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Integrating Web-Based Literacy Instruction: A Pilot Report The Reading Plus Faculty Inquiry Group 14 May 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "Integrating Web-Based Literacy Instruction: A Pilot Report The Reading Plus Faculty Inquiry Group 14 May 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 Integrating Web-Based Literacy Instruction: A Pilot Report The Reading Plus Faculty Inquiry Group 14 May 2015

2 Overview Integrated RP into Curriculum of English 253. Collected Data and Student Surveys. Found Student Success to be Commensurate with Engagement. Recommend Required Lab Support to Increase Student Engagement.

3 Student Success: Program Data



6 Student Success: Student Survey Results


8 Student Engagement: Program Data 32% of students completed all of their assignments or at least 80% of them 68% of students completed less than 80% of their assignments

9 Student Engagement: Student Survey Results 50% of students felt that they completed most or all of their assignments 50% of students felt that they completed half of their assignments or less

10 Number of Assignments: 2 Approaches 1) Consistent Approach: The instructor assigned a consistent number of weekly exercises (2 iBalance; 2 ReadAround; 4 SeeReader) 1) Varied Approach: The instructor varied the number and type of assignments from week to week

11 Consistent Approach: Student Survey Results


13 Varied Approach: Student Survey Results


15 Student Access and Support: Student Survey Results

16 36% of students agreed or strongly agreed 46% of students remained neutral 18% of students disagreed or strongly disagreed

17 Program Performance: Student Survey Results

18 62% agreed or strongly agreed 23% remained neutral 15% disagreed or strongly disagreed

19 Looking Ahead: Recommendations Integrate lab support to increase student engagement and student success. Assign a consistent number of weekly exercises. Assign benchmark assessments during the beginning of semester and before finals week. Collect program data at the end of the semester by saving the following reports: o Class Instructional Summary Report; Class Progress Report; Class Benchmark Comparison Report; Student Instructional Summary Report

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