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1 MSWG, Amsterdam, December 15, 2005 DEISA security Jules Wolfrat SARA.

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1 1 MSWG, Amsterdam, December 15, 2005 DEISA security Jules Wolfrat SARA

2 MSWG, Amsterdam, December 15, 2005 2 DEISA objectives To enable Europe’s terascale science by the integration of Europe’s most powerful supercomputing systems. Enabling scientific discovery across a broad spectrum of science and technology is the only criterion for success DEISA is an European Supercomputing Service built on top of existing national services. This service is based on the deployment and operation of a persistent, production quality, distributed supercomputing environment with continental scope. The integration of national facilities and services, together with innovative operational models, is expected to add substantial value to existing infrastructures. Main focus is High Performance Computing (HPC).

3 MSWG, Amsterdam, December 15, 2005 3 The DEISA Supercomputing Environment IBM AIX Super-cluster –FZJ-Julich, 1214 processors, 6,8 teraflops peak –RZG – Garching, 748 processors, 3,8 teraflops peak –IDRIS, 1024 processors, 6.7 teraflops peak –CINECA, 512 processors, 2,6 teraflops peak –CSC, 512 processors, 2,6 teraflops peak –ECMWF, 2 systems of 2276 processors each, 33 teraflops peak BSC, IBM PowerPC Linux system (MareNostrum) 4864 processeurs, 40 teraflops peak SARA, SGI ALTIX Linux system, 1024 processors, 2.2 teraflops peak LRZ, Linux cluster (2.7 teraflops) moving to SGI ALTIX system (5120 processors and 33 teraflops peak in 2006, 70 teraflops peak in 2007) HLRS, NEC SX8 vector system, 646 processors, 12,7 teraflops peak.

4 MSWG, Amsterdam, December 15, 2005 4 The DEISA supercomputing Grid: a layered infrastructure Inner layer: a distrubuted super-cluster resulting from the deep integration of similar IBM AIX platforms at IDRIS, FZ-Julich, RZG-Garching and CINECA (phase 1) then CSC (phase 2). It looks to external users as a single supercomputing platform. Outer layer: a heterogeneous supercomputing Grid: –IBM AIX super-cluster (IDRIS, FZJ, RZG, CINECA, CSC) close to 24 Tf –BSC, IBM PowerPC Linux system, 40 Tf –LRZ, Linux cluster (2.7 Tf) moving to SGI ALTIX system (33 Tf in 2006, 70 Tf in 2007 –SARA, SGI ALTIX Linux cluster, 2.2 Tf –ECMWF, IBM AIX system, 32 Tf –HLRS, NEC SX8 vector system, close to 10 Tf

5 MSWG, Amsterdam, December 15, 2005 5 AIX SUPER-CLUSTER, September 2005 Full production status of dedicated (reserved bandwidth) 1 Gb/s network GPFS : Full production at FZJ, RZG, IDRIS, CINECA; CSC and ECMWF to follow JOB MIGRATION: test status in all sites CSC ECMWF Services Services: High performance datagrid via GPFS Access to remote files use the full available network bandwidth Job migration across sites Used to load balance the global workflow when a huge partition is allocated to a DEISA project in one site Common Production Environment

6 MSWG, Amsterdam, December 15, 2005 6 Heterogeneous Grid services roadmap Extension of GPFS to non-AIX Linus systems. GPFS will work also on the extended Grid. Extensions to SGI Altix is validated. MareNostrum can also be integrated in DEISA’s GPFS Workflow applications. Based on UNICORE plus further extensions coming from EU funded projects. Available today. Co-allocation. Needed to support Grid applications running on the heterogeneous environment. First generation co-allocation service to be implemented by Platform Computing Global data management. Implementing access to distributed data, fast data transfers across sites, hierarchical data management at a continental scale. First services expected in 2006 Science Gateways and Portals; Specific Internet interfaces to hide complex supercomputing environments from end users, and facilitate the access of new, non traditional users communities.

7 MSWG, Amsterdam, December 15, 2005 7 Technologies deployed Batch systems integrated between core sites (Loadleveler- MC) Transparent data access – Global file system –GPFS (MC) on IBM systems – high performance parallel filesystem, high throughput network needed between sites to achieve performance – dedicated network between sites, currently provided by GEANT and NRENs (1Gbps) –AFS (if GPFS not available) UNICORE for job submission in heterogeneous environment

8 MSWG, Amsterdam, December 15, 2005 8 DEISA AA (1) For both LL-MC and GPFS AuthX and AuthZ based on Posix ids Synchronization needed between sites of DEISA user ids and group ids User administration system build based on LDAP –Each site add DEISA users from their sites in LDAP system –Other sites extract information and update local user administration Duplicate ids avoided by using reserved ranges for each partner – for both uid and gid - also existing users get a new DEISA user id. GPFS also has mapping functionality e.g. xuid  uid1 (site A) and  uid2 (site B) – not used yet

9 MSWG, Amsterdam, December 15, 2005 9 User attributes example Title: Mr. Name: Jules Wolfrat Certificate subject: CN=Jules Wolfrat,O=sara,O=users,O=dutchgrid Nationality: NL Organisational Unit: SARA Science field: DEISA Staff Telephone number: +31 20 592 3028 E-mail address: Registrar: Jules Wolfrat Home directory: AFS Login shell: /bin/bash DEISA username: sar00005 DEISA UID: 700004 DEISA group: sar00005 DEISA GID: 700004 Active: Yes

10 MSWG, Amsterdam, December 15, 2005 10 DEISA AA (2) UNICORE AuthX and AuthZ based on X.509 certs Certificates accepted from EUGridPMA CAs –Except ECMWF, lifetime considered too long – they provide smartcards for users that need access – and then they can request certs with lifetime in order of 2 weeks from ECMWF CA LDAP system used for distribution of certs for addition to UUDB for UNICORE authZ – transition to DN based AuthZ now More fine grained authZ is under discussion – now access to site is yes/no

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