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MLAAPA  Modern Language Association  American Psychological Association.

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2 MLAAPA  Modern Language Association  American Psychological Association

3 MLAAPA  Humanities  English  Literature  Speech  Theater  Social Sciences  Science  Social Studies  Sociology  Psychology

4 MLAAPA  Author-Work  Shusterman, Neal. Unwind....  Author-Date  Shusterman, Neal (2007). Unwind.

5 MLAAPA  Works Cited  References

6 MLAAPA  Alphabetical by author;  Then alphabetical by work  Shusterman, Neal. Full Tilt. New York: Simon, 2008. Print.  ---. Unwind. New York: Simon, 2007. Print.  Alphabetical by author; then chronological by work  Shusterman, N. (2007). Unwind. New York, NY: Simon.  Shusterman, N. (2008). Full Tilt. New York, NY: Simon.

7 MLAAPA  Last, first, middle initial  Card, Orson Scott. or  Card, Orson S.  Last, first initial, middle initial  Card, O. S.

8 MLAAPA  Not used in text  (Shusterman 47)  Prominent in text  (Shusterman, 2007, p. 42)

9 MLAAPA  In quotation marks  “Airplane Graveyards”  Not in quotation marks  Airplane graveyards

10 MLAAPA  All major words capitalized.  Do not capitalize prepositions or articles.  Only first word of title and subtitle capitalized.  Proper Nouns capitalized.

11 MLAAPA  (Name space page number)  (Shusterman 136)  (Name comma year comma page number)  Shusterman, 2007, p. 136)

12 MLAAPA  Spelled out  Shusterman, Neal, and Thomas Rogers.  Use ampersand (&)  Shusterman, N. & Rogers, T.

13 MLAAPA  (qtd. in Levin 13)  (cited in Levin, 1982, p. 13)

14 MLAAPA  Mostly abbreviated  An Alfred P. Knopf Book = Knopf  Rarely abbreviated  Alfred P. Knopf

15 MLAAPA  Imprint-Parent Company  Smithsonian-Collins  Imprint only  Smithsonian

16 MLAAPA  Not underlined or italicized  Water for Elephants.  Underlined or italicized  Water for Elephants.

17 MLAAPA  Three hyphens and a period for the name  Works Alphabetical  Shusterman, Neal. Full Tilt. New York: Simon, 2008. Print.  ---. Unwind. New York: Simon, 2007. Print.  Name repeated for each entry  Works chronological  Shusterman, N. (2007). Unwind. New York, NY: Simon.  Shusterman, N. (2008). Full Tilt. New York, NY: Simon.

18 MLAAPA  Four or more authors  Gingrich, Newt, et al.  Six or more authors  Bloom, H., et al.

19 MLAAPA  Literary Present Tense  Smith claims...  Past Tense  Smith claimed...

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