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Geography Investigation (Group 2) 3P2 By: Zacharias, Jia En, Yansong, Jin Heng.

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Presentation on theme: "Geography Investigation (Group 2) 3P2 By: Zacharias, Jia En, Yansong, Jin Heng."— Presentation transcript:

1 Geography Investigation (Group 2) 3P2 By: Zacharias, Jia En, Yansong, Jin Heng

2 Measuring weather Weather ElementSite BRemarks ai) Air Temperature30.7Warm, humid, sunny, windy aii) Water temperature31.0Warm, humid b) Humidity81.5Humid, breezy c) Wind Speed2.0Wind direction: East to West

3 Measuring weather We used the pocket weather device to measure the air temperature, the humidity and the wind speed. To measure the water temperature, we used a water thermometer which we put it in the water for at least a minute before taking the temperature

4 Measuring Weather If the experiment is repeated at another location, let's say 100m away from Site B, the air temperature and water temperature would have little to no change, while the humidity and wind speed might experience more changes.

5 Measuring weather Therefore, we can conclude that the beach is: Warm Sunny Humid Breezy

6 Measuring Waves Wave Frequency (Site B): Waves per minute: 16, 17, 18. Average: 17 The predominant wave type in this location is constructive. Waves are plunging and have a stronger swash than backwash.

7 Measuring Waves With the aid of a stopwatch, we counted the number of waves in a minute. After repeating the experiment for 2 more times, we took the average waves per minute, which is 17. To determine if either the swash or the backwash was stronger, we simply tried to hear which was stronger.

8 Measuring Waves If the experiment is repeated at another location, let's say 100m away from Site B, the wave frequency, waves per minute and wave type would probably not change.

9 Measuring Waves Therefore we can conclude that: The wave frequency is 17 per minute The predominant wave type is constructive The waves are plunging The waves have a stronger swash than backwash

10 Measuring Beach Drift (Site B) MeasurementsTrial 1Trial 2Trial 3Average Distance (Length of transect line/m) 2222 Apple’s movement (Time in seconds/s) 55223537.33 Speed = distance/time(m/s) Direction of currentWest to East Date: 30 April 2016Time: 9:00amTidal state: Low Weather conditions: Humid, WarmWind direction: East to West Location: Site B

11 Measuring Beach Drift (50m away from Site B) MeasurementsTrial 1Trial 2Trial 3Average Distance (Length of transect line/m) 2222 Apple’s movement (Time in seconds/s) 52311934 Speed= Distance/time(m/s) Direction of currentWest to EastEast to West Date: 30 April 2016Time: 9:30amTidal state: Low Weather conditions: Humid, WarmWind direction: East to West Location: 50m away from Site B

12 Measuring Beach Drift 1. We measured and marked a 2m line in the sand parallel to the sea with the ranging pole. 2. We positioned one person at each end of the line. 3. We tossed the apple into the breakers just behind the white foam at the top of the wave. 4. When the apple passed the start line, we started timing. 5. When the apple passed the end line, we stopped timing. 6. We repeated this process a total of 3 times before calculating the average time. 7. We repeated steps 1-6 50m away from Site B.

13 Measuring Beach Drift Therefore, we can conclude that longshore currents varies over time, and it changes with the wave direction. The measurements can also be repeated at several different places along the beach(50m away from Site B) to see if the current speed and direction is the same or whether it varies. The measurements may reveal the impact of the current on sand migration and shoreline changes.

14 Beach Materials Sediment analysis Smooth sand Coarse sand Rocks Sand

15 Beach Profile (Cross Section)


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