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Consolidated District and School Improvement Plans 2013-14.

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Presentation on theme: "Consolidated District and School Improvement Plans 2013-14."— Presentation transcript:

1 Consolidated District and School Improvement Plans 2013-14

2 KDE Requirements – 2013/14 ADVANC-Ed and ASSIST – 2 nd year of new improvement planning documents Three entry and submission requirements: 1. Executive Summary – narrative description 2. Needs Assessment – narrative in regards to data and priorities 3. Improvement Plan – goals, objectives, strategies and activities

3 Kentucky Board of Education Required Goals Achievement Gap (Elementary, Middle, High) KPREP Combined Proficiency (Elem., Middle) College and Career Readiness (Middle, High) Freshman Graduation Rate (High) PGES (Elementary, Middle, High)

4 EIS Objective -Achievement Gap Increase the average combined reading and math proficiency ratings for all students in the non-duplicated gap group from… - 39.1% proficient to 47.3% at elementary -32.3% proficient to 45.9% at middle -43.1% proficient to 47.1% at high by 2014.

5 EIS Objective – KPREP Combined Proficiency Increase the average combined reading and math KPREP scores from… -51.6% proficient to 59.8% for elementary -48.5% proficient to 58.2% for middle

6 EIS Objective – College and Career Readiness Increase the percentage of students who are college and career ready from 66.6% to 69.4% by 2014.

7 EIS Objective – Freshman Graduation Rate Increase the average freshman graduation rate from 91.1% to 91.9% by 2014.

8 EIS Objective - PGES Increase the percentage of effective principals and teachers from the baseline set in 2015 to the delivery target that will be established for 2020.

9 Improvement Plan Goals – KY Board of Education goal statements Objectives – measurable delivery targets set by state for each school and district Strategies – specific, planned actions Activities – tasks for improvement, includes timeline, resource allocations, and staff responsible

10 EIS Strategies and Activities Data Analysis Process – District, SBDM, School CDIP/CSIP – previous year Strategic Plan

11 EIS District Plan – Two Big Ideas Teacher Effectiveness – ensure a high quality teacher in every classroom Response to Learning – ensure that effective intervention systems are in place to support student learning needs, in particular those in the non-duplicated gap group

12 A Few Highlight Activities PGES – Professional Growth and Effectiveness System EHS College/Career Program and Partnership with ECTC PBIS – Positive Behavior Intervention and Supports PLC – Professional Learning Communities (emphasis on data analysis) Curriculum Development and Alignment

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