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Purdue Aeroelasticity

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1 Purdue Aeroelasticity
AAE 556 Aeroelasticity Lecture 5 – 1) Compressibility; 2) Multi-DOF systems Reading: Sections 2-13 to 2-14 Purdue Aeroelasticity

2 Purdue Aeroelasticity
Homework for Friday? Uncambered (symmetrical sections) MAC = 0 Purdue Aeroelasticity

3 Purdue Aeroelasticity
Flow compressibility has an effect on divergence because it affects the lift-curve slope Approximate the effect of compressibility by adding the Prandtl-Glauert correction factor for sub-sonic flow Plots as a curve vs. M Purdue Aeroelasticity

4 Purdue Aeroelasticity
But wait! – there’s more! Mach number depends on altitude and airspeed so two expressions must be reconciled Physics M=V/a Speed of sound, “a," depends on altitude (because it depends on temperature) Math Purdue Aeroelasticity

5 Choose an altitude, find the speed of sound
Reconciliation requires solving for MDiv by equating the math expression to the physics expression Choose an altitude, find the speed of sound square both sides of the above Purdue Aeroelasticity

6 Determining MD requires solving a quadratic equation
Purdue Aeroelasticity

7 Purdue Aeroelasticity
If we want to increase the divergence Mach number we must increase stiffness (and weight) to move the math line upward Even I know that! Just because I don’t care doesn’t mean I don’t understand. Purdue Aeroelasticity

8 Purdue Aeroelasticity
Summary Divergence condition is a stiffness based condition based on the concept of neutral stability leading to multiple equilibrium states Stability does not depend on the size of the external loads, although they may be sizable if you aren’t careful Lift curve slope is one strong determinator of divergence depends on Mach number Critical Mach number solution must be added to the solution process Purdue Aeroelasticity

9 MDOF system study goals
Identify similarities and differences between 1 DOF and MDOF models Define theoretical stability conditions for MDOF systems Reading - Multi-degree-of-freedom systems – Section 2.14 Purdue Aeroelasticity

10 Purdue Aeroelasticity
Develop a 2 DOF segmented aeroelastic finite wing model that represents it as two discrete aerodynamic surfaces with flexible connections Torsional springs fuselage wing tip wing root Torsional degrees of freedom Purdue Aeroelasticity

11 Purdue Aeroelasticity
Introduce “strip theory” aerodynamic modeling to represent twist dependent airloads Strip theory assumes that lift depends only on local angle of attack of the strip of aero surface why is this an assumption? Notice that q twist angles are measured from a common point Purdue Aeroelasticity

12 Purdue Aeroelasticity
The two twist angles are unknowns and we have to construct two free body diagrams Structural restoring torques depend on the difference between elastic twist angles Wing root Internal shear forces are present, but not drawn Wing tip Double arrow vectors are torques Purdue Aeroelasticity

13 Purdue Aeroelasticity
Result to work for with the next few slides– Lift re-distribution due to aeroelasticity Observation - Outer wing panel carries more of the total load than the inner panel as q increases Purdue Aeroelasticity

14 Torsional static equilibrium a special case of dynamic equilibrium
Arrange these two simultaneous equations in matrix form Purdue Aeroelasticity

15 Purdue Aeroelasticity
Summary Static equilibrium equations are necessary to solve aeroelastic problems Solution in terms of unknown displacements and known applied loads Matrix equation order, sign convention and listed ordering of unknowns is important Purdue Aeroelasticity

16 Problem solution outline
Combine matrices on the left hand side The aeroelastic stiffness matrix is Solve for q1 and q2 Purdue Aeroelasticity

17 Purdue Aeroelasticity
The solution for the q’s requires inverting the aeroelastic stiffness matrix Purdue Aeroelasticity

18 The aeroelastic stiffness matrix determinant is a function of q
The determinant is where When dynamic pressure increases, the determinant D tends to zero – what happens to the system then? Purdue Aeroelasticity

19 Purdue Aeroelasticity
Plot the aeroelastic stiffness determinant D against dynamic pressure (parameter) Dynamic pressure parameter determinant The determinant of the stiffness matrix is always positive until the air is turned on Purdue Aeroelasticity

20 Solve for the twist angles created by an input angle of attack ao
Purdue Aeroelasticity

21 Twist deformation vs. dynamic pressure parameter
Unstable q region panel twist, qi/ao divergence Outboard panel (2) determinant D is zero Purdue Aeroelasticity

22 Panel lift computation on each segment gives:
Note that Purdue Aeroelasticity

23 More algebra - Flexible system lift
Set the wing lift equal to half the airplane weight Purdue Aeroelasticity

24 Lift re-distribution due to aeroelasticity
Observation - Outer wing panel carries more of the total load than the inner panel as q increases Purdue Aeroelasticity

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