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Aim: How did European Exploration impact Asia? DO NOW: Explain the role Portugal played in European Exploration…

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Presentation on theme: "Aim: How did European Exploration impact Asia? DO NOW: Explain the role Portugal played in European Exploration…"— Presentation transcript:

1 Aim: How did European Exploration impact Asia? DO NOW: Explain the role Portugal played in European Exploration…

2 Reasons to Explore Control trade Gain direct access to Asia Gain wealth Portugal Leads Rounds southern tip of Africa Finds a sea route to India Creates a vast trading empire Columbus Sails West Finds route to previously unknown continents Trading and exploration rights divided between Portugal and Spain Spurs other nations to explore European Exploration

3 Effects of European Exploration European Footholds Portuguese establish forts and trading posts. Portuguese attack coastal cities of Africa. Portuguese expel the Arabs and take over East African trade network. Slave Trade European involvement encourages broader Atlantic slave trade. Europeans rely on African rulers and traders to seize captives and bring them to trading posts and forts. Some African leaders, such as Affonso I, try to stop the slave trade. New African States Asante kingdom emerges in the area of present-day Ghana. Oyo empire arises from successive waves of settlement by Yoruba people.



6 Europeans Explore the East 1.Caravel ships with triangular sails, astrolabe, and magnetic compass

7 Europeans Explore the East 2.Immediate: increase in tensions between Portugal and Spain Long Term: opened up the Americas to European colonization

8 Europeans Explore the East 3.Line divided Portuguese and Spanish land claims, the countries opened the era of exploration and colonization. 4.Gained a direct sea route to Asia

9 Europeans Explore the East 5.To end Portuguese domination of Asian trade and establish its own trade empire there. 6.Naval power, allied with England to break up Portuguese control of trade, and then drove the English out.

10 Europeans Explore the East 7.Until the Europeans began to conquer the region, the peoples of Asia remained relatively unaffected by European contact.

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