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Ethology: The study of animal behavior with emphasis on the behavioral patterns that occur in natural environments.

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Presentation on theme: "Ethology: The study of animal behavior with emphasis on the behavioral patterns that occur in natural environments."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ethology: The study of animal behavior with emphasis on the behavioral patterns that occur in natural environments

2 Ethology: The study of animal behavior with emphasis on the behavioral patterns that occur in natural environments

3 Ethology: The study of animal behavior with emphasis on the behavioral patterns that occur in natural environments

4 Nature vs. Nurture


6 Instinctual Behavior: Largely genetic Triggered by specific stimuli Produces specific behaviors Does not involve learning

7 Instinctual Behavior: Largely genetic Triggered by specific stimuli Produces specific behaviors Does not involve learning

8 Instinctual Behavior: Largely genetic Triggered by specific stimuli Produces specific behaviors Does not involve learning

9 Instinctual Behavior: Largely genetic Triggered by specific stimuli Produces specific behaviors Does not involve learning

10 Instinctual Behavior: Largely genetic Triggered by specific stimuli Produces specific behaviors Does not involve learning

11 Sign Stimulus Innate releasing mechanism IRM Fixed Action Pattern FAP

12 Sign Stimulus Innate releasing mechanism IRM Fixed Action Pattern FAP

13 Sign Stimulus Innate releasing mechanism IRM Fixed Action Pattern FAP

14 Sign Stimulus Innate releasing mechanism IRM Fixed Action Pattern FAP

15 Learning: the process of developing a behavioral response based on experience

16 Learning: the process of developing a behavioral response based on experience

17 Conditioning (Associative learning): learned behavioral response to a novel or substituted stimulus Uses reward as a basis for learning

18 Conditioning (Associative learning): learned behavioral response to a novel or substituted stimulus Uses reward as a basis for learning

19 Conditioning (Associative learning): learned behavioral response to a novel or substituted stimulus Uses reward as a basis for learning

20 Conditioning (Associative learning): Classical (Passive) Conditioning Operant (Active) Conditioning

21 Conditioning (Associative learning): Classical (Passive) Conditioning Operant (Active) Conditioning

22 Classical Conditioning A stimulus is substituted for one that is already associated with a behavior Animal learns to associate the new stimulus with the reward Is passive The reward follows the stimulus Pavlov’s dogs

23 Classical Conditioning A stimulus is substituted for one that is already associated with a behavior Animal learns to associate the new stimulus with the reward Is passive The reward follows the stimulus Pavlov’s dogs

24 Classical Conditioning A stimulus is substituted for one that is already associated with a behavior Animal learns to associate the new stimulus with the reward Is passive The reward follows the stimulus Pavlov’s dogs

25 Classical Conditioning A stimulus is substituted for one that is already associated with a behavior Animal learns to associate the new stimulus with the reward Is passive The reward follows the stimulus Pavlov’s dogs

26 Classical Conditioning A stimulus is substituted for one that is already associated with a behavior Animal learns to associate the new stimulus with the reward Is passive The reward follows the stimulus Pavlov’s dogs

27 Classical Conditioning A stimulus is substituted for one that is already associated with a behavior Animal learns to associate the new stimulus with the reward Is passive The reward follows the stimulus Pavlov’s dogs

28 Generalized vs Discriminating

29 Conditioning (Associative learning): Classical (Passive) Conditioning Operant (Active) Conditioning

30 Operant Conditioning The animal must perform an act (behavior) in response to a stimulus to get the reward The reward follows the behavior, not the stimulus It is an active process; the animal must do something specific to get the reward

31 Operant Conditioning The animal must perform an act (behavior) in response to a stimulus to get the reward The reward follows the behavior, not the stimulus It is an active process; the animal must do something specific to get the reward

32 Operant Conditioning The animal must perform an act (behavior) in response to a stimulus to get the reward The reward follows the behavior, not the stimulus It is an active process; the animal must do something specific to get the reward

33 Operant Conditioning The animal must perform an act (behavior) in response to a stimulus to get the reward The reward follows the behavior, not the stimulus It is an active process; the animal must do something specific to get the reward


35 Types of Learning Conditioning Habituation Latent Imprinting Insight

36 Types of Learning Conditioning Habituation Latent Imprinting Insight

37 Types of Learning Conditioning Habituation Latent Imprinting Insight



40 Types of Learning Conditioning Habituation Latent Imprinting Insight







47 Types of Learning Conditioning Habituation Latent Imprinting Insight


49 Types of Learning Conditioning Habituation Latent Imprinting Insight











60 Information STM

61 Information STM LTM

62 Information STM LTM

63 Information STM LTM

64 Information STM LTM

65 Information STM LTM

66 Information STM LTM

67 Information STM LTM

68 Information STM LTM

69 Information STM LTM

70 Information STM LTM

71 Information STM LTM Engram Consolidation

72 Information STM LTM Engram Consolidation

73 Information STM LTM

74 “Universal” Behaviors: Foraging Communication Aggression Territorial Hibernation/Dormancy Circadian Rhythms Social Migratory

