, ultraviolet radiation and shade creation Social care and social inclusion Waste generation and management Pest control Sustainable communities Social cohesion, inclusion and social capital Emerging technologies in environmental control, building design etc Health Topics

18 Health in SEA Health as Consultation Body Members States shall designate the authorities to be consulted which, by reason of their specific environmental responsibilities are likely to be concerned by the environmental effects of implementing plans and programmes. Issue: Which health organisation has environmental responsibilities? Options being considered: 1.National/Regional/Local arrangements different according to which level is concerned with DH/CMO, SHA,PCT DsPH 2.HPA as Statutory Consultee for all levels 3.Use existing legislation to involve health 4.Specify health organisations in Article 6.4 5.Local Authorities as environmental health statutory consultees. 6.SHAs as Statutory Consultees

19 Health in SEA Way forward Need to agree if/which health organisation(s) could be Consultation Body(ies) Negotiate with Communities and Local Government Two types of guidance A)Short paper based document for reference B)Web based version with access to links on evidence, different sections for different audiences Process Consultation responses document to be published Draft document outlines to the Health in SEA Liaison Group January

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