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MIS Student Success Report Introduction and Headcount Figures 2013-14 Lourdes del Rio-Parent, PhD Office of Institutional Research & Planning Foothill-De.

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Presentation on theme: "MIS Student Success Report Introduction and Headcount Figures 2013-14 Lourdes del Rio-Parent, PhD Office of Institutional Research & Planning Foothill-De."— Presentation transcript:

1 MIS Student Success Report Introduction and Headcount Figures 2013-14 Lourdes del Rio-Parent, PhD Office of Institutional Research & Planning Foothill-De Anza CCD

2 Presentation Goals Participants will gain a basic understanding of … 1.MIS CCCCO report system 2.MIS Student Success report, in specific the core student services 3.The need for proper… Documentation of services (auditable doc) Monitoring of headcount figures 4.Data sources used for the report at FHDA

3 MIS SS: Student Services (previously SM, Matriculation Services) MIS SP: Data for Middle College, College Now, Sankofa, and Puente students Two MIS reports related to counseling/advisement services

4 MIS SS Report Domain 1. Who provided the service? 2. When was the service provided? 3. Who was served? 4. What service was provided?

5 Student Success Core Services and Related MIS Data Elements ServiceService TypeMIS Data Element 1. OrientationInitial & Follow-upSS06; SS11 P1 2. Assessment/PlacementInitial & Follow-upSS07; SS11 P2 3. Education Plan Development Abbreviated, Comprehensive, Follow-up SS09; SS11 P 4. Counseling/AdvisingAnnual/Follow-upSS08; SS11 P4 5. At-RiskFollow-upSS09 6. Other Follow-upFollow-upSS08; SS11 P4

6 Orientation: Initial and Follow-up  Initial or first substantive orientation—SS06  Follow-up orientation—SS11 Position 1  Data sources: Course enrollment during the reporting term at De Anza: COUN200, COUN200X, P E 070A, and P E 099. Participation in program that provides orientation at De Anza: Puente/Sankofa/Middle College/College Now SARS—Based on location & ‘reason’ codes

7 Table 1 Student Headcount for Initial Orientation, SS06, and Follow-up, SS11 P1, by College and Data Source, 2013-14 Academic Year Initial Orientation (SS06) Follow-up Orientation (SS11 P1) FHDA Data Source HeadcountPercentHeadcountPercent De Anza Orientation Course4,46982%19678% Puente/Sankofa/Middle College/College Now2014%3112% SARS84015%2510% Prior Initial Orientation--252100% Unduplicated Total5,483100%252100% Document reference, page 5; figures are not mutually exclusive.

8 Student Success Core Services 1.Are we missing any data source related to orientation services provided to students? 2. Do the headcount figures look reasonable?

9 Assessment/Placement 1.Initial assessment/placement—SS07 (Positions 2 & 3)  Only related to English, Math, or ESL  Position 2 (at the reporting college)  Position 3 (at another institution)  Data sources: Testing Office (SOATEST) Test score for placement Pre-requisite clearance (FH) Program placement (FH) Transcript evaluation (SOAPCOL) Registration override, first term (SFRSRPO)

10 Assessment/Placement (cont.) 2. Follow-up assessment/placement— SS11 P2  Follow-up to English, Math, or ESL placement  Initial or follow-up related to other course subjects  Career or interest assessments  Data sources Same as initial placement SS07, when a prior assessment/placement is found Multiple initial placements, SS07, during a follow-up term SARS Course enrollment

11 Assessment/Placement (cont.) Courses that provide follow-up assessment services  Career planning; De Anza: APRN057A, AUTO057A, CLP 070, CLP 075, E S 095 and NURS050  Placement (DSPS) De Anza: GUID200, SPED240

12 Processing Assessment/Placement Data, Initial and Follow-up Yes No

13 Table 2 Student Headcount for Initial Assessment or Placement Services, Multiple Measures, SS07 P2, by College and Data Source, 2013-14 Academic Year FHDA Data SourceHeadcountPercent De Anza Registration Override2,49723% Testing Office8,60879% Transcript/Doc Evaluation1361% Unduplicated Total10,950100% Document reference, page 6; figures are not mutually exclusive.

14 Table 3 Student Headcount for Initial Assessment or Placement Services Based on Documentation from Another College, SS07 P3, by College and Data Source, 2013-14 Academic Year FHDA Data SourceHeadcountPercent De Anza Transcript/Doc Evaluation843100% Unduplicated Total843100% Document reference, page 7; figures are not mutually exclusive.

