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Decoy Router Placement Against a Smart Adversary Jacopo Cesareo, Michael Schapira, and Jennifer Rexford Princeton University.

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Presentation on theme: "Decoy Router Placement Against a Smart Adversary Jacopo Cesareo, Michael Schapira, and Jennifer Rexford Princeton University."— Presentation transcript:

1 Decoy Router Placement Against a Smart Adversary Jacopo Cesareo, Michael Schapira, and Jennifer Rexford Princeton University

2 Decoy Router Decoy router along the path to decoy destination … directs traffic to the covert destination 2 client decoy destination covert destination decoy router

3 Decoy Router Placement Problem Given clients, destinations, and paths –Clients: {c i } –Decoy destinations: {d j } –Paths: {P ij } from client c i to decoy destination d j Select K decoy routers –Decoy routers: {r k } from a set of candidates R To maximize –# client/decoy pairs that traverse a decoy router, or –# clients traversing a decoy router for some decoy dest 3 c1c1 c2c2 c3c3 d1d1 d2d2 P 11 P 32

4 Initial Placement Algorithm Heuristic based on “popularity” –# of (c i, d j ) pairs traversing the router, or –# of c i traversing the router to reach some decoy dest Greedy algorithm within 2/3 of optimal –Select the most popular candidate –Remove all parties it “covers” –Recompute the popularities –Repeat until K routers are chosen Experimental results –Good coverage with relatively few decoy routers –E.g., 5-7 ASes to cover most clients c i –E.g., 10-15 ASes to cover (c i, d j ) pairs 4 c1c1 c2c2 c3c3 d1d1 d2d2 P 11 P 32

5 A Smart Adversary Circumventing decoy routers –By picking alternate routes –… that avoid decoy routers 55 client decoy destination covert destination decoy router Adversary Path with no decoy router

6 New Placement Problem Cover a (client c i, decoy destination d j ) –By covering all paths available to the adversary –E.g., the interdomain path through each neighbor AS Computationally difficult –NP-hard to find an optimal solution –(We suspect) hard even to approximate well Simple greedy heuristic –If a (ci, dj) pair has n paths –… covering one path brings a value of 1/n –Rank nodes by total value (over clients, paths, dests) –… and greedily pick the highest-value nodes 6

7 Experiments Autonomous System (AS) level model –RouteViews measurements of interdomain routing –CAIDA inferences of AS-level relationships –Simulation of AS-level routing decisions Example experiment –Clients: all ASes located in a country (e.g., Australia) –Decoy destinations: ASes for Amazon and eBay –Candidate decoy routers: all ASes outside the country Results –Naïve vs. smart adversary –Placing decoy routers on nodes or edges –Maximizing coverage of (c, d) pairs 7

8 Australia Results 8

9 Australia clients –710 clients –5415 paths AS node placement of decoy routers –Naïve adversary: 8 nodes to cover 90% of clients –Smart adversary: 9 nodes to cover 90% of clients AS-AS edge placement of decoy routers –Naïve adversary: 13 edges to cover 90% of clients –Smart adversary: 15 edges to cover 90% of clients Important ASes –Verizon, Sprint, EdgeCast, … 9

10 China Results 10

11 China Results China clients –207 clients –1863 paths AS node placement of decoy routers –Naïve adversary: 10 nodes to cover 90% of clients –Smart adversary: 11 nodes to cover 90% of clients AS-AS edge placement of decoy routers –Naïve adversary: 15 edges to cover 90% of clients –Smart adversary: 17 edges to cover 90% of clients Important ASes –Sprint, Telecom Italia, NTT, Level3, … 11

12 Conclusions Smart adversary –Selects paths that avoid the decoy router –Forces “good guys” to deploy more decoy routers Placement algorithm –Heuristic for covering alternate paths –… in the presence of a smart adversary Experimental results –Requires a few extra decoy routers –… to defend against a smart adversary Future work –Wider range of client and decoy destination scenarios 12

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