75 “Universal” Behaviors: Foraging Communication Aggression Territorial Hibernation/Dormancy Circadian Rhythms Social Migratory

76 Foraging Specialists Generalists

77 Foraging Specialists Generalists


79 Foraging Specialists Generalists


81 “Universal” Behaviors: Foraging Communication Aggression Territorial Hibernation/Dormancy Circadian Rhythms Social Migratory

82 Communication Emotional state Sexual State Identity Etc.

83 Communication Emotional state Sexual State Identity Etc.

84 Communication Emotional state Sexual State Identity Etc.

85 Communication Emotional state Sexual State Identity Etc.

86 Communication Emotional state Sexual State Identity Etc.

87 Communication Visually Coloration Posture Movement Expressions

88 Communication Visually Coloration Posture Movement Expressions

89 Communication Visually Coloration Posture Movement Expressions

90 Communication Visually Coloration Posture Movement Expressions

91 Communication Visually Coloration Posture Movement Expressions

92 Communication Visually Coloration Posture Movement Expressions

93 Communication Visually Sound

94 Communication Visually Sound




98 Communication Visually Sound Chemicals

99 Communication Visually Sound Chemicals--Pheromones




103 Communication Visually Sound Chemicals Smell

104 Communication Visually Sound Chemicals Smell

105 “Universal” Behaviors: Foraging Communication Aggression Territorial Hibernation/Dormancy Circadian Rhythms Social Migratory

106 Aggression Intraspecific Territorial Mating rights Forage Interspecific Predation Territorial Forage Unknown

107 Aggression Intraspecific Territorial Mating rights Forage Interspecific Predation Territorial Forage Unknown

108 Aggression Intraspecific Territorial Mating rights Forage Interspecific Predation Territorial Forage Unknown

109 Aggression Intraspecific Territorial Mating rights Forage Interspecific Predation Territorial Forage Unknown

110 Aggression Intraspecific Territorial Mating rights Forage Interspecific Predation Territorial Forage Unknown

111 Aggression Intraspecific Territorial Mating rights Forage Interspecific Predation Territorial Forage Unknown

112 Aggression Intraspecific Territorial Mating rights Forage Interspecific Predation Territorial Forage Unknown

113 Aggression Intraspecific Territorial Mating rights Forage Interspecific Predation Territorial Forage Unknown

114 Aggression Intraspecific Territorial Mating rights Forage Interspecific Predation Territorial Forage Unknown

115 Aggression Intraspecific Territorial Mating rights Forage Interspecific Predation Territorial Forage Unknown


117 “Universal” Behaviors: Foraging Communication Aggression Territorial Hibernation/Dormancy Circadian Rhythms Social Migratory

118 “Universal” Behaviors: Foraging Communication Aggression Territorial Hibernation/Dormancy Circadian Rhythms Social Migratory

119 Hibernation Dormancy Estivation/Aestivation

120 Hibernation Dormancy Estivation/Aestivation

121 Hibernation Dormancy Estivation/Aestivation

122 Hibernation Dormancy Estivation/Aestivation

123 “Universal” Behaviors: Foraging Communication Aggression Territorial Hibernation/Dormancy Circadian Rhythms Social Migratory

124 Nocturnal Diurnal Crepuscular

125 Nocturnal Diurnal Crepuscular

126 Nocturnal Diurnal Crepuscular

127 Nocturnal Diurnal Crepuscular

128 “Universal” Behaviors: Foraging Communication Aggression Territorial Hibernation/Dormancy Circadian Rhythms Social Migratory

129 Social behaviors Cooperative behaviors Intraspecific Interspecific Altruistic behaviors Selfish behaviors

130 Social behaviors Cooperative behaviors Intraspecific Interspecific Altruistic behaviors Selfish behaviors

131 Social behaviors Cooperative behaviors Intraspecific Interspecific Altruistic behaviors Selfish behaviors

132 Social behaviors Cooperative behaviors Intraspecific Interspecific Altruistic behaviors Selfish behaviors

133 Social behaviors Cooperative behaviors Intraspecific Interspecific Altruistic behaviors Selfish behaviors

134 Social behaviors Cooperative behaviors Intraspecific Interspecific Altruistic behaviors Selfish behaviors

135 “Universal” Behaviors: Foraging Communication Aggression Territorial Hibernation/Dormancy Circadian Rhythms Social Migratory

136 “Universal” Behaviors: Foraging Communication Aggression Territorial Hibernation/Dormancy Circadian Rhythms Social Migratory

137 Emotion Self perception Culture

138 Emotion Self perception Culture

139 Emotion Self perception Culture

140 Emotion Self perception Culture

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