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Bryan Fitzpatrick – Link Specialist.  Planning  Analysing your task  Research  Essays  Structure  Content  Criticality.

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Presentation on theme: "Bryan Fitzpatrick – Link Specialist.  Planning  Analysing your task  Research  Essays  Structure  Content  Criticality."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bryan Fitzpatrick – Link Specialist

2  Planning  Analysing your task  Research  Essays  Structure  Content  Criticality

3 Essay Topic: Discuss the effects of global warming on consumer behaviour Task: Analyse this topic

4 Use this process for essays and reports. Try out the Inspiration softwareInspiration

5 In the planning stage you should decide what information you need and where to search.  Consider where the information originated. Is the information accurate, current and relevant?  Record what sources of information you used – this helps you to reference information accurately.  Take notes of the information to be used. Keep the notes in a logical order

6  Structures will vary depending on the type of essay.  Classic 5 part essay is a good way to begin: 1.Introduction 2.Beginning 3.Middle 4.Ending 5.Conclusion Main body


8  essays should be written in flowing paragraphs without headings, bullet points or pictures.  Write clearly and avoid trying to convey too much information at once.  Start paragraphs with a sentence that indicates what the paragraph is about.  Try to link neighbouring paragraphs to ensure the essay reads smoothly and doesn't seem disjointed.  Consider who is reading the essay and ask yourself, "Will they understand what I have written?”  Task: Linking words

9 “Involving the objective analysis and evaluation of an issue in order to form a judgement.”

10 The most characteristic features of critical writing are:  a balanced presentation of reasons why the (ideas or) conclusions of other writers may be accepted or may need to be treated with caution  a clear presentation of your own evidence and argument, leading to your conclusion  a recognition of the limitations in your own evidence, argument, and conclusion

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