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LCAP Goal 3 Quality Leadership, Teaching, and Learning MARCH 8, 2016 THE OFFICE OF LEADERSHIP AND LEARNING.

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Presentation on theme: "LCAP Goal 3 Quality Leadership, Teaching, and Learning MARCH 8, 2016 THE OFFICE OF LEADERSHIP AND LEARNING."— Presentation transcript:

1 LCAP Goal 3 Quality Leadership, Teaching, and Learning MARCH 8, 2016 THE OFFICE OF LEADERSHIP AND LEARNING

2 Goal 3. Quality Leadership, Teaching, and Learning 3.3 - District Systems to Develop Instructional Capacity 3.4 - Develop Leadership Capacity 3.5 - Professional Development – Standards, Instruction, and Support 2

3 3 Quality Leadership Equity Building Capacity Green Team Support

4 Peter Johnston 4 Yvette Jackson Pedro Noguera Learning alongside Scholars in the Fields “Equity means that each child receives what he or she needs to develop to his or her full academic and social potential.” - National Equity Project NEP

5 5 Building Capacity: Leading a Learning Organization Use data (both quantitative and qualitative) to determine strengths, gaps (equity challenge) and wonderings  What does the data say and where do I need to take a closer look?  What additional data do I need?  Which students do I need to observe to gain a better understanding?  What practices, behaviors and language do I observe that open up new inquiries?  Based on this evidence, what are our strengths and equity challenges? Narrow an instructional focus to address the equity challenge (knowing and leading the “why” and “what”). The focus is integrated to prior and future professional development.  Why is this narrowed instructional focus the most important right now?  How does our instructional focus link to our equity challenge?  How do I situate my instructional focus in prior and future professional development?  Which teachers and students will we focus on? The leader builds capacity to influence practice through teaching (ILT, PLC, PD, coaching, modeling).  What are we teaching in relation to our focus?  How are we teaching it? Why are we teaching it? What are we expecting to see in our classrooms The Leader builds capacity to influence practice through learning. Continue to collect observational data through consistent observations.  How do I ensure that I am in the classrooms every single day?  Are my observations focused?  What am I doing with the observational data I collect?  Do I create opportunities to observe and calibrate instructional practice with other leaders? Vision

6 Common Core Cluster Support Teachers English Language Support Teachers OLA Curriculum/Instruction Special Education Secondary Counselors Race and Human Relations IT/Data Support / Ed Tech Student Services Building Capacity Coordinated Support to Schools: Our Green Teams at Work 6 The purpose of the Green Team is to provide ongoing and sustained support with the intention of building instructional capacity of the leader and the teachers. How do we measure success? Impact on teacher practice and student learning.

7 Principal and Teacher Professional Development 7 Lucy Calkins’ Reading Units of Study Math Studio RELY: Resource Library

8 Lucy Calkins’ Reading Units of Study 8 38 participating schools Ongoing Professional Development on Site 5 Principal Leaders Principal Leaders have provided 11 sessions for teacher learning 183 participating teachers “… is eager to participate in the Lucy Calkins’ Reading Pilot as we believe it will increase the level of teaching and learning at our site.” “We have had experience with the workshop model and feel that using the Reading Units of Study along with her Writing Units of Study school wide will benefit our students’ academic growth and achievement.”

9 Greenhouse and Math Studio 9 Teachers Development Group (TDG) is a non profit organization dedicated to increasing all students’ mathematical understanding and achievement through meaningful, effective professional development. Math Studio consists of all teachers in the Math Department and any SPED, EL or other specialists who work with math at Edison Elementary, Marshall Middle, and Madison High School. Greenhouse Studio is an introductory to Math Studio. These studios will prepare the school(s) for Math Studio – Year 2. The TDG Consultant meets with the Principal.5-day per cycle, for each participating school. The TDG Consultant also meet with the Studio Teacher.5-day prior to the studios for a Pre-Studio Inquiry. Math Studio and Greenhouse Studio enable us to grow our capacity in mathematics.

10 RELY: Resource Library 10 Since date of launch 1/25/2016 1344 visits RELY: Resource Library, offers principals and teachers a variety of resources that support teaching and learning, including units of study, assessments, professional development modules and more. Teachers can access resources to support in-class needs and professional growth. The launch of RELY represents a long-term commitment by district leadership. All existing materials are organized into this centralized system, which will grow over time and across content areas.

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