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OPERA-3d Functional Drive Gausstech, Inc. TEL : 031-783-7980.

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Presentation on theme: "OPERA-3d Functional Drive Gausstech, Inc. TEL : 031-783-7980."— Presentation transcript:

1 OPERA-3d Functional Drive Gausstech, Inc. TEL : 031-783-7980

2, Inc. Analysis Type 다음과 같은 Analysis Type 에서 본 문서의 Functional Drive 적용 가능 Set Circuit Properties… 대화상자에서 상수를 변수처리하고, 생성한 변수를 이용하여 comi 파일 내에 Functional Drive 내용을 작성함 comi 파일명은 Analysis Type 에 따라 아래와 같이 이름 붙이고, Analysis Database 와 동일 폴더에 위치시킴 DB 명 _elektratr.comiDB 명 _carmen.comiDB 명 _quench.comi

3, Inc. Tutorial

4, Inc. Launch OPERA Manager 시작 > 프로그램 > Vector Fields Opera > Opera 12.0

5, Inc. Change 3d Project Folder Opera-3d > Change 3d Project Folder

6, Inc. Change 3d Project Folder “ 폴더 찾아보기 ” 대화상자의 좌측 하단에 있는 “ 새 폴더 만들기 ” 를 클릭한 후에 폴더명을 입력하고 확인을 누름 ( 이후 작업파일은 생성된 폴더 내에 저장됨 )

7, Inc. Launch Modeller Opera-3d > Modeller

8, Inc. Opera-3d Modeller

9, Inc. Create Conductor Create > Conductor > Solenoid …

10, Inc. Create Conductor Create > Conductor > Solenoid …

11, Inc. Create Background Create > Object > Cylinder/Cone …

12, Inc. Fixed time step : 0.0005 초 간격으로 해석을 수행 Output times : 결과를 저장할 시간들을 입력 Logging variables : 로그파일에 저장할 결과들 - TTime : 시간 (COL1) - V1_V : 전압원 (V1) 에 걸리는 전압 (COL2) Model > Analysis Type > ELEKTRA Transient Model > ELEKTRA Transient Settings … ELEKTRA Steady State Setting 0 초부터 0.02 초까지 해석 결과는 0.005 초 간격으로 저장

13, Inc. Model Symmetry Model > Model Symmetry… 사용자 선택에 의해 부분모델 해석 가능 모델이 작아지면 계산시간 ↓ 본 예제에서는 1/12 부분만 해석

14, Inc. Create Circuit Components Model > Set Circuit Properties…

15, Inc. Create Loop Model > Set Circuit Properties… Loop1

16, Inc. Create Configuration File Command Files > Command File Editor File > Save > analysis_elektratr.comi #period = ① #shift = ② #duty = ③ / ① #amplitude = ④ ① ② ④ ③

17, Inc. Functions (1) Arithmetic ABS(a) the modulus of a INT(a) the largest integer whose magnitude does not exceed the magnitude of a times the sign of a NINT(a) the integer closest to a MAX(a;b) the maximum of a and b MIN(a;b) the minimum of a and b MOD(a;b) the remainder when a is divided by b SIGN(a;b) the modulus of a times the sign of b DELTA(a) if NINT(a) = 0, otherwise 0 RANGE(a;b;c) Inside range: 1, if b ≤ a ≤ c, otherwise 0 Outside range: 1 if a ≤ c or a ≥ b with c < b, otherwise 0 SWITCH(a;b;c;d) b, if a < 0 c, if a = 0 d, if a > 0 Exponentials and logarithms EXP(a)the value of e a LOG(a)the natural logarithm of a LOG10(a)the common logarithm of a SQRT(a)the square root of a

18, Inc. Functions (2) Trigonometry (angles in radians) ACOS(a) the angle whose cosine is a ASIN(a) the angle whose sine is a ATAN(a) the angle whose tangent is a, angle in the range (-π/2, π/2) ATAN2(a;b) the angle whose tangent is a/b taking into account the signs of a and b and allowing b to be zero, angle in the range (-π, π) COS(a) the cosine of a COSH(a) the hyperbolic cosine of a COTAN(a) the cotangent of a SIN(a) the sine of a SINH(a) the hyperbolic sine of a TAN(a) the tangent of a Trigonometry (angles in degrees) ACOSD(a) the angle whose cosine is a ASIND(a) the angle whose sine is a ATAND(a) the angle whose tangent is a, angle in the range (-90,90) ATAN2D(a;b) the angle whose tangent is a/b taking into account the signs of a and b and allowing b to be zero, angle in the range (-180,180). COSD(a) the cosine of a SIND(a) the sine of a TAND(a) the tangent of a

19, Inc. Generate Surface / Volume Mesh Model > Create Model Body Model > Generate Surface Mesh… Model > Generate Volume Mesh… Model Symmetry 가 반영됨

20, Inc. Create Analysis Database Model > Create Analysis Database …

21, Inc. Start Analysis Model > Start Analysis … 해석소요시간

22, Inc. Launch Post-Processor Opera-3d > Post-Processor

23, Inc. Opera-3d Post-Processor

24, Inc. File > Open (Activate+Load)… analysis.op3 선택 Open Analysis Database

25, Inc. View > Default Select and Reflesh Default Select and Reflesh

26, Inc. File > Graph Data in Text File … Graph Data

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