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Children’s Services Telephone: 0161 234 7084 Fax: 0161 274 7088 6th Floor Overseas House Quay Street Manchester.

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Presentation on theme: "Children’s Services Telephone: 0161 234 7084 Fax: 0161 274 7088 6th Floor Overseas House Quay Street Manchester."— Presentation transcript:

1 Children’s Services Telephone: 0161 234 7084 Fax: 0161 274 7088 6th Floor Overseas House Quay Street Manchester M3 3BB MONDAYTUESDAYWEDNESDAYTHURSDAYFRIDAYSATURDAYSUNDAY 123 4567 School Budget Share (SBS) Instalment 8910 111213 Feb and March Lease Information due 14 15 Spring Term Ends 1617 18192021222324 25 27 VAT reimbursement sent to bank 28 2930 March Vat Returns due 2 nd SBS Instalment 26 Financial Calendar 2011/12 April (i) List of outstanding MCC invoices as at 31 st March sent to schools (ii) Closedown pack sent to schools (iii) request for leases Feb & march sent to schools EASTER HOLIDAYS

2 Children’s Services Telephone: 0161 234 7084 Fax: 0161 274 7088 6th Floor Overseas House Quay Street Manchester M3 3BB MONDAYTUESDAYWEDNESDAYTHURSDAYFRIDAYSATURDAYSUNDAY 1 2 Bank Holiday 3 Summer Term starts April VAT Returns due 4 Final Year End reports deadline 5678 9101112131415 16 Early Years Count Budget Planning Week* 171819 May Pupil Census * 202122 2324 3 rd SBS Instalment 2526 VAT reimbursement sent to bank 27 (i )Final CFR (ii) Analysis of Reserves (iii) Term Ends 2829 Financial Calendar 2011/12 May 30 Half Term Holidays May be subject to change 31

3 Children’s Services Telephone: 0161 234 7084 Fax: 0161 274 7088 6th Floor Overseas House Quay Street Manchester M3 3BB MONDAYTUESDAYWEDNESDAYTHURSDAYFRIDAYSATURDAYSUNDAY 1345 6789101112 13141516171819 2021 4 th SBS Instalment 222324 (i) Deadline for submission of Statement of Internal Control (ii) Unofficial Funds Audit 2526 27282930 (I) Final date for submission of Governing Body approved Annual Budget, CFR & Analysis of Reserves (II) VAT reimbursement sent to bank (III )DFC payment Pupil Premium paid Financial Calendar 2011/12 June May VAT Returns due School Resumes 2 HALF TERM HOLIDAYS

4 Children’s Services Telephone: 0161 234 7084 Fax: 0161 274 7088 6th Floor Overseas House Quay Street Manchester M3 3BB MONDAYTUESDAYWEDNESDAYTHURSDAYFRIDAYSATURDAYSUNDAY 1 June VAT Returns Due 23 45678910 1112 5 th SBS Instalment 1314151617 1819202122 End of Summer Term 2324 25262728 VAT reimbursement sent to bank 293031 Financial Calendar 2011/12 July SUMMER HOLIDAYS

5 Children’s Services Telephone: 0161 234 7084 Fax: 0161 274 7088 6th Floor Overseas House Quay Street Manchester M3 3BB MONDAYTUESDAYWEDNESDAYTHURSDAYFRIDAYSATURDAYSUNDAY 1 July VAT due 234567 891011121314 15161718192021 2223 6 th SBS Instalment 2425 VAT Reimbursement sent to bank 262728 Financial Calendar 2011/12 August 2931 30 SUMMER HOLIDAYS

6 Children’s Services Telephone: 0161 234 7084 Fax: 0161 274 7088 6th Floor Overseas House Quay Street Manchester M3 3BB MONDAYTUESDAYWEDNESDAYTHURSDAYFRIDAYSATURDAYSUNDAY 1 August VAT Returns due 2 Autumn Term Starts 34 567891011 1213 7 th SBS Instalment 1415161718 19202122232425 262728 29 VAT reimbursement sent to bank 30 i DFC Payment Ii Pupil Premium Payment Financial Calendar 2011/12 September ALSO in September: Competencies Matrix (R20) – recorded in minutes of School Finance Committee, that School Governors have been briefed on this area of the Standard Register of Business Interests – approval recorded in minutes of School Finance Committee GB to ensure annual review of all items on the Asset Register and that a Portable Asset Log is being maintained To be reviewed and approved by GB and recorded in GB minutes; All Governing Body and sub-committee “Terms of Reference” Scheme of Financial Delegation and record of any changes made Whistle Blowing Policy Lettings and Charging Policy School Improvement Plan Finance and Operational Procedures Lease Template updated.

