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Parallelism parallel grammatical form. Children who study music also learn confidence, discipline, and they are creative.

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Presentation on theme: "Parallelism parallel grammatical form. Children who study music also learn confidence, discipline, and they are creative."— Presentation transcript:

1 Parallelism parallel grammatical form

2 Children who study music also learn confidence, discipline, and they are creative.

3 nouns Children who study music also learn confidence, discipline, and they are creative. creativity

4 Impressionist painters believed in focusing on ordinary subjects, capturing the effects of light on those subjects, and to use short brushstrokes.

5 gerund phrases Impressionist painters believed in focusing on ordinary subjects, capturing the effects of light on those subjects, and to use short brushstrokes. using

6 Correlative Conjunctions Both… and Either… or Just as… so Neither… nor Not only… but also Whether… or

7 My experience was both exciting and a challenge.

8 challenging

9 She decided either to publish her research or burning it.

10 to burn

11 At college, I am studying or Math either Geography.

12 At college, I am studying either Math or Geography.

13 Space travel has changed a lot over four decades. In the past, only highly trained astronauts went to outer space, but today tourists who are rich can do it. For example, in April 2001, California millionaire Dennis Tito was the 415 th person in orbit. Tito paid the Russian space agency about $30 million for a seat on a Russian flight and travelling to the International Space Station. He was clearly a man who had a plan, who worked hard, and made his dream come true.

14 Space travel has changed a lot over four decades. In the past, only highly trained astronauts went to outer space, but today rich tourists can do it. For example, in April 2001, California millionaire Dennis Tito was the 415 th person in orbit. Tito paid the Russian space agency about $30 million for a seat on a Russian flight and travel to the International Space Station. He was clearly a man who had a plan, who worked hard, and who made his dream come true.

15 Interactive Quiz an/sentence_skills/exercises/ch17/p4exj.htm an/sentence_skills/exercises/ch17/p4exj.htm

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