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Building a scalable neural processing subsystem Joy Bose Supervisors Steve Furber (Amulet Group) Jonathan Shapiro (AI Group) Amulet Group Meeting 30 January.

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Presentation on theme: "Building a scalable neural processing subsystem Joy Bose Supervisors Steve Furber (Amulet Group) Jonathan Shapiro (AI Group) Amulet Group Meeting 30 January."— Presentation transcript:

1 Building a scalable neural processing subsystem Joy Bose Supervisors Steve Furber (Amulet Group) Jonathan Shapiro (AI Group) Amulet Group Meeting 30 January 2003

2 Outline of the talk Introduction Memories: human and computer Kanerva’s theory and the n-of-m modification Storing sequences: feedback and desentisization Software memory model implementation Conclusion and future work

3 Objective A scalable neural chip A robust dynamic neural memory

4 Motivation Take inspiration from the brain Commercial Applications Scalable chips

5 The human memory Associative Learn and recall Robust Pattern is the address Capable of storing sequences Info is stored in connections between neurons Forgets gradually

6 The computer memory Is like a lookup table: data stored at particular address Hash function Overwriting, but never forgets Address space is of exponential order to number of dimensions

7 Address Decoder Data Memory Address (n bit) 1 out of 2 n lines Input data (n bit) Output Data (n bit) Conventional Computer Memory Writing Mode Recall Mode

8 Kanerva’s theory Seeks to combine the good features of both Is mainly for the sparse case, when meaningful addresses are much less than 2 (no of dimensions) Is a binary computer memory with characteristics of human memory Is also a 2-dimensional neural network

9 Working: Kanerva’s Memory model

10 The n-of-m modification The aim is increased capacity, error checking and hardware implementation feasibility Instead of binary address it uses n-of-m codes No negative inputs/weights Works in two modes: learning and recall

11 Address Decoder (a-of-A) Data Memory i-of-A address w-of-W Word lines d-of-D data N-of-M Kanerva Memory model Learning ModeRecall Mode

12 Remembering sequences Order matters: earlier is more important Added: feedback Issues: symbol interference Two time constants Forward (shunt) inhibition: order sensitivity Backward inhibition: self- resetting

13 A finite state machine Finite number of states Transitions between states a  b  c  d  a Stores sequences Interference between different sequences to experiment ‘online’ learning and ‘offline’ learning


15 The Neural Network (for FSM)

16 Some implementation issues Pendulum model: to impose time- ordering Event queue Desentisization factor Spiking neuron model

17 Pendulum Model and event queue

18 The Neuron: Brain Cell

19 Neuron: Conventional Vs. Spiking Model

20 Conclusion and future work Hypothesis: It is possible to build a dynamic neural memory as a finite state machine capable of storing sequences Objective: To build a robust neural memory and a modular neural chip Future work: To finalise the various parameters of the neural model and to experiment with various models

21 Further Information Fire Project Home Page: E Mail: Homepage: Thanks!!

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