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Gram-positive spore forming bacilli 2007274059 김형진 2008274001 배상현 2008274029 이용남 2008274042 강권모 2008274053 박기현.

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Presentation on theme: "Gram-positive spore forming bacilli 2007274059 김형진 2008274001 배상현 2008274029 이용남 2008274042 강권모 2008274053 박기현."— Presentation transcript:

1 Gram-positive spore forming bacilli 2007274059 김형진 2008274001 배상현 2008274029 이용남 2008274042 강권모 2008274053 박기현

2  Gram positive bacilli  Spore  Bacillus -B.anthracis -B.cereus -B.subtilis Index  Clostridium -C.perfringens -C.tetani -C.botulinum -C.difficile  Quiz

3 Endospore-forming bcilli -aerobic : Bacillus -anaerobic : Clostridium Non-endospore-forming bacilli Acid fast bacilli Non-acid fast branching filamentous bacilli Gram positive bacilli

4 Motility (+) Rod shaped forms Genus bacillus, clostridium, sporolactobacillus Endospore -extreme resistance to heat, drying radiation, chemical → important to pathogenicity Characteristic of G(+) sporeforming bacilli

5 Spore forming process

6 Central, Sub-Terminal, and Terminal spores

7 Aerobic, Catalase(+), not fastidious Spore disperse by means of dust Versatility in degrading complex macromolecule common source of antibiotics Primary medical importance B.anthracis : cause anthrax B.cereus : cause of one type of food poisoning The Genus Bacillus The Genus Bacillus

8 The largest of all bacteria pathogen Block-shape, angular, motility(-) Central spore Virulence factor -polypeptide capsule -exotoxin Bacillus anthracis

9 Facultative parasite 1.cutaneous anthrax(95% of human cases) (hemorrhagic vesicle, covered black eschar) 2.Pulmonary anthrax (capillary thrombosis, cardiovascular shock) 3.Gasintestinal anthrax (vomiting, diarrhea, toxemia, death) Anthrax

10 Anthrax Anthrax

11 Treatment -penicillin, tetracycline -vaccination of animal herds and people in endemic areas is performed Anthrax

12 Airborne & dust-borne contaminant Multiple readily in cooked food Symptoms nauseam vomiting, abdominal cramps, diarrhea no specific treatment symptoms diasppear within 24 hours Bacillus cereus

13  Spore & flagella β -hemolytic (BAP) non-toxic 비병원성 Bacillus subtilis sporecapsuleflagellaMotility B.anthracis++-- B.cereus+-++ B.subtilis+-++

14 anaerobic & catalase-negative - infection occur when spores are introduced into injured skin - other product is exotoxin -> botulism, tetanus The genus Clostridum

15 1) wound & tissue infection -> myonecrosis (ex. gas gangrene) antibiotic-associated colitis tetanus 2) food intoxication -> by perfringen -> botulism The role of Clostridia in Infection and Disease

16 Pathogens grouped according to toxin effect 1. Neurotoxic : C. botulinum, C. tetani C. botulinum - flaccid paralysis C. tetani - spastic paralysis 2. Enterotoxic : C. difficile, C. perfringens C. difficile - antibiotic associated diarrhea C. perfringens - gangrene, food poisoning The Genus Clostridium

17 found in soil, on human skin, intestine and vagina Capsule Non-motile Hemolysis on BAP-double zone Clostridium perfringens

18 They produce toxin. (lecithinase c) -> red blood cell rupture, edema, tissue destruction Produces enzymes -> collagenase, Dnase, hyaluronidase Clostridium perfringens

19 clostridial soft tissue and wound infections caused by Clostridium perfringens. anaerobic cellulitis myonecrosis pain, edema, bloody exudate followed by fever, tachycardia, blackened necrotic tissue Gas gangrene


21  cleansing surgical repair, amputation  debridement of diseased tissue  Hyperbaric oxygen therapy Gas gangrene Treatment, Prevention


23 Clostridium tetani C.Tetani is recovered from the wound in only 30% of acases Motile Terminal spore (drumstick Strict anaerobe

