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Chapter 2 Vocabulary Created By, Ms. Jennifer Duke.

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1 Chapter 2 Vocabulary Created By, Ms. Jennifer Duke

2 Chapter 2 Vocabulary Take out a piece of paper and pen or pencil. Copy down each of the following words and their definitions for future reference. You will turn in your word list and assignment at the end of the class period for credit.

3 WORD LIST Collaborate (v.)Squelch (v.) Despondent (adj.)Venerate (v.) Instigate (v.)Zealot (n.) Resilient (adj.) Retrospect (n.) Rudimentary (adj.) Scoff (v.)

4 Collaborate (v.) To work together on a project, cooperate in an effort

5 Despondent (adj.) Downhearted, hopeless, full of sadness

6 Instigate (v.) Moving others to action, to bring about, to stir up

7 Resilient (adj.) Able to recover quickly from harm

8 Retrospect (n.) Reviewing the past, considering past events

9 Rudimentary (adj.) Fundamental, necessary to learn first

10 Scoff (v.) To make fun of, mock, refuse to take seriously

11 Squelch (v.) To silence or suppress, crush

12 Venerate (v.) To respect deeply-- revere

13 Zealot (n.) A person totally devoted to a purpose or cause

14 WORD LIST Collaborate (v.)Squelch (v.) Despondent (adj.)Venerate (v.) Instigate (v.)Zealot (n.) Resilient (adj.) Retrospect (n.) Rudimentary (adj.) Scoff (v.)

15 Assignment Fill in the blanks with the appropriate word from your list. (We will correct at the end.) 1.Amelio was arrested after helping to _________ a plot to assassinate the president. 2.Jacob received a _________ education. He could sing his ABC’s but could not spell.

16 Assignment Fill in the blanks with the appropriate word from your list. 3.The runner who was behind in the first lap, didn’t allow his situation to ________ his hopes of winning. 4.Jerry was ________ because he was overcome with sadness.

17 Assignment Fill in the blanks with the appropriate word from your list. 5.The man who lost his job was _________ enough to recover from his misfortunes and find another job. 6.Thomas and Wendy ___________(ed) while working on a group project.

18 Assignment Fill in the blanks with the appropriate word from your list 7.A __________ when it comes to solving math problems, Luke worked nearly nonstop, sleeping only about four hours each night after homework. 8.The mean teacher _________(ed) at him telling him that he was hopeless and stupid.

19 Assignment Fill in the blanks with the appropriate word from your list 9.The rock star was so famous that he was ___________(ed) nationwide for his music. He was known as the greatest musician that ever lived. 10.In __________, when the race was finished, the runner was not a loser after all.

20 Correct Your Own Assignments If you miss one, circle the word and then write out the correct word. If you do this, you will receive full credit. You will need to study all of the words for the test, but especially the ones that you miss on the assignment. The assignment will tell you which words you need to study the most.

21 Fill in the blanks with the appropriate word from your list. (We will correct at the end.) 1.Amelio was arrested after helping to _________ a plot to assassinate the president. 2.Jacob received a _________ education. He could sing his ABC’s but could not spell. ANSWERS Instigate Rudimentary

22 Fill in the blanks with the appropriate word from your list. 3.The runner who was behind in the first lap, didn’t allow his situation to ________ his hopes of winning. 4.Jerry was ________ because he was overcome with sadness. ANSWERS Squelch Despondent

23 Fill in the blanks with the appropriate word from your list. 5.The man who lost his job was _________ enough to recover from his misfortunes and find another job. 6.Thomas and Wendy ___________(ed) while working on a group project. ANSWERS Resilient Collaborate

24 Fill in the blanks with the appropriate word from your list 7.A __________ when it comes to solving math problems, Luke worked nearly nonstop, sleeping only about four ours each night after homework. 8.The mean teacher _________(ed) at him telling him that he was hopeless and stupid. ANSWERS Zealot Scoff

25 Assignment Fill in the blanks with the appropriate word from your list 9.The rock star was so famous that he was ___________(ed) nationwide for his music. He was known as the greatest musician that ever lived. 10.In __________, when the race was finished, the runner was not a loser after all. ANSWERS Venerate Retrospect

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