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Agile Methods from a CMM Perspective Mark C. Paulk March 17-19, 2004 USC Agile Experiences Workshop

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1 Agile Methods from a CMM Perspective Mark C. Paulk March 17-19, 2004 USC Agile Experiences Workshop

2 2 Process Management Premise The quality of a (software) system is largely governed by the quality of the process used to develop and maintain it. This premise implies focus on process as well as product. The value of this premise is visible world-wide in the Total Quality Management movements in the manufacturing and service industries.

3 3 Process Management and the Known Management must deal with both the known and the unknown. Process management focuses on the known, on controlling repeatable (if not repetitive) processes. -mechanisms for managing the known include quality assurance, configuration management, peer reviews, etc. Risk management focuses on the unknown. -mechanisms for managing the unknown include evolutionary and incremental life cycles, on-site customers, prototyping, etc. Agile methods emphasize dealing with the unknown and volatility. Disciplined processes emphasize organizational learning and avoiding known problems.

4 4 Competent people (and heroics) Defect Prevention Technology Change Management Process Change Management Continuous process improvement Product and process quality Engineering processes and organizational support Project management processes Quantitative Process Management Software Quality Management Organization Process Focus Organization Process Definition Training Program Integrated Software Management Software Product Engineering Intergroup Coordination Peer Reviews Requirements Management Software Project Planning Software Project Tracking & Oversight Software Subcontract Management Software Quality Assurance Software Configuration Management LevelFocusKey Process Areas Initial Optimizing 1 Repeatable 2 3 Managed 4 5 Defined Software CMM v1.1

5 5 Mapping XP to Software CMM RM   OPF  QPM SPP   OPD  SQM SPTO   TP SSMISMDP  SQA  SPE  TCM SCM   IC   PCM PR   partially addressed in XP   mostly addressed in XP (perhaps by inference) (in the appropriate environment)

6 6 Mapping Crystal Clear to Software CMM RM   OPF  QPM SPP   OPD  SQM SPTO   TP SSMISMDP SQA SPE   TCM SCM  IC  PCM PR    partially addressed in Crystal Clear   mostly addressed in Crystal Clear (perhaps by inference) (in the proper environment)

7 7 Mapping Scrum to Software CMM RM   OPF  QPM SPP   OPD  SQM PTO   TP SSMISMDP SQA   SPE   TCM SCM  IC  PCM PR  partially addressed in Scrum   mostly addressed in Scrum (perhaps by inference) (in the proper environment)

8 8 Software CMM vs Agile Methodologies Software CMM tells what to do in general terms, but does not say how to do it. Agile methodologies are sets of best practices that contain fairly specific how-to information – an implementation model. Practices of agile methodologies may fit within a Software CMM context not be mandated by the Software CMM practice may not completely address the intent of the practice (or goal or key process area) (appear to) violate accepted “good software engineering”

9 9 Using Software CMM and Agile Methodologies Appropriately Software CMM focuses on the management issues associated with putting effective and efficient processes in place, along with systematic process improvement. Agile methodologies prescribe a specific set of practices that is effective within a specific context. Both have good ideas that can be synergistic… particularly in conjunction with other good engineering and management practices.

10 10 Caveats Agile methodologies, as published, should not be used without careful consideration (and tailoring) for life-critical or high-reliability systems by large and/or virtual teams Agile methodologies can be tailored, changed, and “improved” for different environments… -consider extensions to deal with, for example, safety, reliability, and security, “-ilities” as needed for particular domains … but will the emergent properties that provide value in its proper context still emerge?

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