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Why 50 % in Group ‘A’ Posts?. Presentation from NRPOA By- RAM KISHORE President.

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Presentation on theme: "Why 50 % in Group ‘A’ Posts?. Presentation from NRPOA By- RAM KISHORE President."— Presentation transcript:

1 Why 50 % in Group ‘A’ Posts?

2 Presentation from NRPOA By- RAM KISHORE President

3 Method of Recruitment of Group ‘A’ Services in Railway Competitive Examination held by the Union Public Service Commission. Promotion of Officers in Group ‘B’ service including officiating Group ‘B’ officers of the service or department. Para-205 of Indian Railway Establishment Code Vol.- I :

4 Para-209(B)-1of Indian Railway Establishment Code Vol.-I : 1. Group ‘B’ officers with not less than 3 years non- fortuitous service. 2. DPC shall be constituted for this purpose with one Representative of UPSC as Chairman and two representatives of Railway Ministry shall be Members. Codal Provision for Induction in Group ‘A’ from Group ‘B’

5 Group ‘B’ Quota for induction in Group ‘A’ A- 25 % of Vacancies prior to 1954. B-33% of Vacancies since 1954 C- 40 % of Vacancies since Feb.1978 D- 50 % of Group ‘A’ posts since 1997

6 Quota being given 25 % of the Junior Scale of Group A Posts.

7 Cadre Structure of Group ‘A’ in Railways. S.N.CadreIRSEIRSEEIRSMEIRSSEIRTSIRSSIRPSIRASTotal 1Member111 1 15 2AM /GM212 4 211 3PHOD/AGM32212512249215140 4SAG19811613991124644394869 5SG/JAG6503534132683282031112272553 6Sr.Time Scale6212442572212691491262762163 7Jr.Time Scale1851751941531648173501075 8Jr.Time Scale (Leave Reserve)1104514341100273868572 9Total1799956117478610145333937337388 10 % age of Jr. Time Scale in the cadre 16.423.0128.7124.6826.0420.2628.2416.122.29 1125% share of Jr.Time Scale earmarked for Gp.B for induction in Gp.A74558448662729 412 12%age of yearly induction of Total Cadre strength4.115.757.166.116.515.077.383.965.58

8 Position of Group ‘B’ Officers (Sr. Scale- Adhoc) as on 1.11.2007 YearPersonnelAccountsMech.TrafficS&TElect.StoresCivilTOTAL + 1994503943154517586317 1995546928612724475366 1996376132373324 140412 19971857595058353693441 19982018353847151440242 19993172515391317 159 200011221111714822120 200111521143219139143 20026820612105481 2003 119 328742 2004 12322 12 2005 0 2006 0 2007 0 Total1902973042493161751364932335

9 Comparative Position of Group ‘B’ Officers (having more than 10 years service) waiting for Induction in Group “A”. S.N.Deptt. Total Group B officers Quota in Group ‘A’ Average time to be taken (No of Years ) per year 1Accounts2652919 2Personnel1892817 3Traffic & Comml.1856613 4Mech.1758412 5Stores882713 6S&T1674814 7Electrical1275512 8Civil4557416 9Total1651411 Average time taken 15-16 years The position is indicative of State of affair as the actual induction depends on various factors.

10 Affects of NOT providing 50% Quota. Time taken in induction in Group ‘A’ is now 15-16 years service in Group ‘B’ against the eligibility of 3 years and increasing day by day. There is a shortfall of 31% in Group ‘A’ posts as only 19 % (app.)of Total Group ‘A’ posts of Railways are occupied by Group ‘B’ officers after induction in Group 'A’ against their quota of 50%. 2335 Group ‘B’ Officers are working on Sr. Scale Posts (Group ‘A’) on Ad-hoc basis as on 1-11-2007.e

11 Affects of NOT providing 50% Quota. Eligible officers are not available for promotion to JAG in many departments. Administrative functioning is being jeopardized due to non-availability of trained and skilled mangers/officers. Decision making is suffering, leading to loss of avenues of earnings/ reduction in expenditure. Moral of Group ‘B’ Officers is at the lowest level, affecting the overall performance of Railways.

12 ROLE OF INDIAN RAILWAYS IN THE CHANGING SCENARIO OF INDIAN ECONOMY. Indian Economy is expected to grow @ 10% and Indian railway has to play to its role in achieving the same. Indian Railways is also entering in to era of Public Private Partnership in various fields. 11 th Five Year Plan envisages a plan expenditure of Rs.2,51,000 crore, out of which Rs.90000 crore shall be generated from internal resources.

13 REQUIREMENT OF INDIAN RAILWAYS TO MEET THE CHALLENGE IN THE CHANGING SCENARIO OF INDIAN ECONOMY. Require additional posts at JAG level and above for making policies for revenue generation. Require additional posts at JAG level and above to handle huge expenditure. Require additional experienced force of officers at JAG and above to utilize the assets created for the purpose.

14 Human Resource : A Major Constraint of Railways in achieving the growth targets. Young and talented people are attracted towards the Corporate world, offering them higher pay and perks, which are not available in Govt. Sector. Materialization of Indents for Direct Recruitment of Group ‘A’ officers in various services of Railways through UPSC is about 75 %. Experienced manpower available in the railway as Group ‘B’ officers is totally demoralised and de- motivated as their quota in Group ‘A’ induction is given only half of the stipulated 50% of Group ‘A’ cadre i.e.25% with no true reasons.

15 Why is it necessary to give 50% of Group ‘A’/ Jr. Scale to Group ‘B’ now ! Shall help in providing eligible officers to man the JAG posts, which otherwise are lying vacant. Shall help in providing additional officers at JAG level to handle huge plan expenditure of 5 th Five Year Plan. Shall meet the requirement of additional experienced force of officers at JAG to utilize the assets created for the purpose. Shall help in bridging the gap between TASK and TALENT and thus, major constraint in achieving of corporate targets of Railways shall be overcome to a great extent.

16 Because, it is mandatory as per Rly.Board’s guidelines. Not granting is also the violation of Article 16 of the Constitution of India. Shall help in reducing the stagnation in Group ‘B’. Shall help in removing adhocism of Group ‘B’ officers working on Sr. Scale/Group “A” posts with no additional costs, but only to some extent. Shall help in boosting the morale of Group ‘B’ officers to enhance the performance of Railway System.


18 THANKS !!!

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