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Officer Training Officer Duties & Resources Lodge Officer Roles and Responsibilities 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Officer Training Officer Duties & Resources Lodge Officer Roles and Responsibilities 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Officer Training Officer Duties & Resources Lodge Officer Roles and Responsibilities 1

2 Officer Training Officer Duties & Resources Exalted Ruler Prime Directive – Protect the Lodge Charter Executive Officer to preside over all meetings – Except as per Sect. 15.010 Enforce the Laws of the Order Appoint Committee Chairs 2

3 Officer Training Officer Duties & Resources Exalted Ruler Appoint elective Officers Attend all District Deputy Clinics Perform other duties according Lodge By-Laws Member of Incorporated Lodge’s Board of Directors (otherwise ex-officio member) Administer and support Grand Lodge Programs 3

4 Officer Training Officer Duties & Resources All Knight Assist the ER in the performance of their duties in their absence (by rank) Studying the Laws of the Order and the By ‑ Laws of the Lodge Reviewing the Opening, Closing and Initiatory Rituals Observe proper protocol Support Grand Lodge Programs 4

5 Officer Training Officer Duties & Resources LEADING KNIGHT Attend the District Deputy Clinics LOYAL KNIGHT Conduct prosecution of the Local Forum – Assisted by counsel (must be a member) Examine Membership cards at opening LOYAL KNIGHT Examine Membership cards at opening 5

6 Officer Training Officer Duties & Resources ESQUIRE Organize the Lodge for meetings, preparing candidates for initiation Examine and introduce visiting members Supervising the ballot Transmitting official messages as directed by the Exalted Ruler (including auxiliary). Reviewing the Opening, Closing and Initiatory Rituals 6

7 Officer Training Officer Duties & Resources CHAPLAIN Reviewing the Opening, Closing and Initiatory Rituals Invocations and benedictions as part of the various social activities INNER GUARD Permit no member to enter without previous announcement and permission of the Exalted Ruler 7

8 Officer Training Officer Duties & Resources TILER Stationed at the outer door and permit no person to enter without previous announcement through the Inner Guard Require all Members to show their membership cards Require visiting Members to register Responsible for Lodge property pertaining to Lodge meeting 8

9 Officer Training Officer Duties & Resources OTHER RESPONSIBILITIES “Other Duties as Assigned” Assign Management Areas by Chair: – by Committee – Fraternal, Activities, Other – by Function – Charity, Youth, Veterans, etc. “Committee Broker” – match new members to committees 9

10 Officer Training Officer Duties & Resources OTHER RESPONSIBILITIES Opportunity to Learn About Elkdom Take Initiative, Share Your Talents Can be a Member of Most Committees 10

11 Officer Training Officer Duties & Resources Officer Resources MEETING ATTENDANCE Lodge – commitment of the office District – network and resources State – program chairs, recognition Grand Lodge – nationwide scope 11

12 Officer Training Officer Duties & Resources Officer Resources – TESA Website 12

13 Officer Training Officer Duties & Resources Officer Resources – TESA Website 13

14 Officer Training Officer Duties & Resources Officer Resources – TESA Website 14

15 Officer Training Officer Duties & Resources Officer Resources – Major Project 15

16 Officer Training Officer Duties & Resources Officer Resources – 16

17 Officer Training Officer Duties & Resources Officer Resources – GL Committees 17

18 Officer Training Officer Duties & Resources Officer Resources – GL Programs 18

19 Officer Training Officer Duties & Resources Officer Resources – GL Website 19

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