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Fermilab Measurement & Analysis Group Magnet Systems Department Weekly Meeting 080509 Overview JCT.

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Presentation on theme: "Fermilab Measurement & Analysis Group Magnet Systems Department Weekly Meeting 080509 Overview JCT."— Presentation transcript:

1 Fermilab Measurement & Analysis Group Magnet Systems Department Weekly Meeting 080509 Overview JCT

2 Fermilab Measurement & Analysis Group Magnet Systems Department May 9, 2008 J. Tompkins -2- Agenda 0)Overview- jct 1)Booster Corrector Update- Joe 2)View from Accelerator Support- George 3) LARP Collaboration Meeting - Giorgio/ Guram 4)AOB- all

3 Fermilab Measurement & Analysis Group Magnet Systems Department May 9, 2008 J. Tompkins -3- What’s Going On... Furloughs – –Time to start planning Furlough Period 2 (April-May)...

4 Fermilab Measurement & Analysis Group Magnet Systems Department May 9, 2008 J. Tompkins -4- What’s going on, cont. Lab layoffs deferred until May 19 (at earliest) –Still negotiating with DOE –Week of May 19 is a ‘peak furlough period’... Projects –LHC Successful powering of first inner triplet! –Sandor, Mike, and assorted onlookers... –LARP WAMSDO 19-23 May 2008 CERN –Mike T will present ILC & HINS &... SC magnet overview –HINS MTF shutdown (chiller installation, refrigerator maintenance) –Welder has been available

5 Fermilab Measurement & Analysis Group Magnet Systems Department May 9, 2008 J. Tompkins -5- What’s going on, cont. Summer Students –SIST proposals (2) – submitted One candidate has been identified M&S Budget –  The dept. is under-spent to date  –Reminder: high priority items should be pursued Equipment –Plan for ‘mini-probe shop’ in a portion of Tom’s area needs to be developed rapidly & M&S items identified –Probes & associated electronics »Review plans and submit reqs –PC for DSP/SSW (laptop) – order OK-ed, to be placed –Software: LabView licenses, MatLab, etc. Replacement of older pc’s

6 Fermilab Measurement & Analysis Group Magnet Systems Department May 9, 2008 J. Tompkins -6- Plans from Beginning of FY08, cont. Measurement and Analysis Group FY2008 M&S Spending on Internal Projects Conventional Magnets Measurement System – George Velev –A measurement system to replace the old, ChiSox based conventional magnet system used on MTF Stands A, B & C. The older system used a number of ‘home built’ signal processing and control circuits, is coupled directly to a Sybase database, a very old, no longer supported version. –Build a pilot prototype/working version of a magnetic measurement system, similar to the DSP one, but based on National Instruments DAQ blocks. The whole system without trigger card and signal conditioning block will cost ~ $20.7k. –This $20.7k includes a powerful Intel Core 2 Duo 2.16 GHz PXI crate computer. It should be enough for local DAQ and analysis. After this, the measurements will be transferred to the measurement group server – tdserver16, for storage and additional analysis/reanalysis. –This quote does not include any NI instrument software. It is assumed that the T&I department has it, which might not be a correct assumption. (Estimate: $4-8K.) –Total~$25-28K

7 Fermilab Measurement & Analysis Group Magnet Systems Department May 9, 2008 J. Tompkins -7- Plans from Beginning of FY08, cont. Acquisition System for Probe Array – Joe DiMarco –A fixed coil probe array was built for measuring the AC strength and harmonics for the 15 Hz Booster Corrector magnets. The measurement device featured 32 circuit board probes, each 1m long and capable of bucking main fields, mounted on the perimeter of a cylindrical form. The array of probes was simultaneously sampled with high speed ADC’s, and was able to measure fields to fractions of a micro-Tesla at sampling rates of 100 kHz. Given the capabilities of the system, and that the circuit boards are relatively easy to design and procure, the probe array technique is likely to be used in future measurements. In order to have a general capability for these types of measurements, a test cart with a computer and dedicated acquisition electronics is needed. –Cart/temp. controlled rack$4k –Electronics crate, controller (computer)$8k –Power system control$2k –LabView licenses$4k –48 channels of 24-bit ADC, cables, connectors$27k –Total$45k

8 Fermilab Measurement & Analysis Group Magnet Systems Department May 9, 2008 J. Tompkins -8- Plans from Beginning of FY08, cont. Single Stretched Wire System – Joe DiMarco –The stretched wire systems at MTF have proved to be useful, accurate, and easily adaptable for all horizontal alignment and integral strength measurements. The purchase of equipment for a new system would include high resolution (50 nm) stages that could measure stability at the sub-micron level (e.g. for ILC quadrupoles). The new system would also provide a replacement for the current ones which are 8 and 10 years old. –Control/Communication Linux workstation, monitor$4k Communication cards to data acquisition system$4k VME Crate with Schroff backplane$3k –Stage Related Primatics 50nm resolution XY stages$45K Stage Controller$8k Stage fixturing (fiducial nests, tension gauges, vibration sensors)$3k –Other ACQ related DMM (multiplexing and dedicated sampling)$3k Waveform Generator$3k Integrator/ADC$5k Kepco 36V, 12A Bi-polar Op-Amp power supply$4k –Other mechanical rack/cart, crane hoist rings$3kTotal$85K

9 Fermilab Measurement & Analysis Group Magnet Systems Department May 9, 2008 J. Tompkins -9- What’s going on, cont. Coordination with T&I –Ruben’s Facility Improvement Plan Meeting went well Software, data management still needs to be discussed – Jerzy was not there –Software quenchScanXmgr – compile & install on Meas&Anal server –Byte order swapping for data files Move other data analysis software to Meas&Anal server (?) –General issue of aging SunOS machines eLog, WebDat, EMS, configuration management,... Group Planning –Measurement System & Probe development Lab/workspace needed Development plan outline needs to be generated Estimate of resources to get started

10 Fermilab Measurement & Analysis Group Magnet Systems Department May 9, 2008 J. Tompkins -10- Safety Overview Furloughs &... –2 nd period requests are in... –Rumor is that initial layoff plan not accepted by DOE... Not yet signed off (DOE & Congress) Announcement will be in FermiToday – one day in advance(?) Safety awareness –TD has already reached yearly quota (lwcr?) Extra caution is required! –ITNA/WAAF’s to be done every year, prior to review period... I have updated all of them (I think) –Training will be required in some cases –PPE status of group –MTF operations – general safety issues –Any other issues ?

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