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Evanescent wave induced Time-resolved Fluorescence

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1 Evanescent wave induced Time-resolved Fluorescence
Myoung Hee Lee

2 Can we see single fluorophores ?
far field near field TIRF or TIRFM (Total Internal Reflection Fluorescence Microscopy)

3 Microspheres in TIR and far-field Fluorescence

4 Time lapse Sequence of Protein Dynamics

5 total internal reflection
What is TIRF ? total internal reflection evanescent wave (EW) ~ a few hundreds nm this optical section thickness ~ 1/10 for confocal microscopy technique

6 What is TIRF ? Key advantage of TIRF Surface selectivity
fluorophores Surface selectivity (Shallow penetration depth of EW) Not excited beyond the EW High Signal-to-Noise ratio

7 Induced Evanescent Wave
What happens ? n 1 evanescent wave

8 Induced Evanescent Wave
What happens ? n 1 d for 1D evanescent wave, plane wave

9 Decay length of Evanescent Wave
1 d for example, air/glass, 400nm excitation, d : about 57 nm

10 Induced Evanescent Wave

11 Common Setups of TIRFM Setup with prism or with objective lens

12 Two types of TIRFM Prism type objective lens type

13 High numerical Aperture Objective TIRFM

14 Time-Resolved TIRF study on polarity at a liquid/liquid interface
Anal. Chem. 2001, 73,

15 Schematic diagram of a system for TIRF
TCSPC Ti:sapphire laser 100 kHz, 200 fs Glan-laser prism IA : 80O R3809U-50 Anal. Chem. 2001, 73,

16 Coordinate system of anisotropy experiment
X-Y plane is the plane of the interface Anal. Chem. 2001, 73,

17 Molecular structures of SRB, SR101 and AB1
Anal. Chem. 2001, 73,

18 Schematic diagram of water / oil interface
- + - Oil - cyclohexane carbon tetrachloride tolene Chlorobenzene (CB) o-dichlorobenzene (DCB) 1,2-dichloroethane (DCE) oil Anal. Chem. 2001, 73,

19 Fluorescence decay curves of SRB
nonradiative decay rate const. increases as solvent polarity increases means fast decay At a water/DCE interface (DCE : dichlorobenzene) (b) In water Single exponential function Anal. Chem. 2001, 73,

20 Photophysical parameters of SRB and
Polarities at the water/oil interfaces Anal. Chem. 2001, 73,

21 Schematic illustrations of flat and rough interfaces
At water/oil interface For low polarity of oil (CCl4 and toluene) : thin and flat interface (a) For high polarity of oil (DCB and DCE) : thin but rough interface (b) (for SRB, single exponential decay) Anal. Chem. 2001, 73,

22 Propagation of a ray in an optical fiber
Appendix Propagation of a ray in an optical fiber dcot z take time  d z : an additional distance for the time , The penetration of a ray undergoing total internal reflection (or Effective lateral shift of the ray) is known as the

23 What happens ? Appendix Propagation factor for the refracted wave x
z Propagation factor for the refracted wave not propagated to the z axis propagated to the surface

24 D : transverse displacement
Appendix Time-averaged normal component of the Poynting vector inside the surface d x z D purely imaginary D : transverse displacement

25 Appendix evanescent wave light source prism air

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