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2015-16 Fiscal Year In Review. July 2015. Fiscal Year End! Administered the Annual Endowment Payouts for 15 endowment funds Completed 3 rd quarter grant.

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Presentation on theme: "2015-16 Fiscal Year In Review. July 2015. Fiscal Year End! Administered the Annual Endowment Payouts for 15 endowment funds Completed 3 rd quarter grant."— Presentation transcript:

1 2015-16 Fiscal Year In Review

2 July 2015. Fiscal Year End! Administered the Annual Endowment Payouts for 15 endowment funds Completed 3 rd quarter grant payouts for Community Cares grant agencies. All financial documents submitted for yearly audit of Lebanon Area Foundation.

3 August 2015 Lebanon R-III School District Benefits Fair LAF Board Secretary, Sue Lewis, spent her morning promoting Community Cares payroll deduction to R-III educators and staff. Lebanon R-III School District employees strongly support Community Cares.

4 September 2015 Community Cares Fall Kickoff Campaign LAF board members invite Boswell Elementary 5 th grade TAG students to a monthly board meeting.

5 October 2015 Service Organization of the Year Award Route 66 Mural Project OTC Chili/Soup Cookoff for Community Cares 2015 Business Expo & Fun Day

6 November 2015 Mercy Hospital in Lebanon Benefits Fair Presented Community Cares at Laclede Electric Cooperative Employee Meetings

7 December 2015 Annual Mass Mailing sent out sharing our mission of Neighbors Helping Neighbors and asking for community support to fund grant dollars for 34 nonprofits in Laclede County. Celebration Luncheon Announcing Grant Awards!

8 January 2016 Lebanon Technology & Career Center opens a pass-thru fund with LAF to receive donations. Melinda Fries celebrated her one year anniversary as Administrator.

9 February 2016 The Lebanon Area Foundation Board of Directors voted to lift the Blackout Period for Community Cares grant recipients. Lebanon Rotary Club shared the love with Community Cares at their Valentine’s Day Social for the second year in a row!

10 March 2016 Partnered with the City of Lebanon to present the Community Cares payroll deduction option to City employees. A great group of caring people! Dr. Dusty Childress, Director of OTC Lebanon Campus, joined the Lebanon Area Foundation Board of Directors.

11 April 2016 Launched the Volunteer Resource Guide on our website! Ordered 23 new Commemorative Bricks to be engraved and added to the American Veterans Memorial before Memorial Day. LAF Scholarship Committee members met to select the 2016 Harke Family Education Scholarship Recipients.

12 May 2016 The American Red Cross of Southern Missouri transferred their annual Hometown Heroes in Laclede County to LAF, ensuring the legacy of this amazing community event for years to come! Administered the Massey Memorial Teaching Scholarship to four exceptional educators at the Teacher’s Breakfast.

13 Final Board Meeting of the 2015-16 Fiscal Year Bob Fields has served as President of LAF for two years, providing exceptional leadership and valuable guidance at every turn. LAF has grown and flourished under his direction. Retiring Board Member, Angie Hemphill Wright was given a plaque to recognize her 11 years of service to LAF. Angie has served many roles on the Board, including the role of President and Distribution Chair. Incoming President, Joy Davis, arranged for a sweet farewell to the 2015-16 fiscal year, thanking Angie and Bob for all of their hard work!

14 Lebanon Area Foundation The 2015-16 fiscal year was a wild ride! Thank you for joining us and for supporting our mission of Neighbors Helping Neighbors.

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