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Citing Your Sources: Quotations & Paraphrasing Copyright © 2014 by Write Score LLC.

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Presentation on theme: "Citing Your Sources: Quotations & Paraphrasing Copyright © 2014 by Write Score LLC."— Presentation transcript:

1 Citing Your Sources: Quotations & Paraphrasing Copyright © 2014 by Write Score LLC

2 Citing Your Sources: Quotations & Paraphrasing The purpose of this writing lesson is to practice: how to use quotations when copying an author’s exact wording how to paraphrase when restating an author’s information or ideas

3 Examples of plagiarism: Copying exact text into an essay without using quotation marks or citing the source (including copying and pasting electronically). Repeating or paraphrasing someone’s wording without acknowledging the author. Using a unique or apt phrase without acknowledgement. Paraphrasing someone’s argument or presenting someone’s line of thought without acknowledgement.

4 How do you quote?________________________ o Copy an author’s exact wording o Provide an author’s name (If unknown, use “the author”) o Provide a page or paragraph number with a parenthetical citation Example: (2) for page or paragraph 2 o For poetry, provide line numbers Example: (11-12) for lines 11-12 Why do you quote? To support a claim with evidence To make your writing more interesting or vivid Why do you quote? To support a claim with evidence To make your writing more interesting or vivid

5 Macon believes that every child born in the U.S. is “entitled to a stellar public education” (1). Rodriguez asks: “Does learning come cheaply to our kids?” (2). Make sure to capitalize a complete sentence that is quoted!

6 Macon believes that every child born in the U.S. is “entitled to a stellar public education” (1). Rodriguez writes that all citizens, including the “privileged” and “economically disadvantaged”, should have access to higher learning (3).

7 “Capitalism is dependent on a solid educational system,” states Johnson (1). The author states in the article: “Capitalism is dependent on a solid educational system” (1). “Capitalism”, as stated by Johnson in the article, “is dependent on a solid educational system” (1).

8 Ellipsis in the middle Johnson argues that “families are a crucial factor in motivating children to perform... and in keeping them coming to practice” (4). [in the spring and fall concerts] Ellipsis at the end Johnson argues that “families are a crucial factor in motivating children to perform... “ (4).

9 Periods, commas, and semicolons should appear after the parenthetical citation. Johnson states in the article: “Capitalism is dependent on a solid educational system” (1). Question marks and exclamation points should appear within the quotation marks if they are a part of the quoted passage, but after the parenthetical citation if they are a part of your text. Rodriguez asks: “Does learning come cheaply to our kids?” (2). Should we be asking if immigrants are “entitled to a stellar public education” (1)?

10 How do you paraphrase? How do you paraphrase? ____ Restate another’s information or ideas in a new form of wording; do not use quotation marks Provide an author’s name (If unknown, use “the author”.) Provide a specific page or paragraph number with a parenthetical citation Example: (2) for page or paragraph 2 Why do you paraphrase? It stops you from quoting too much It helps you to grasp the meaning of the author’s original words Why do you paraphrase? It stops you from quoting too much It helps you to grasp the meaning of the author’s original words

11 Original quote According to Macon: “Children from all walks of life, in every American city, are entitled to a stellar public education” (1). Paraphrasing No quotation marks; author acknowledged in parenthetical citation with paragraph number. Children from every way of life and from all over America are entitled to a great public education (Macon 1). A

12 Original quote According to the author: “Children from all walks of life, in every American city, are entitled to a stellar public education” (1). Paraphrasing No quotation marks; author acknowledged in body of sentence; paragraph number cited. The author believes that children from every way of life and from all over America are entitled to a great public education (1).

13 Original quote According to Macon: “Children from all walks of life, in every American city, are entitled to a stellar public education” (1). Plagiarism Author is NOT acknowledged! Paragraph is NOT cited! Children from every way of life and from all over America are entitled to a great public education.

14 Try it! Try it! Read the text and think about the answer to the text-dependent question. Use two quotations as evidence to support your answer. Paraphrase two pieces of evidence to support your answer.

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