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Petty WEEK 1 Part of Speech: Adjective Definition: Not important
Sentence: When we divided the lunch bill, it seemed petty to argue over who would pay the extra five cents. Question: What are some other things that are too petty to argue about?
venture Part of Speech: Noun
Definition: A risky or uncertain undertaking Sentence: The business venture turned out to be a financial disaster. Which of these are ventures? A guaranteed success A bet An adventure into the unknown A sure chance Question: Are there any ventures you might like to be involved in? What are they? Why would you be willing to take the risk?
whim Part of Speech: Noun Definition: A sudden idea to do something Sentence: I’d planned to clean out my closet today, but on a whim, I decided to go roller-skating. Question: What are some things you sometimes do on a whim?
Quizzical Part of Speech: Adjective
Definition: Expressing Doubt or Questioning Sentence: Mom looked quizzical when she received a birthday card from someone whose name she didn’t recognize. Question: Which words mean the same as quizzical? Perplexed Certain Convinced Confused
Week 2 Moderate Part of Speech: Adjective
Definition: Not too much or too little Sentence: Moderate amounts of dark chocolate have health benefits, but don’t overdo it. Question: Which word or words mean about the same as moderate? A large amount A fair amount In the middle Excessive Average
fiasco Part of Speech: Noun Definition: A complete failure Sentence: The pool party was a fiasco due to the lightning storm. Question: Give an example of something you tried that turned into a fiasco.
Gritty Part of Speech: Adjective Definition: Feeling like sand
Sentence: After the dentist drilled my tooth, I felt something gritty in my mouth. Question: What words mean about the same as gritty? Wet Rough Sandy Smooth
Contemplate Part of Speech: Verb Definition: to think about for a long time Sentence: Jeremy took some time to contemplate the question before he answered it. Question: What type of decisions cause you to contemplate?
Week 3 Diplomatic Part of Speech: Adjective Definition: Skillful at dealing with people Sentence: My teacher is so diplomatic at giving feedback that I never get my feelings hurt when she corrects me. Question: Describe someone you know who is diplomatic.
taunt Part of Speech: Verb
Definition: To tease or make fun of; to mock Sentence: The zookeeper had to reprimand some teenagers who were taunting the lion by poking sticks through the bars of its cage. Question: Which words mean about the same as taunt? Jeer at Help Praise Ridicule
jester Part of Speech: Noun Definition: Someone who always jokes or acts playfully Sentence: Always the jester, Billy showed up for the field trip wearing his sister’s bunny slippers. Question: Do you know anyone who is a jester? Is this person fun to be around? Why?
Obsolete Part of Speech: Adjective Definition: No longer in use Sentence: Just as CDs made records a thing of the past, DVDs made videocassettes obsolete. Question: Name some other objects that have become obsolete.
Week 4 Exaggerate Part of Speech: Verb
Definition: To make something seem larger, more important, or more valuable than it actually is Sentence: Tall tales usually exaggerate and attribute superhuman traits to the characters. Question: Tell about a time when you exaggerated to make something more interesting or humorous.
tendency Part of Speech: Noun
Definition: A likelihood of behaving in a certain way Sentence: A puppy has a tendency to chew on things. Question: Which of these describe a tendency? A pattern of doing something A predictable behavior An unexpected event A complete surprise What do you have a tendency to do?
persistent Part of Speech: Adjective
Definition: 1. Not giving up 2. Lasting a long time Sentence: The persistent hikers finally overcame the last obstacle and reached the summit. Their ordeal left them with persistent aches and pains. Question: Which definition is being used? The persistent runner was determined to break the world record for the mile. The teacher gave Ana a lecture for her persistent talking. The persistent salesperson wouldn’t take no for an answer. Jane’s parents worried about her persistent cough.
extricate Part of Speech: Verb Definition: To set free from a difficult or embarrassing situation. Sentence: The bear struggled to extricate itself from the net. Question: Describe a time when you had to extricate yourself or someone else from an uncomfortable situation. Where were you and how did you extricate yourself or the other person?
Week 5 Frontier Part of Speech: Noun
Definition: The farthest reaches of the settlement, exploration, or knowledge. Sentence: There are few geographic frontiers remaining on Earth, but science has many new frontiers to explore. Question: What do you think some new frontiers in science may be in the 21st century?
Flaunt Part of Speech: Verb Definition: To display noticeably
Sentence: My cousin loves to flaunt her expensive clothes whenever she has a chance. Question: Which word or words mean about the same as flaunt? Parade around Show off Cover up Exhibit Hide
Terminology Part of Speech: Noun Definition: The special vocabulary used in a particular business, science, or art. Sentence: Words like byte, software, and operating system are examples of computer terminology. Question: Can you give examples of the terminology used in another field of science?
