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Confirming the Shared Lives model with John Dickinson Head of Shared Lives

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Presentation on theme: "Confirming the Shared Lives model with John Dickinson Head of Shared Lives"— Presentation transcript:

1 Confirming the Shared Lives model with John Dickinson Head of Shared Lives

2 Last year the England Committee discussed concerns at the way in which the Shared Lives model was facing threats and being gradually eroded at the edges. These concerns were brought to a workshop at the UK Conference

3 The Threats Financial climate Asking more for less Challenge to Shared Lives processes Erosion of the model schemes doing additional things - a good thing Integration of similar services Regulations becoming less process driven – pressure from commissioners Demography Shared Lives carers are getting older – harder to recruit – risk of lowering standards

4 Opportunities Fit with Government Policy local and personalised building stronger communities Cost effective model of care and support evidenced by the Business Case for Shared Lives Relatively easy to diversify different client groups different but related service types

5 Discussed what is special about Shared Lives Sharing home and family life Shared Lives Carers are all sorts of people A partnership between Shared Lives Carers, the Scheme and the people in Shared Lives arrangements Its about active citizenship

6 What is it that we need to defend? Unique defining points – sharing home and family life? Critical processes? Shared Lives carer assessment and training Panel Matching Ongoing monitoring and support Hard won exemptions from other Regulations H&S, Environmental Health, Food safety, Fire Regs. Houses in Multiple Occupation etc. HMRC, Insurance and other benefits

7 So what did we agree? The Shared Lives model is worth defending We need to draw the line between what is and isn’t Shared Lives Need to agree what are the key defining features of Shared Lives Need to decide which key processes should always be in a Shared Lives Scheme Decide what we call the other things that a Shared Lives Scheme does?

8 What we agreed to do discussion to take place in all Branches and as many carer groups as possible using 20 scenarios to help define what is and isn’t Shared Lives Also to discuss key processes that should always feature in a Shared Lives scheme To come up with a clear statement of What is Shared Lives? All of this has taken place during the year....

9 The Results Consensus about what the key defining features of Shared Lives should be: Sharing of the Shared Lives carer’s home and family (community) life and, being an approved Shared Lives carer and part of a Shared Lives Scheme Consensus about what isn’t Shared Lives Agreed about the most important processes............

10 Shared Lives carer assessment and training getting the right people Panel Quality assuring the decision about approval Matching Its more chemistry than process Ongoing monitoring and support Making the partnership work

11 What we are doing about it? Producing a clear statement about what is and isn’t Shared Lives Updating our Guidance to be available online to all members and updated and added to regularly Updating our learning materials (LTR revisited) which match guidance and address learning needs of both workers and Shared Lives carers - online for all members and updated and added to and updated regularly Looking at the potential to have a Charter Mark or some other type of Quality Award possibly accredited by NICE (they are looking at quality standards for care at moment)

12 Question: Are there other things we should be doing to protect the Shared lives model?

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