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Réalisé avec le soutien de MARTE A brief overview of the MARTE profile (Modeling and Analysis of Real-Time and Embedded Systems) Based on an in-depth tutorial.

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Presentation on theme: "Réalisé avec le soutien de MARTE A brief overview of the MARTE profile (Modeling and Analysis of Real-Time and Embedded Systems) Based on an in-depth tutorial."— Presentation transcript:

1 Réalisé avec le soutien de MARTE A brief overview of the MARTE profile (Modeling and Analysis of Real-Time and Embedded Systems) Based on an in-depth tutorial at ECRTS2007 (from CEA, Thales, INRIA) CEA LIST contact :

2 Réalisé avec le soutien de 5, 6 et 7 novembre 2007 Grand Colloque STIC - 2007 2 UML Profiling Basics Profile:  Lightweight Extension / Specialization of the UML metamodel For particular application domains  Stereotypes Extension / Specialization of existing metaclasses Contains a set of “tagged values” (i.e. domain specific properties)  Constraints On the usage of stereotypes On the usage of constructs provided by the source metamodel  Notation options (i.e. icons, figures) «apply» Uml2::Kernel Operation « stereotype » cppVirtual « profile » C++Profile MyModel MyClass myOpA() myOpB() « cppVirtual » myOpC()

3 Réalisé avec le soutien de 5, 6 et 7 novembre 2007 Grand Colloque STIC - 2007 3 UML Profiles for RTES

4 Réalisé avec le soutien de 5, 6 et 7 novembre 2007 Grand Colloque STIC - 2007 4 MARTE Overview Foundations for RT/E systems modeling and analysis:  CoreElements  NFPs  Time  Generic resource modeling  Generic component modeling  Allocation Specialization of foundations for annotating model for analysis purpose:  Generic quantitative analysis  Schedulability analysis  Performance analysis Specialization of MARTE foundations for modeling purpose (specification, design, …):  RTE model of computation and communication  Software resource modeling  Hardware resource modeling Extracted from S.Gerard (ECRTS07)

5 Réalisé avec le soutien de 5, 6 et 7 novembre 2007 Grand Colloque STIC - 2007 5 Outline UML MARTE

6 Réalisé avec le soutien de 5, 6 et 7 novembre 2007 Grand Colloque STIC - 2007 6 Non-Functional Properties Non-Functional Properties:  Any property used to judge if a system is suited to its intended purpose (beyond its functional correctness)  RTES NFPs: Bandwidth, memory usage, power consomption, execution time, etc. NFPs need to be qualified, parametric and derivable:  Qualifier : source, precision,…  variables: placeholders for unknown values  expressions: math and time expressions Value Specification Language (VSL):  A way to express NFP Values  based on ISO’s General-Purpose Data types  Corrects UML lacks: No syntax for structural values No syntax for time and algebraic expression Data type system not sufficient for Non-functional modeling

7 Réalisé avec le soutien de 5, 6 et 7 novembre 2007 Grand Colloque STIC - 2007 7 Basic Textual Expressions in VSL Value Spec.Examples Real Number 1.2E-3 //scientific notation DateTime #12/01/06 12:00:00# //calendar date time Collection {1, 2, 88, 5, 2} //sequence, bag, ordered set.. {{1,2,3}, {3,2}} //collection of collections Tuple and choice (value=2.0, unit= ms) //duration tuple value periodic(period=2.0, jitter=3.3) //arrival pattern Interval [1..251[ //upper closed interval between integers [$A1..$A2] //interval between variables Variable declaration & Call io$var1 //input/output variable declaration var1 //variable call expression. Arithmetic Operation Call +(5.0,var1) //”add” operation on Real datatypes 5.0+var1 //infix operator notation Conditional Expression ((var1<6.0)?(10^6):1) //if true return 10 exp 6,else 1 Extended Primitive Values Extended Composite Values Extended Expressions

8 Réalisé avec le soutien de 5, 6 et 7 novembre 2007 Grand Colloque STIC - 2007 8 Outline UML MARTE

9 Réalisé avec le soutien de 5, 6 et 7 novembre 2007 Grand Colloque STIC - 2007 9 Set of time-related concepts (clocks, instants, durations, time interval, timed behaviors, etc.) Three basic time models  Chronometric time model Mainly concerns with time cardinality  E.g., delay, duration and clock time  Logical time model Mainly concerns events ordering.  E.g., ev1 is before ev2  Synchronous time model Specialization of the logical time model Introduce notion of simultaneity  E.g., ev1 and ev2 occurs at the same instant Scope of the Time Model of MARTE

10 Réalisé avec le soutien de 5, 6 et 7 novembre 2007 Grand Colloque STIC - 2007 10 Example of TimedDomain with a ClockConstraint Instants chronograms of clocks cc1 and cc2

