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Potassium & Wheat February 2016 West Midlands Group.

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1 Potassium & Wheat February 2016 West Midlands Group

2 Potassium

3 Potassium Samples <50 mg/kg: 33% 32% Total samples: 2265 1982

4 Potassium

5 Potassium Dandaragan 2015  Mace wheat  13 Treatments  Replicates x 3  Different K sources: MOP, SOP,  Different rates of application  Different timing of applications DepthNO 3 - NH 4 + OCPPBIKSCuZnpHAl 0-10cm1420.6929353860.640.305.10.6 10-20cm820.5919443250.630.154.64.8 20-30cm310.318453260.310.024.55.3

6 Potassium Dandaragan 2015 Total (kg/ha) TmtK at seedingK PSPEK 4WAS KNPS 1 0881516 2120 Gusto Gold 14911621 335 MOP 17881516 440 SOP 17881523 5 35 MOP topdress 17881516 635 MOP35 MOP topdress 35881516 760 MOP 30881516 870 SOP 30881528 9 60 MOP topdress 30881516 10 60 MOP topdress30881516 11100 MOP 50881516 12 100 MOP topdress 50881516 13 100 MOP topdress50881516 BasalSeeding - banded4 WAS7WAS All plots70L MAXamFLO80 UreaPlus70L UAN All excl 2.75kg MAPSZC

7 Potassium Dandaragan West 2015

8 Potassium Dandaragan 2015, yields

9 Potassium Dandaragan 2015, growth and yield notes  Treatments were not found to be significantly different (p=0.0501)  Yield from low SOP rate was unusually high  No toxicity observed from MOP up to 100 kg/ha  General trend of increased yield with increasing K rate.

10 Potassium Dandaragan 2015, yield with K rate

11 Potassium Dandaragan 2015, soil test predictions Nutrient Demand kg/ha Low Yield 2 t/ha Target Yield 3 t/ha High Yield 4 t/ha N5494130 Application rate required P6912 to achieve target yield K242831 S345

12 Potassium Dandaragan 2015, yield with K rate

13 Potassium Dandaragan 2015, source of K and placement

14 Potassium Dandaragan 2015, financial analysis

15 Potassium Dandaragan 2015, key messages  Mace wheat responded positively to K  Source of K (MOP or SOP product) and timing had minimal impact on growth or yield response  Drilled MOP at 100 kg/ha produced greatest yield and return but, overall, drilled K was no better or worse than topdressed applications.  SummitQ soil test modelling produced reliable recommendation of K rates  Grain quality characterized by low hectolitre weights, but increasing K improved both hectoliter and screenings quality aspects

16 Potassium elsewhere

17 Potassium Esperance 2015

18 Potassium Esperance 2015, yields

19 Potassium Esperance 2015, rate response

20 Potassium Esperance 2015

21 Potassium Corrigin 2015

22 Nitrogen x Phosphorus +/- Potash Ballidu 2015  N 4, 25, 50, 75 kg/ha  P 0, 6, 12, 18 kg/ha  K 0, 25 kg/ha DepthNO 3 - NH 4 + OCPPBIKSCuZnpHAl 0-10cm1210.514123661.30.315.470.5 10-20cm1.30.7 15 354 4.473.1

23 Nitrogen x Phosphorus +/- Potash Ballidu 2015

24 Nitrogen x Phosphorus +/- Potash Ballidu 2015, response curves

25 Nitrogen x Phosphorus +/- Potash Ballidu 2015

26 Potassium Key messages  Responses variable and rainfall dependent  Some evidence of higher yield responses to SOP- based products but not conclusive  early performance encouraging.  Supplement K in high yield years.  Drilled/banded performed better than topdressed  No toxicity observed from MOP (up to 100 kg/ha at Dandaragan, 50 kg/ha elsewhere)  Balanced, adequate nutrition maximizes returns

27 @summitfertz

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