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Reminders.  Please divide your paper into 4 columns.  Label the top of the first column “word”  Please write the following words in the first column.

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Presentation on theme: "Reminders.  Please divide your paper into 4 columns.  Label the top of the first column “word”  Please write the following words in the first column."— Presentation transcript:

1 Reminders

2  Please divide your paper into 4 columns.  Label the top of the first column “word”  Please write the following words in the first column. Skip 8 lines between each word.  Efflorescence  Enmity  Decorous  Chorister  Bastion  Hiatus

3  You will now work with a person next to you or behind you to make an educated guess based on context clues what the definition of each word is. Write the sentence and your definition of each word.  The garden was efflorescence with brand new fragrant flowers.  I was at enmity with my boss for the way he treated me so poorly at the last meeting.  When I went to the dinner at the fancy restaurant I made sure I showed decorous behavior.  The chorister stood up and began to lead his group in glorious songs.  The bomb went off and destroyed the bastion of the castle, thus letting in the enemy.  After working for so many hours on my essay, I decided to take a hiatus.

4  Using a dictionary, write the part of speech (adjective, verb, noun) and the definition of each word.

5  Write a good sentence for each of the vocabulary words.  By good I mean that you can tell what the definition of the word is based on your sentence.  I have a bastion at my home. This is a horrible sentence because I have no idea what bastion is based on this sentence.  On Fridays you will have a test covering the spelling and definitions of each word. This is also the day that your vocabulary is due.

6  Please divide your paper into 4 columns.  Label the top of the first column “word”  Please write the following words in the first column. Skip 8 lines between each word.  voracious  Indiscriminate  Eminent  Steeped  Replete

7  You will now work with a person next to you or behind you to make an educated guess based on context clues what the definition of each word is. Write the sentence and your definition of each word.  After skiing, I find that I have a voracious appetite.  Modern warfare often results in the indiscriminate killing of combatants and innocent people.  The eminent author received the Nobel Prize for literature.  My cousin is so steeped in schoolwork that his friends call him a bookworm.  The football game was replete with excitement and great plays so no one knew who was going to win.

8  Using a dictionary, write the part of speech (adjective, verb, noun) and the definition of each word.

9  Write a good sentence for each of the vocabulary words.  By good I mean that you can tell what the definition of the word is based on your sentence.  I have a voracious appetite. This is a horrible sentence because I have no idea what voracious is based on this sentence.  On Fridays you will have a test covering the spelling and definitions of each word. This is also the day that your vocabulary is due.

10  I will read the story.  While I am reading you will underline/highlight words that you don’t know.  By this I mean that you can’t easily give a definition to if asked.  The amount of words you underline/highlight is up to you, but you must underline/highlight a minimum of 5 words.

11  Take out a clean sheet of paper and write “The Flea” on the top.  Fold your paper into 4 columns  Write each word you chose in the first column. Please skip 8 lines between each word.  In the second column copy the sentence from the story where that word is found.  Under the sentence write what you think the word means.  In the third column you will write a dictionary definition of the word that matches the sentence.  In the fourth column you will write a sentence that matches the definition of the word.

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