11 Réalisé avec le soutien de 5, 6 et 7 novembre 2007 Grand Colloque STIC - 2007 11 Logical Time

12 Réalisé avec le soutien de 5, 6 et 7 novembre 2007 Grand Colloque STIC - 2007 12 Outline – Component, Resources and allocation UML MARTE Basic construction to describe component-based models.  Provides a common denominator among various existing component models  (lightweight-CCM, SysML, Autosar, etc..) basic concepts for modeling a general (high-level) platform for processing RTE applications Basic ideas:  Allocate an application element to a processing platform element  Refine a general element into one or several more specific elements

13 Réalisé avec le soutien de 5, 6 et 7 novembre 2007 Grand Colloque STIC - 2007 13 Outline – Model of Computation and Communication UML MARTE

14 Réalisé avec le soutien de 5, 6 et 7 novembre 2007 Grand Colloque STIC - 2007 14 RTE Model of Computation & Communication High-level modeling concepts where RT/E concerns are embedded inside modeling artifacts (E.g., UML active/passive objects)  Implicit semantics Two families of concerns  Qualitative aspects E.g. concurrency and behavior  Quantitative aspects as real-time feature E.g. deadline or period Package dependencies

15 Réalisé avec le soutien de 5, 6 et 7 novembre 2007 Grand Colloque STIC - 2007 15 Outline UML MARTE

16 Réalisé avec le soutien de 5, 6 et 7 novembre 2007 Grand Colloque STIC - 2007 16 What is the Software Resource Modeling Profile (SRM) ? A UML profile for modeling APIs of RT/E sw execution supports  Real Time Operating Systems (RTOS)  Dedicated Language Libraries (e.g. ADA) BUT it is NOT a new API standard dedicated to the RT/E domain!  SRM = a unified mean to describe such existing or proprietary APIs In which steps shall I use SRM ?

17 Réalisé avec le soutien de 5, 6 et 7 novembre 2007 Grand Colloque STIC - 2007 17 Snapshot of the UML extensions provided by SRM SRM::SW_Brokering SRM::SW_Interaction SRM::SW_Concurrency

18 Réalisé avec le soutien de 5, 6 et 7 novembre 2007 Grand Colloque STIC - 2007 18 Outline UML MARTE

19 Réalisé avec le soutien de 5, 6 et 7 novembre 2007 Grand Colloque STIC - 2007 19 HRM structure -- Logical modeling Provides a functional description Based on a functional classification of hardware resources:

20 Réalisé avec le soutien de 5, 6 et 7 novembre 2007 Grand Colloque STIC - 2007 20 HRM structure -- Physical modeling Provides a physical properties description Based on both following packages  HwLayout Forms: Chip, Card, Channel… Dimensions, area and arrangement mechanism within rectilinear grids Environmental conditions: e.g. temperature, vibration, humidity…  HwPower Power consumption and heat dissipation

21 Réalisé avec le soutien de 5, 6 et 7 novembre 2007 Grand Colloque STIC - 2007 21 Examples of Possible Hw Emulators Simics (Virtutech, )  Support for most HW components  Functional and Performance simulation  Enable to run heavy software applications (e.g., linux)  Free for academics Skyeye (  Support for ARM-like processors, most of memories and peripherals  Functional simulation  Enable to run only light sw applications (E.g., µLinux and ARMLinux)  GPL SimpleScalar (  Academic tool easy to extend  Performance simulation  Run C code

22 Réalisé avec le soutien de 5, 6 et 7 novembre 2007 Grand Colloque STIC - 2007 22 Outline – MARTE Analysis UML MARTE Basic ideas:  Provides modeling artifacts to annotate models  Allows connection to tools for performance and schedulabitlity analysis

23 Réalisé avec le soutien de 5, 6 et 7 novembre 2007 Grand Colloque STIC - 2007 23 Conclusion: MARTE Frontiers MARTE define the language constructs only!  Common patterns, base building blocks, standard NFP annotations  Generic constraints that do not force specific execution models, analysis techniques or implementation technologies  Provides model libraries with advanced types It does not cover methodological aspects:  Interface-Based Design, Design Space Exploration  Means to manage refinement of NFP measurement models  Concrete processes to storage, bind, and display NFP context models  Mapping to transform MoCCs into analysis models Frontiers & Challenges MARTE is to the RTES domain as UML to the System & Software domain: a family of large and open specification formalisms!

24 Réalisé avec le soutien de 5, 6 et 7 novembre 2007 Grand Colloque STIC - 2007 24 Platform integration Integrated in OpenEmbeDD platform  Accessible from Topcased UML tool  Interface synchronous tools with MARTE profile (SynDEx, Polychrony, …)

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