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Think: Pair: Share Last night’s homework: Find 3 examples of erosion on your way home or around your home. Did human activity have a role in any of them?

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Presentation on theme: "Think: Pair: Share Last night’s homework: Find 3 examples of erosion on your way home or around your home. Did human activity have a role in any of them?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Think: Pair: Share Last night’s homework: Find 3 examples of erosion on your way home or around your home. Did human activity have a role in any of them? Get with an elbow partner, share and discuss.

2 “A nation that destroys its soil destroys itself.” - Franklin D. Roosevelt

3 Essential Question: How Does Human Activity effect Earth’s Surface? Standard: S6E5H- DESCRIBE soil S6E5i- EXPLAIN effects of human activity on the erosion of earth’s surface S6E5J- EXPLORE methods for conserving Natural resources.

4 Who cares about dirt? WHnacBJ0&list=PL5BRja99NkXlOZq9cFiYCV6HIPvlaktsH&index=8





9 What is the composition of soil?

10 Composition of Soil AirAir WaterWater Soil ParticlesSoil Particles –Weathered rock and mineral particles such as clay, sand, and silt –Decomposed organic matter

11 Composition of Soil

12 Soil has many small spaces between individual soil particles that are filled with water or air.


14 Label your diagram

15 The rock and mineral fragments come from rocks that have been weathered. Most of these fragments are small particles of sediment such as clay, silt, and sand.


17 Organic matter is the remains of once living organisms. Organic matter can come from plant leaves, stems, roots, animals, and microorganisms.

18 Organic Matter in Soil

19 After organic matter gets into soil, fungi and bacteria cause it to decay (decompose). The decayed organic matter turns into humus, a source of nutrients for plants.

20 module10/Decomposition.htm


22 As worms, insects, and animals burrow through soil, they mix the humus with the fragments of rock.


24 Feeling Tired and Weathered Down? Mini Lab Break Weathering Review Snickers Lab weathering_snickers.pdf

25 Soil Layers (Horizons) Organic Matter

26 Soil Layers (Horizons) Top Soil (Horizon A) The topsoil has more humus and fewer rock and mineral particles than the other layers.

27 Subsoil (Horizon B) The subsoil has less organic matter and is lighter in color because it has less humus. Therefore, it is less fertile.

28 Parent Rock (Horizon C) Horizon C consists of partially weathered rock that gave rise to the soil horizons above it (parent rock).

29 Soil Layers (Horizons) Most Fertile Least Fertile

30 Soil can take thousands of years to form and is different depending on where it is formed.

31 Let’s Look at Our Soil From Yesterday’s Lab! Science Fair Review: - Independent (Manipulated Variable)? - Dependent Variable? - Controlled Variable? - Controls? - Controlled Experiment?

32 Sticky TOTD: Name 3 important functions of soil. Write your name.

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