15 Table 4 Student Headcount for Follow-up Assessment or Placement, SS11 P2, by College, 2013-14 Academic Year FHDA Data SourceHeadcountPercent De Anza Course1,14716% Multiple Initial Assess/Placement2,93441% Prior Term Initial Assess/Placement2,01928% Registration Override2,13630% SARS2,48135% Testing Office1,15616% Transcript/Doc Evaluation1,53121% Unduplicated Total7,138100% Document reference, page 10; figures are not mutually exclusive.

16 Student Success Core Services 1.Are we missing any data source related to assessment/placement services provided to students? 2. Do the headcount figures look reasonable?

17 Education Plan Development FHDA operational definition: Education plan in Degree Works  Abbreviated, 2 or less terms  Comprehensive, 3 or more terms  Initial plan (comprehensive & abbreviated) reported in SS09; follow-up, SS11 P3

18 Procedure for Degree Works Data

19 Table 5 Student Headcount for Education Plan Development by Plan Type Developed in Degree Works and Reported in MIS, SS09, by College, 2013-14 Academic Year Degree Works Plan TypeMIS Reported Plan TypeHeadcountPercent De Anza Abbreviated 2,96061% BothAbbreviated80% Both 200% ComprehensiveAbbreviated1313% Comprehensive 1,85338% Unduplicated Total4,889100% Document reference, page 9; figures are not mutually exclusive

20 Table 6 Student Headcount for Follow-up to Education Plan Development, SS11 P3, by College and Data Source, 2013-14 Academic Year FHDA Data Source HeadcountPercent De Anza Degree Works79742% SARS1,67188% Unduplicated Total1,905100% Document reference, page 10; figures are not mutually exclusive.

21 Student Success Core Services 1.Any question regarding how data for education plan development is gathered and processed for MIS reporting? 2. Do the headcount figures look reasonable?

22 Counseling/Advisement  Annual service reported in SS08  Follow-up, SS11 P4  Data sources:  SARS  Counseling courses: De Anza:COUN080X, COUN080Y, COUN080Z, GUID202, HUMA010, HUMA020, HUMA050  Categorical programs: EOPS, DSPS, CalWorks  Special programs (special populations):  De Anza: Puente, Sankofa, Middle College, College Now, MPS, Summer Bridge, First Year Experience (MIS, SGASADD)

23 Table 7 Student Headcount for Counseling/Advisement, SS08, and Follow-up Services, SS11 P2, by College, 2013-14 Academic Year AnnualFollow-up FHDA Data Source HeadcountPercentHeadcountPercent De Anza CalWorks1151%1162% Counseling Course1,1718%5799% DSPS1,51410%1,51724% EOPS4533%66311% First Year Experience2582%2674% MPS Course1151%1953% Puente, Sankofa, Middle College, College Now3042%2784% SARS11,60280%4,45271% Summer Bridge1671%1102% Prior Counseling Service--5,85193% Unduplicated Total14,471100%6,270100% Document reference: page 11; figures are not mutually exclusive.

24 1.Any question regarding how data for counseling/advisement is gathered and processed for MIS reporting? 2. Do the headcount figures look reasonable? Student Success Core Services

25 Academic Progress/Probation  Students who were on probation/disqualification the prior term and received counseling/advisement services the reporting term*—SS10  Data Sources: Academic standing (SHATERM) SARS

26 Table 8 Student Headcount for Academic Progress or Probation Service, SS10, by College, 2013-14 Academic Year Prior Term Academic Standing SARS Probation Services SARS Counseling Services MIS Reported SS10 Progress/Probation ServicesHeadcountPercent De Anza DismissalNoYesDismissal1019% DismissalYesNoDismissal838% DismissalYes Dismissal15214% Good StandingYesNoAcad Prog/Prob10410% Good StandingYes Acad Prog/Prob35133% ProbationNoYesAcad Prog/Prob42940% ProbationYesNoAcad Prog/Prob222% ProbationYes Acad Prog/Prob212% Unduplicated Total1,073100% Document reference, page 13; figures are not mutually exclusive.

27 1.Any question regarding how data for academic progress/probation is gathered and processed for MIS reporting? 2. Do the headcount figures look reasonable? Student Success Core Services

28 Data from the report will be… Used to determine funds/allocation for matriculation services Subject to audits Used for research to support continuous quality improvement of student success services MIS Student Success

29 Contact information:

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