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Software Testing-STLC

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1 Software Testing-STLC
Software Testing Life Cycle Test Plan Test Scenarios Test Cases Test Execution Test Results Defect Reporting Defect Tracking Defect Closure Test Closure Report

As per finding the defects in Test results phase ,testers has to log a defects in defect management tools. For example hp qc , alm etc tools Each defect should be send to particular developers with proper details and attachments. Try to check the defect in another tester system also.

3 Software Testing-STLC
Test Plan : Test Plan describes about testing activities to performs on particular Software brief about Workflow of Testing. Test Plan Contains Overview of the Test Plan Scope of the Test Plan Related Documents Customers details Testing Strategy Testing Scope Risks Deliverables Test Scenarios and Test Cases

4 Software Testing-STLC
Testing Team Roles and Responsibilities Resource Plan Testing Schedules Test Environment Defect Reporting

5 Software Testing-STLC
Test Scenarios: Test scenarios are to identify what are the possible functionalities to be tested in software or any applications. Test Scenarios will prepare once the design documents are finalized.

6 Software Testing-STLC
Test Scenario Example: TS_Id Application Name Module TC_Name Test SCENARIO Condition TS_001 ECOMMERCE LOGIN TC_LOGIN Check Application displaying Login Screen TS_002 Check Login UI and usability TS_003 Check Menu bar

7 Software Testing-STLC
Test Cases: A test case describes what has to test in the software or application in order to verify all client requirements are working properly or not. You can find perfect test cases writing from below link

8 STLC-Test Execution In this phase Testers executing the test cases on given build where build note contains. Requirements Covered. Build ftp path with credentials Server details DB Queries to add in QA environment. Once above details are received from development team then we will start executing the test cases. According to test cases execution status (pass/fail) we will update the same in Test Cases document and reports the defects in Test ,Management Tools such as HP QC,ALM,Jira,Bugzilla etc.

9 STLC –Test Results In this phase as per test cases execution status (pass/fail) we will update the same in Test Cases document and reports the defects in Test ,Management Tools such as HP QC, ALM, Jira, Bugzilla etc. Here need to prepare daily execution report,how many test cases Major Minor Low Total

10 STLC – DEFECT TRACKING Once the defects are reported in Test management tools then developer will fix the defect and change the status as fixed. You will receive from development team that defect has been fixed , please verify once with new build. Testers will retest the same reported defect in given new build and mark the status as Close in case defect is fixed and in case still exist then the status will change as Re open. In this phase testers will track the defect with status in reports parts, version controls with different versions. You need to track reported ,fixed , closed and re open defects in test management tools.

11 STLC – DEFECT CLOSURE Once all reported defects are retested and closed then testers will prepare defect closure note with following details Open Defects Fixed defects Re open defects Rejected Defects Closed defects Total Defects

12 STLC – Test Summary Report
Once the Testing completed with regression testing then Tester has to prepare Test Summary Report ,it will contains below details. Application details. Resource Details. Functionality Tested. Functionality not tested. Defect Found with Number of Test Cycles , Regression Testing. What are the Open Defects still not fixed. Pre conditions before roll out in production.

13 Software Testing - STLC
Thank you for reading please provide your valuable comments or Suggestions.

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