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The Care Inspectorate Karen Anderson Director of Operations (Planning, Assurance and Public Reporting)

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Presentation on theme: "The Care Inspectorate Karen Anderson Director of Operations (Planning, Assurance and Public Reporting)"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Care Inspectorate Karen Anderson Director of Operations (Planning, Assurance and Public Reporting)

2 Public Services Reform (Scotland) Act 2010 SCSWIS HIS (Regulation of private health services) HMIE Child Protection Multi-Agency Inspections Care Commission (regulation of care) SWIA (performance inspections of social work)

3 Purpose To provide high quality independent scrutiny and assurance – which means: * Efficient and effective regulation and inspection * Supporting improvement * Signposting good practice * Being a catalyst for innovation

4 Three Year Strategic Change Programme * Build effective new relationships – working with partners to co-ordinate and integrate key scrutiny processes * Develop and implement a business information and intelligence strategy * Develop our people : relevant skills and knowledge *Build a new organisational culture : customer focused – effective – high performing

5 Changes from April 2011 New organisational structure New alignment to local authority and health boards National complaints function National registration function National enquiries team Unannounced inspections whenever possible Tougher, quicker approach Planning new methodologies

6 Three Step Changes 1.Future scrutiny and improvement of integrated Children’s Services Year 1 – Karen Anderson 2.Scrutiny improvement: doing the core business well : intelligence-led Year 1 – Gill Ottley 3.Future integrated Adult Services Inspections Year 2 – David Cumming

7 The future scrutiny and improvement of integrated children’s services Ministers want a coordinated approach to scrutiny which:- –improves outcomes for all children and young people –provides assurance about the quality of services for children, (particularly vulnerable children and young people) –helps to improve services and build capacity

8 Our overarching approach should:- –be in line with the principles of Getting it right for every child –be child-centred and around the experience of the child’s journey –support improved self-assessment and performance management –where possible, join up scrutiny –build upon the successful model of the joint inspections of services to protect children The Care Inspectorate is asked to lead on developing a model of Inspection ready for a pilot to be carried out in April 2012.

9 Scottish Government guidance on the scope All children in their early years –(support pre-birth – 8 years) –Children who are vulnerable due to certain circumstances –are in need (including those who need additional support to be healthy, achieving and with transitions into services for adults) –have experienced child protection measures –have experienced or are living in families affected by substance misuse, domestic abuse, parental mental ill-health, neglect or homelessness/housing issues –are looked after at home or away from home (including those in residential, kinship, foster or secure care or who have been adopted) –are in a caring role

10 Recommendations for a model for scrutiny of integrated children’s services We will make reductions in the scrutiny landscape and there are no planned increases in inspection of regulated services Unit of inspection will be the local authority area Accountability for integrated children’s services will lie with community planning partnerships Model needs to be flexible enough to adapt to various and changing structures These inspections will be multi-agency and strategic in approach and as such will not evaluate the quality or effectiveness of individual services but the effectiveness of integrated working to improve outcomes for the most vulnerable children.

11 We will seek to answer How well are the lives of (the most vulnerable) children improving? We will have within the scope of the inspection all of the groups identified by the Scottish Government (pre-birth to 18 years) – using a sample of children – see diagram Over time we will introduce new approaches to the regulation of care services for children under the age of 8. We will develop a model which integrates inspections of the most relevant care services as part of every inspection (core/essential activity) using this to gather evidence about the quality of outcomes We will give due prominence to the results of joint self- evaluation and seek to validate this through a range of essential activities.


13 Extremely tight timescales Programme Board established with wide representation Internal Steering Group implementing a project plan to design a methodology ready for “testing” in April 2012 Revision of quality framework and Quality Indicators for children’s services Reference Group will meet monthly from January 2012 Report of a survey of the views of strategic leaders responsible for children’s services strongly supports the direction of travel Consultation underway into the views of children and young people about how they can be involved These developments will help to inform our approach to the scrutiny of adults services

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