7 Children’s Services Telephone: 0161 234 7084 Fax: 0161 274 7088 6th Floor Overseas House Quay Street Manchester M3 3BB MONDAYTUESDAYWEDNESDAYTHURSDAYFRIDAY SATURDAY SUNDAY 31 12 3 Sept VAT Returns due 456 Early Years Count Autumn School Census 789 1011121314 Period 6 Budget Monitoring (April-Sept and cash flow must be discussed at School Finance Committee meeting & any actions recorded in minutes. 1516 1718192021 Deadline for receipt of April- Sept (P6) Budget Monitoring reports 2223 2425 8 th SBS Instalment 2627 VAT reimbursement sent to bank 282930 Financial Calendar 2011/12 October OCTOBER HALF TERM

8 Children’s Services Telephone: 0161 234 7084 Fax: 0161 274 7088 6th Floor Overseas House Quay Street Manchester M3 3BB MONDAYTUESDAYWEDNESDAYTHURSDAYFRIDAYSATURDAYSUNDAY 1 Oct VAT Returns due 23456 78910111213 14151617181920 2122 9 th SBS Instalment 2324 VAT Reimbursemen t sent to bank 252627 282930 Financial Calendar 2011/12 November

9 Children’s Services Telephone: 0161 234 7084 Fax: 0161 274 7088 6th Floor Overseas House Quay Street Manchester M3 3BB MONDAYTUESDAYWEDNESDAYTHURSDAYFRIDAYSATURDAYSUNDAY 1 November VAT Returns due 234 567891011 1213 10 th SBS Instalment 1415161718 19202122232425 262728 VAT reimbursement sent to bank 29 (i) Pupil Premium Payments (ii) DFC Payments 30 31 Financial Calendar 2011/12 December Christmas Holidays

10 Children’s Services Telephone: 0161 234 7084 Fax: 0161 274 7088 6th Floor Overseas House Quay Street Manchester M3 3BB MONDAYTUESDAYWEDNESDAYTHURSDAYFRIDAYSATURDAYSUNDAY 1 2 Bank Holiday 3 Spring Term starts December VAT Returns due 4`5678 9101112131415 16171819 Early years Count Jan Pupil Census * 20 Deadline for receipt of April- Dec (P9) Budget Reports 2122 2324 11th SBS Instalment 2526 VAT reimbursement sent to bank 272829 Financial Calendar 2011/12 January 1 May be subject to change 3130

11 Children’s Services Telephone: 0161 234 7084 Fax: 0161 274 7088 6th Floor Overseas House Quay Street Manchester M3 3BB MONDAYTUESDAYWEDNESDAYTHURSDAYFRIDAYSATURDAYSUNDAY 12345 678910 End of Term 1112 13141516171819 2021 12 th SBS Instalment 2223 VAT Reimbursemen t sent to bank 242526 27282930 Financial Calendar 2011/12 February January VAT Returns due SPRING HALF TERM

12 Children’s Services Telephone: 0161 234 7084 Fax: 0161 274 7088 6th Floor Overseas House Quay Street Manchester M3 3BB MONDAYTUESDAYWEDNESDAYTHURSDAYFRIDAYSATURDAYSUNDAY 1 February VAT Returns due 234 567891011 12131415161718 192021 13 th SBS Instalment 22232425 262728 29 VAT reimbursement sent to bank 30 End of Spring Term 31 (I) Final date for all cheque processing (ii) Final date for entering income onto system. Financial Calendar 2011/12 March NB-In March: MCC invoices should be processed as soon as they are received Year End Guidelines should be followed on or before 31 st March Lease template should be updated ready for return to Schools Finance when advised S251 Outturn Statement sent to Central Government at the end of March (published S251 to be advised later on in the year)

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