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2015 ‘My Club’ Satisfaction Survey Northern Suburbs Football Association From the Harbour to the Hawkesbury 33 Clubs | 1,400 Teams | 17,000 Players Northern.

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Presentation on theme: "2015 ‘My Club’ Satisfaction Survey Northern Suburbs Football Association From the Harbour to the Hawkesbury 33 Clubs | 1,400 Teams | 17,000 Players Northern."— Presentation transcript:

1 2015 ‘My Club’ Satisfaction Survey Northern Suburbs Football Association From the Harbour to the Hawkesbury 33 Clubs | 1,400 Teams | 17,000 Players Northern Suburbs Football Association From the Harbour to the Hawkesbury 33 Clubs | 1,400 Teams | 17,000 Players NSFA ‘My Club’ Survey 1.Provide a common customer experience (CX) framework to measure member satisfaction. 2.Does your Club get recommended by its members? 3.Identify best practice in Clubs that can be shared. 4.Identify areas for improvement. 5.Provide a benchmark for future performance. For more information about the survey contact NSFA: e: p: 02 9449 4933

2 NSFA CX SCORE NSFA Customer Experience (CX) Score Overall Member satisfaction score across all touch-points >=85>=65<74<65 80

3 Spotlight on...

4 Next step... Start a conversation! Contact a Club in your area that scored well. Need help? Ask! Do something well? Share it! Club contact numbers are available on >=75>=65-74<65 JOIN | NSFA CLUB Phase + Activity Scores CX PHASE SCORE 77

5 REGISTRATION covers: * Process & systems used to join a Club * Registration Day (if the Club holds one) * Registration fee / refunds / rebates GRADING covers: * Process for grouping players into teams * Grading transparency * Grading effectiveness * Grading dispute resolution

6 Next step... Start a conversation! Contact a Club in your area that scored well. Need help? Ask! Do something well? Share it! Club contact numbers are available on >=75>=65-74<65 TRAIN | NSFA CLUB Phase + Activity Scores CX PHASE SCORE 81

7 TRAINING covers: * Training availability * Quality of the Coaches * Quality of training programs * Level of excitement around training DEVELOPMENT covers: * Development programs * Coach Accreditation/Qualification * Playing opportunities – including girls football * Clear assessment of players

8 Next step... Start a conversation! Contact a Club in your area that scored well. Need help? Ask! Do something well? Share it! Club contact numbers are available on >=75>=65-74<65 PLAY | NSFA CLUB Phase + Activity Scores CX PHASE SCORE 75

9 GAME covers: * Player behaviour * Spectator behaviour * Quality of referees/assistant referees * Looking forward to ones game GROUNDS cover: * Ground availability * Quality of the playing fields * How the grounds are dressed * Ground facilities (toilets/change rooms)

10 Next step... Start a conversation! Contact a Club in your area that scored well. Need help? Ask! Do something well? Share it! Club contact numbers are available on >=75>=65-74<65 SOCIALISE | NSFA CLUB Phase + Activity Scores CX PHASE SCORE 80

11 CLUBHOUSE covers: * Safety of Clubhouse/venue * Comfort of Clubhouse/venue * Facilities of Clubhouse/venue * Utility of Clubhouse/venue EVENTS cover: * Event organisation * Event catering for all * Ability of the event to strengthen Club and community ties *

12 Next step... Start a conversation! Contact a Club in your area that scored well. Need help? Ask! Do something well? Share it! Club contact numbers are available on >=75>=65-74<65 SUPPORT | NSFA CLUB Phase + Activity Scores CX PHASE SCORE 88

13 COMMUNICATION covers: * Timeliness of communication * Quality of communication SERVICE covers: * Interaction with Club officials/representatives * Responsiveness * Professionalism * Issue resolution

14 % of people who agreed with the statement. (White areas outside the response lines are areas for improvement) 20142015 8180

15 2014 CX Phase Average = 81 2015 CX Phase Average = 80


17 Top ideas to improve the football experience for NSFA Members in 2016 and beyond. Facilities has previously been highlighted as the number one factor in player enjoyment. NSFA will continue to dedicate time and resources to developing existing facilities and lobbying for increased access to all venues. It’s worth noting, however, that each facility improvement cannot involve conversion to synthetic grass and expectations should be set accordingly. As a result of the importance of facilities NSFA require more input from member Clubs in this space and this will occur via submission of a Facilities Improvement Plan - initially required in 2015 but delayed as a result of issues with submitting Volunteer Management Plans. NSFA will attempt to improve the level of communication released to the Clubs and its Members. The Newsletter has proven successful whilst the NSFA handbook has been a welcome addition. Further initiatives such as these are planned to enable our Members to understand the dynamics of the services being provided by the Association. The promotion and development of girls/women’s football has received a boost with NSFA hiring a Development Officer in Rani Cavarretta. Rani will not only increase the profile of female football in NSFA but will assist in the education of coaches. The Diamond League also extends from GU11 and GU12 in 2015, to include GU14 in 2016. Strategies to reduce the number of players lost during the 13 – 18 bracket have been discussed. In particular between 12 and 13 years, where NSFA experienced a loss of 35% for that age group in 2015. Creating Sunday competitions is being explored. The development of our coaches and therefore players continues with all U6, U7 and U8 coaches now having to attend a Grassroots Coaching Course as a minimum in 2016. NSFA INTO THE FUTURE.

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