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Welcome to 6 th Grade Math with Miss Gannon!. Agenda JIMS Expectations – SOAR! Lockers Cell Phone Policy Supplies Agendas Communication Methods Hallway.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to 6 th Grade Math with Miss Gannon!. Agenda JIMS Expectations – SOAR! Lockers Cell Phone Policy Supplies Agendas Communication Methods Hallway."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to 6 th Grade Math with Miss Gannon!

2 Agenda JIMS Expectations – SOAR! Lockers Cell Phone Policy Supplies Agendas Communication Methods Hallway Conduct

3 SOAR S – Safety O – Order A – Accountability R – Respect

4 Lockers Students will have a locker in their homeroom Students are allowed to use locker 3 times per day Morning Homeroom, After 4 th Period, Afternoon Homeroom We will practice opening student lockers during first few weeks!

5 Cell Phone Policy ALL 6 th Grade Homeroom teachers will collect 6 th grade student cell phones and lock up until dismissal. If students need to contact home, or parents/guardians need to contact student, the main office phone will be used. – We assure you that you & your child will be able to communicate through the main office line during the day if need be!

6 Supplies Bring in on the first day of school - Monday, Aug 17 th ! PLEASE DO NOT SET UP YOUR STUDENT’S BINDER! We will set those up together with students on Tuesday Sixth Grade Supply List & Wish List

7 Agendas Each student will receive a JIMS Agenda Homework assignments will be recorded in Agendas along with other important information. Agendas are used for hallway passes

8 Communication Orange Folders – Interims and Report Cards Agendas – homework assignments & assessment dates Notebook Log School phone – (843)-762-2784 EMAIL*** Teacher Website found on JIMS website

9 Hallway Conduct 6 th graders will follow a specific walking pattern from when transitioning from class to class All 6 th grade core content classes are in this hallway – no need to worry about getting lost Level 0 and Level 1 voices

10 Questions?

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