Digit Part of Speech: Noun Definition: 1. A Numeral 2. A Finger or Toe Sentence: How many digits are in the number one million? Do you have enough digits to represent all those zeros? Question: Which animals have digits similar to a human’s?
Perennial Week 6 Part of Speech: Adjective
Definition: Lasting through the year or for many years; constant Sentence: Perennial flowers, such as roses and irises, are sure to bloom again next year. Question: What kinds of perennial plants can you name?
Comprehend Part of Speech: Verb Definition: To understand
Sentence: A good teacher can help you comprehend even difficult math problems. Question: Which words mean about the same as comprehend? Misinterpret Realize Grasp Know
Deception Part of Speech: Noun
Definition: A trick or lie meant to deceive someone. Sentence: The movie villain's deception to disguise his identity was uncovered by the clever detective? Question: Which words mean about the same as deception? dishonesty honesty hoax fraud truth
Immobile Part of Speech: Adjective Definition: Unable to move Sentence: A car is totally immobile without its battery. Question: How would you feel if you had to remain completely immobile for a long time?
Week 7 Avert Part of Speech: Verb Definition: 1. To turn away from 2. To prevent Sentence: A sudden noise made the driver avert his eyes from the road for an instant. Fortunately, he was able to avert an accident by refocusing on the traffic ahead. Question: Do you participate in any activities in which you need to be careful to avert serious injuries?
Majority Part of Speech: Noun
Definition: More than half or most of something Sentence: The majority of the students in my class ride a bus to school. The majority opinion is that riding the bus is fun. Question: Which of these mean about the same as majority? The greater number The most popular The largest part Only a few A little bit
Fastidious Part of Speech: Adjective Definition: Not easy to please. Sentence: The fastidious eater complained about every dish served at dinner. Question: Who is the most fastidious person you know? Why?
Lunge Part of Speech: Verb Definition: To move forward suddenly.
Sentence: The kitten lunged at my fish sandwich. Question: Which of these mean about the same as lunge? To come after someone To jump toward To lean back To sit down To attack
Array Week 8 Part of Speech: Noun
Definition: 1. A large or impressive group or display. 2. Beautiful or splendid clothing. Sentence: An array of brightly colored flowers lined the parade route. Soon, the queen appeared in a royal array. Question: What sort of array would you like to wear?
Promotion Part of Speech: Noun
Definition: A move upward in position or grade. Sentence: My mother’s promotion at work meant that we could afford music lessons. Question: Which words mean about the same as promotion? Improvement Advancement Demotion Increase Decline
Reluctant Part of Speech: Adjective Definition: Unwilling Sentence: The young boy was reluctant to jump into the deep end of the pool. Question: Give an example of something you are reluctant to do.
Confront Part of Speech: Verb Definition: To meet or face boldly.
Sentence: I decided to confront my brother about using my bike without permission. Question: Which word or words mean about the same as confront? hide avoid tackle deal with meet head-on
Week 9 Sensitive Part of Speech: Adjective
Definition: Physically or emotionally responsive Sentence: Because Felix is so sensitive to pollen, we need to be sensitive about bringing flowers into the house. Question: Name an example of a time when it is important to be sensitive?
Ambiguous Part of Speech: Adjective
Definition: Having more than one possible meaning; vague Sentence: The judge asked the witness to clarify her ambiguous answer. Question: Which words mean about the same as ambiguous? uncertain confusing definite unclear sure
Encumber Part of Speech: Verb Definition: To weigh down or burden. Sentence: The escaping robber was encumbered by the heavy sack of loot. Question: Give examples of things that might encumber someone from moving freely.
Benefactor Part of Speech: Noun Definition: Someone who gives generous assistance or a gift of money. Sentence: Mr. Lawson was one of the major benefactors for the new community swimming pool. Question: If you could be a benefactor, what kind of help would you like to give and to whom?
Week 10 Indispensable Part of Speech: Adjective
Definition: Absolutely necessary Sentence: Although we can live a long time without food, water is indispensable. Question: What is something that is indispensable to you.
Mortify Part of Speech: Verb Definition: To cause someone to feel terrible embarrassment. Sentence: At my graduation party, my brother mortified me when he began to sing off-key into the karaoke machine. Question: Tell about a time when you felt mortified? What made you feel mortified?
Finance Part of Speech: Noun/Verb Definition: 1. Affairs related to money 2. to provide money for someone or something Sentence: My mother has been very successful in finance. The profits from her investment helped finance our family’s restaurant. Question: What is something you would like to finance and how do you plan to finance it?
Bountiful Part of Speech: Adjective Definition: More than enough; plenty. Sentence: Because everyone brought something to eat, we had a bountiful amount of food for the potluck. Question: What is something bountiful in your life?
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