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© McGraw-Hill Higher Education. All Rights Reserved Body Composition Chapter Six.

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1 © McGraw-Hill Higher Education. All Rights Reserved Body Composition Chapter Six

2 © McGraw-Hill Higher Education. All Rights Reserved What Is Body Composition? Body composition is the body’s relative amounts of fat mass and fat-free mass

3 © McGraw-Hill Higher Education. All Rights Reserved Body fat includes two categories: –Essential fat is crucial for normal body functioning 3–5% of total body weight in males 8–12% of total body weight in females –Nonessential fat is storage or adipose tissue

4 © McGraw-Hill Higher Education. All Rights Reserved Body Composition of a typical man and woman (20-24 years old) Figure 6.1

5 © McGraw-Hill Higher Education. All Rights Reserved Defining Overweight and Obesity Overweight is defined as total body weight above the recommended range for good health; range are set by population scales More than 66% of American adults are now overweight (see Figure 6.2)

6 © McGraw-Hill Higher Education. All Rights Reserved Prevalence of Overweightness Weight has significantly increased over the years –1960 men weighed on average 166 –1960 women weighed on average 140

7 © McGraw-Hill Higher Education. All Rights Reserved Today Men on average weigh 191 Women on average weigh 164 Why has this happened?

8 © McGraw-Hill Higher Education. All Rights Reserved Fast Food? Sedentary? –Nearly 40% of adults are inactive Average Caloric consumption? –Increased more than 500 calories/day Technology?

9 © McGraw-Hill Higher Education. All Rights Reserved Defining Overweight and Obesity Obesity is defined as a more serious degree of overweight, characterized by excessive accumulation of body fat ≥39% body fat - women (30-35%) ≥25% body fat - men

10 © McGraw-Hill Higher Education. All Rights Reserved Excess Body Fat and Wellness As rates of overweight and obesity increase, so do the problems associated with them Obesity reduces life expectancy by 10-12 years and costs the U.S. 117 billion dollars annually

11 © McGraw-Hill Higher Education. All Rights Reserved Problems Associated with Overweight/Obesity Problems from excessive body fat include: Risk of Chronic Disease and Premature Death Performance of Physical Activity Emotional Wellness and Self-Image

12 © McGraw-Hill Higher Education. All Rights Reserved Healthy percent body fat –Men 8-19% –Women 21-32%

13 © McGraw-Hill Higher Education. All Rights Reserved Body Fat Distribution Distribution of body fat is an important indicator of health

14 © McGraw-Hill Higher Education. All Rights Reserved Body Fat Distribution There are two recognizable shapes Apple (fat stored in the abdominal region) Pear (fat stored in the hips, thighs, buttocks)

15 © McGraw-Hill Higher Education. All Rights Reserved Body Fat Distribution Excessive fat in the abdominal region increases the risk of many diseases such as: Diabetes Heart Disease Stroke Certain cancers Early mortality

16 © McGraw-Hill Higher Education. All Rights Reserved Problems Associated with Very Low Levels of Body Fat Not considered as prevalent problem as obesity, too little body fat is also dangerous Extreme leanness is linked to the following disorders: ReproductiveCirculatory Immune system Eating disorders have been associated with low percentages of body fat, especially in women See the box, “The Female Athlete Triad” page 175

17 © McGraw-Hill Higher Education. All Rights Reserved Calculating Body Mass Index Body Mass Index (BMI) is a measure that can classify risks, based on the concept that a person’s weight should be proportional to height To determine this, body weight in kilograms is divided by the square of height in meters Elevated BMI is linked to increased risk of disease, especially if associated with a large waist circumference

18 © McGraw-Hill Higher Education. All Rights Reserved BMI Weight in pounds / 2.2 = kg Height in inches x.0254 = meters Square meters Kg/m 2 See table 6.1 page 176

19 © McGraw-Hill Higher Education. All Rights Reserved Estimating Percent Body Fat There are many indirect methods that can provide an estimate of percent body fat Techniques include: Underwater weighing Skinfold caliper measurements Bodpod Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis (BIA) DEXA (Dual energy X-ray absorptiometry) TOBEC (Total body electrical conductivity) TOBEC (Total body electrical conductivity)

20 © McGraw-Hill Higher Education. All Rights Reserved Assessing Body Fat Distribution Two of the simplest forms to assess body fat distribution are: –Waist circumference –Waist to hip ratios Disease risk increases with total waist measurement of more than –40 inches for men –35 inches for women Disease risk increases with total waist-to-hip measurement above –0.94 for young men –0.82 for young women

21 © McGraw-Hill Higher Education. All Rights Reserved Setting Body Composition Goals If fat loss would benefit your health, set a realistic goal in terms of percent body fat or BMI If you have underlying health issues, check with your physician before setting a goal A little weight loss at a time can be very beneficial; focus on a healthy lifestyle including proper diet and exercise

22 © McGraw-Hill Higher Education. All Rights Reserved Making Changes in Body Composition Lifestyle should be your focus Include the following as part of a regular program: Regular physical activity Endurance Exercise Strength training Moderate energy intake Reassess your body composition occasionally during your program

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