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The Fall of Jerusalem Unit 7, Lesson 12. I. The Fall of Jerusalem A. Jerusalem fell to Babylon in 586 bc. B. How did God orchestrate the fall of Judah?

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Presentation on theme: "The Fall of Jerusalem Unit 7, Lesson 12. I. The Fall of Jerusalem A. Jerusalem fell to Babylon in 586 bc. B. How did God orchestrate the fall of Judah?"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Fall of Jerusalem Unit 7, Lesson 12

2 I. The Fall of Jerusalem A. Jerusalem fell to Babylon in 586 bc. B. How did God orchestrate the fall of Judah? –Leadership »a.Powerful foreign kings (Nebuchadnezzar and Neco) »b.Weak or foreign ruled kings of Judah i. Zedekiah was weak ii. Jehoiakim was ruled by Egypt and Babylon –Land »A. Progression of conquered land: East to West –People »A. People’s and rulers’ sin brought judgment »B. Second chances were ignored »C. People of Judah were sent from the land

3 II. This lesson could also be called, the downfall of Zedekiah, because his fate was the same as Jerusalem’s (Jeremiah 39-40:6) –What happened to Zedekiah? Ran away Captured by Babylonians Eyes put out and children killed in front of him –Who is Ebed-Melech and what did he do? A Cushite official in Zedekiah’s palace He saved Jeremiah from the cistern God saved him from the Babylonians because of his faith

4 III. What happened next? GedaliahIshmael Family Background From a family of court officials who were loyal to Jeremiah and God’s laws From the royal family, which had a history of opposing the Babylonians Political Leanings Pro-BabyloniansVERY Anti- Babylonian Goals and Methods Survival of Judah by careful cooperation with the Babylonians Survival of Judah by violent opposition to the Babylonians and their supporters

5 IV. The Remnant: a.The true remnant of Israel were found in Babylon. They would repent and seek the Lord. He would establish an everlasting covenant with them. God would punish the king of Babylon and his land. The people of Judah would return to their homeland. b.The basis of the remnant’s new relationship with God would be the New Covenant, based on God’s forgiveness of the sins of the remnant.

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