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The Canadian Rules for Lobbyists. feature=related feature=related.

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1 The Canadian Rules for Lobbyists

2 feature=related feature=related

3 Meet a Lobbyist This Chantal… she represents the medical industry of Canada! She:  works with politicians in committee work (especially with the Minister of… ?  arranges for experts to come in and talk to them  pressures the government to make changes that the “medical industry” wants to see. Chantal Courchesne Lobbyist for: The Canadian Medical Industry

4 Meet a Lobbyist An Example:  In 2007, Chantal helped to have a cigarillo banned in Canada because it was marketed to look like candy (obviously to encouraged young people to try it) Chantal Courchesne Lobbyist for: The Canadian Medical Industry

5 Meet a Lobbyist She didn’t do this by herself. She worked with other lobby groups to get attention for this issue:  Canadian Coalition for Action on Tobacco  Canadian Cancer Society  Non-smokers Rights Association  Lung Association  Dentists Association  Heart and Stroke Foundation

6 Meet a Lobbyist This Josh! He:  works with politicians in committee work (especially with the Minister of… ?  arranges for experts to come in and talk to them  pressures the government to make changes that the Canadian communities wants to see. Joshua Bates Lobbyist for: The Federation of Canadian Municipalities

7 Meet a Lobbyist Example:  Politicians will ask him to find a number of “shovel-ready” projects that they could invest in, example: to build a new university or establish a potash mine)… why would the government want to do this?  He may ask for more money from the federal gov’t for:  RCMP policing in Calgary  Help with public transit in Montreal  Some of the “gas tax” revenue to be sent to the municipal gov’ts Joshua Bates Lobbyist for: The Federation of Canadian Municipalities

8 Other Canadian Lobbyists There are more than… 5000 registered lobbyists in Canada! Re: The Hill Times – Feb 16, 2009  Canadian Nuclear Association  Rogers Communication  Brewers Association of Canada  Retailers Association of Canada  Suncor Energy  Canadian Gas Association  Canadian Petroleum Producers Association  Canadian AIDS Society  Air Canada  Grain Growers of Canada  Canadian Recording Industry  Environmental Defence Canada  General Electric Canada Individually, write down a law that you think one of these lobbyists would like to see either changed or created

9 The Lobbyists’ Code of Conduct Act After a number of scandals involving lobbyists, Canada decided to tighten restrictions on lobbying….  Bill C-4 – The Lobbyists’ Code of Conduct Act  passed on May 17, 2004  set new rules for lobbyists  Guess… What rules do you think there should be?

10 Lobbyists and MP’s are Legally Bound Today, lobbyists are closely watched and legally bound: All lobbyists must be registered Cannot meet about something that will directly profit the lobbyist or the organization (example: a lobbyist weapons developer meeting with the Minister of Defense to sell weapons/planes Illegal for a lobbyist to talk to a politician without an appointment (no casual conversations ex in the hall, at a restaurant, etc) Records must be kept of topics discussed Disclose who they represent and reasons for approach Provide accurate info and not knowingly mislead Avoid exercising improper influence Avoid divulging confidential info without consent

11 A Difference B/W Canada and the US? There is a lot of concern in the US about the influence lobbyists have over politicians There will always be concern (in both Canada and the US) that lobbyists will “pay off” politicians Can we trust them? Thank You For Smoking: Lobbying Against Lobbyists: The Onion’s Spoof on Lobbyists: E




15 Media Bias: when stories are selected or slanted to please certain groups (ex: advertisers, politicians, or a certain political views)


17 Bias in Media? Worst Autumn Ever! – just for fun (good follow-up for Bias)


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