24  A potent neurotoxin  spread to motor nerve → axon → spinal cord (neuron inhibit muscle contraction) → inhibit release of neurotransmitter  Clenching of the jaw, extreme arching of back, flexion of the arms, extension of the legs tetanospasmin

25 tetanospasmin

26 Throughly cleansing and removing Penicillin, tetracyclin, muscle relaxants Vaccine : tetanus toxoid Antitoxin therapy -tetanus immune globulin(TIG) -tetanus antitoxin(TAT) Treatment and prevention of Tetanus

27 Commonly inhabit soil, water, and intestinal tracts of animals Motile (flagella) β -hemolysis Botulism toxin (botulin) -A,B,C α,C β,D,E,F,G type Causes food poisoning Clostridium botulinum

28 Botulin -> enters the small intestine -> absorbed into the lymphatics -> neuromuscular junction of skeletal muscles -> prevent the release of acetylcholine -> most potent microbial toxin Symptoms -> double vision, difficult in swallowing, dizziness, muscular paralysis and respiratory compromise Food borne botulism

29 In children between the ages 2 weeks and 6 months Immature state of the neonatal intestine Symptoms : flaccid paralysis, week sucking response, loss of tone Infant botulism

30 spores enter a wound or puncture symptoms similar to those of food-borne botulism increased in injecting drug users Wound botulism

31 - Treatment -> type A, B, E trivalent horse antitoxins -> respiratory and cardiac support systems -> penicillin - Prevention -> home-preserved foods : preservatives (sodium nitrate, salt, acid) -> toxin is heat-sensitive, rapidly inactivated at 100 ℃ boiled for 10mins before eating Treatment and Prevention of Botulism

32 Clostridium difficile flagella subterminal spore Produces A(enterotoxin) and B(cytotoxin) toxins

33  Clostridium difficile – associated disease  nosocomial infection called “ antibiotic-associated colitis ”  diarrhea -> abdominal cramps, fever, leukocytosis, pseudomembrane  ampicillin, clindamycin, cephalosporin => severe : oral vancomycin, metronidazole  vaccine : C.difficile toxoid CDAC

34 Pseudomembrane

35 gas chromatography : -> analyzes the chemical differences among species direct (ELISA) testing of isolates toxicity testing in mice or guinea pigs serotyping with antitoxin neutralization tests Diagnosis of clostridial species

36 SporeCapsuleFlagellaMotility C.perfringensSubterminal+-- C.tetaniTerminal-++ C.botulinumSubterminal-++/- C.difficilesubterminal-++/- Summary of Clostridium

37 질 문

38 QUIZ!!

39 ① Bacillus anthracis and Staphylococcus aureus ② Bacillus cereus and Clostridium botulinum ③ Bacillus anthracis and Clostridium perfringens ④ Clostridium botulinum and Moraxella spp. ⑤ Clostridum perfingens and Micrococcus luteus 1. Which bacteria are Gram positive, non motile and spore forming?

40 ① Type A ② Type B ③ Type D ④ Type E ⑤ Type F 2. In Clostridium botulinum type, which type does not make a human disease.?

41 ① Clostridium difficile ② Clostridium tetani ③ Clostridium perfringens ④ Clostridium botulinum ⑤ Bacillus cereus 3.Which bateria make a Gas gangrene?

42 ① Clostridium difficile ② Clostridium tetani ③ Clostridium perfringens ④ Clostridium botulinum ⑤ Clostridium novyi 4. In genus Clostridium, which make an Antibiotic- Associated Colitis?

43 ① Block-shaped, angular nonmotile rods ② Facultative anaerobe ③ Central spore ④ Polypeptide capsule, exotoxin ⑤ Catalase positive 5.Which is not collect about Bacillus anthracis?

44 ① An aerobic and catalase-negative ② Spores are produced only under anaerobic conditions ③ Oval or spherical spores ④ Gram negative, spore forming ⑤ Produce an exotoxin 6.Which is not collect about Genus Clostridium

45 7. what is most potent microbial toxin known?

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