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Corporate Citizenship policy of Software Companies.

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1 Corporate Citizenship policy of Software Companies

2 In the 21 century Computer Software is one of the basic things, both people and companies need for their modern daily life and work. In the 21 century Computer Software is one of the basic things, both people and companies need for their modern daily life and work. Reducing software costs gives the possibility to companies to save money ready for investment in their output products instead of spending on software.

3 Commercial Sofware Companies : MicrosoftAppleAdobe Sun Microsystems Free Software Companies : RedhatCanonycalNovell Mandriva Software

4 What is Free Software? Free software is a software developed by people all over the world licensed under a specific License Agreement Called the GNU GPL. This license allow us freely to use/distribute/change every software licensed under the GPL license. Based on that license a millions of computer experts, enthusiasts and students joined together around the free software philosophy work together to create a product which is free for use and distribute. This product's name is GNU Linux.

5 GNU Linux is the main competitor of the commercial software solutions for the business in the Server markets. For more information about free software The GNU Free the audience can take a look at the Free Software Foundation website:

6 Typical examples for companies using the free software model Redhat Inc. -Company producing and selling Free Software Company Moto: What began as a better way to build software--openness, transparency, collaboration--soon shifted the balance of power in an entire industry. The revolution of choice continues. - Redhat Server Operating System. - Sponsoring the Fedora project ( which is basicly bleeding edge Redhat Enterprise Linux ) ‏

7 Canonical Canonical providing Open source engineering and support, helping in Development of Ubuntu GNU/Linux. providing Open source engineering and support, helping in Development of Ubuntu GNU/Linux. Ubuntu is one of the most popular GNU / Linux projects Ubuntu is one of the most popular GNU / Linux projects in the world. There company philosophy is based on the following statements: 1. Every computer user should have the freedom to download, run, copy, distribute, study, share, change and improve their software for any purpose, without paying licensing fees. 1. Every computer user should have the freedom to download, run, copy, distribute, study, share, change and improve their software for any purpose, without paying licensing fees. 2. Every computer user should be able to use their software in the language of their choice. 2. Every computer user should be able to use their software in the language of their choice. 3. Every computer user should be given every opportunity to use software, even if they work under a disability. 3. Every computer user should be given every opportunity to use software, even if they work under a disability.

8 How this companies make profit? Free labor hand Free labor hand A large community working on projects for free A large community working on projects for free Selling custom modified versions of the projects to their customers Selling custom modified versions of the projects to their customers Making profit from support of the product Making profit from support of the product Making profit from free community advertisement ( mouth to mouth, internet, tv, radio ) ‏ Making profit from free community advertisement ( mouth to mouth, internet, tv, radio ) ‏

9 Famous Corporations using Free Software for their services solutions. Google, Yahoo Nasa Amazon Novell Many, many more...

10 Community Benefits Receiving a fully working Product for Free Receiving a fully working Product for Free Everybody is able to modify and advance ( technology development is encouraged ) ‏ Everybody is able to modify and advance ( technology development is encouraged ) ‏ Everybody is able to distribute the product Everybody is able to distribute the product Helping society to better understand how software works Helping society to better understand how software works Keeping the product for the society Keeping the product for the society

11 Bibliography

12 Thank you for your attention ! Go ahead and ask your Questions ?

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