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LEIR re-commissioning and other operational aspects First ideas for new tools and organization First draft re-commisisoning plan H. Bartosik, A. Huschauer,

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Presentation on theme: "LEIR re-commissioning and other operational aspects First ideas for new tools and organization First draft re-commisisoning plan H. Bartosik, A. Huschauer,"— Presentation transcript:

1 LEIR re-commissioning and other operational aspects First ideas for new tools and organization First draft re-commisisoning plan H. Bartosik, A. Huschauer, V. Kain 1

2 First ideas for LEIR OP controls upgrades; more to come.. 2 Short term (until start-up)Longer term Online YASP for injection and extraction transfer lines: -New particle transfers -Include TL elements+ hardware -Upload optics -Make rules, link rules -Treatment of BHN10 with function to be clarified Standardize cycle generation - Add flexibility: extraction and injection B_rho pre_defined -More beam processes -What about different ion species? Brho at extraction to PS? -Proper default values for all systems Organize equipstate: -Injection line, extraction line, ring power converters…. LSA settings: e.g. for gain and phase of damper Particle type/ mass over charge ratio parameter: -Defined for cycle in generation -But also trimmable to use clones of cycles LEIR monitor in JAVA – fully operational Quadrupole scan application More scanning applications: E-cooler,… More comprehensive logging

3 Who will prepare the new tools?  Trying to involve SPS/LHC OP and LEIR supervisors –In this way SPS/OP will become familiar with LEIR –Will need also support from CO  First meeting on 29 th of January 3 Goal of first meeting: - Description of status quo -What should be done short term/long term? -Who does what? -Mile stones in 2016 Goal of first meeting: - Description of status quo -What should be done short term/long term? -Who does what? -Mile stones in 2016

4 A propos YASP in the transfer lines  2016 run YASP with grids –3 ETL grids + 2 ITH grids   ITH grids 11 and 15 from strips to wires. –Also ITF BSG.05 to be equipped with wires: 16 wires, 3.5 mm spacing H and V  Or if possible 24, 2.5 mm spacing –ITH grid specs:  BSG11: 24x2 mm H, 24x1.5 mm V  BSG15: 24x3 mm both planes 4

5 A propos YASP longer term (possibly EYETS) As was mentioned last time:  Another grid at location of ETL.MTV10  Request for 13 BPMs along the line –Good linearity region +/- 15 mm In addition would like to get an acquisition at each injection at the BPMs and grids. 5

6 Also to be treated  COAST in LEIR?  Clean up timing users  Naming convention for LSA cycle names  Improvement of other applications: –Q-meter, upgrades for IPM application,...  How to quickly switch between species at least on the LEIR side? –What are the potential issues? –How much can be covered by the control system? 6


8 Re-commisisoning plan  Still need discussion with Django  Would like to include reference pictures as much as possible, to be done  Start up with EARLY cycle  When can we start in 2016? Last week of April? –Beam on beam stopper at the end of ETL (access in LEIR possible) 8 EARLY1Transfer line steering and injection -Select stripping foil with mean momentum close to typical mean momentum of all foils -Steer with YASP and grids. Verify on screens -Verify beam on ER.BTV12 after injection septum 2 d EARLY2Transfer line matching -Verify transfer functions and optics -Kick response,… -Upload new optics -Check: kick response, injection on screen,… 5 d

9 Re-commissioning plan  * IPAC 9 EARLY3Establish and tune circulating beam -Verify screen out -Damper off -E-cooler on, gun voltage straight -Fast accumulation bump on -Check long schottky and transmission -Increase transmission with tune, slow injection bump, e- cooler bump (incorporation rule: bump gone at capture) 2 d EARLY4Check out BI (except ring BPMs and extraction line BI) -All screens and logging -All grids and logging -BBQ: application, logging, etc… -BCT logging through cycle -IPM + application -... 2 d (4 d*)

10 Re-commissioning plan 10 EARLY5Set up RF capture -Iso-adiabatic capture h=1 -Set up acceleration -Check amplitude of injection bump (change incorporation rules): try to minimise with transferline steering with ½ 4c bumps on injection point -Set up radial loop -More details still from Maria Elena 2 d EARLY6Correct orbit through cycle -Orbit correction through cycle – beware of dispersion orbit -Set up B_train offset and injection B_rho: a)f_rev_correction = zero b)Long. Schottky: Adjust B_train offset to have capture frequency = frequency after beam centered by radial loop c)B_rho setting_up: adjust B_rho at injection to inject with +0.1% momentum offset (EARLY = NOMINAL) - iterate orbit correction (orbit well correct at radial pickups) 1 d

11 Re-commissioning plan 11 EARLY7Correct tunes and chromaticity through cycle - also check BPMs: kick response 1 d EARLY8Setting up of transverse damper -Details to be discussed with Freddy 2 d EARLY9Setting up of extraction -Details to be defined with Maria Elena (synchronization,…) -New bump to be defined with kickers as used -Measurements in extraction line and region to be defined (aperture,...) 2 d EARLYxTest stray field compensation -Mechanics only -Possibly already during hardware commissioning 1 d

12 Re-commissioning plan Relies on good hardware commissioning before. Total number of days: ~ 22 (IPAC factor not included) –Further details also required on time allocation Still need to collect comments and further details. What is missing? Need to add responsible per commissioning step 12 10Copy EARLY to NOMINAL - Cycle already prepared before 1 d NOMINAL11Increase number of injections -Test stray field compensation -Follow with e-cooler gun voltage and f_rev_correction 1 d NOMINAL12RF-capture double harmonic -e-cooler gun modulation & double harmonic -Adjust V program for acceleration 1 d

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