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Group differences in opinions. Effect of education Patterns Interest and involvement Social issues Economic issues Foreign affairs.

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Presentation on theme: "Group differences in opinions. Effect of education Patterns Interest and involvement Social issues Economic issues Foreign affairs."— Presentation transcript:

1 Group differences in opinions

2 Effect of education Patterns Interest and involvement Social issues Economic issues Foreign affairs

3 Explaining the effect of education “Indoctrination” Content of schooling Views of teachers “Enlightenment” general effects of education/knowledge implications for politics Implications of the two views

4 Important group differences Race/Ethnicity Religion – Denomination – Religiosity Education Economic status Region Generation: contrast with age Gender

5 Classifying Opinions Economic: Liberal vs. conservative Social: Liberal vs. conservative Foreign affairs: Internationalist vs. isolationist Use of force Party identification Relation to liberal/conservative

6 Patterns Economic: blacks, lower income, Catholics & Jews, North (especially Northeast) more liberal Social: educated, less religious, younger generations, Northeast and West coast, women more liberal Foreign: educated more internationalist, blacks and women less in favor of force Party: Blacks, Jews, Catholics, non-religious, lower income, women more Democratic. Southern whites more Republican.

7 Why do group differences exist? Interests General values and beliefs Differential association Continuity of group Application to explaining why group differences are larger or smaller

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