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Development of a natural rubber dryer base on multi energy resources (biomass, solar and wind) Didin Suwardin, A. Vachlepi, M. Pubaya and S. Hanifarianty.

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Presentation on theme: "Development of a natural rubber dryer base on multi energy resources (biomass, solar and wind) Didin Suwardin, A. Vachlepi, M. Pubaya and S. Hanifarianty."— Presentation transcript:

1 Development of a natural rubber dryer base on multi energy resources (biomass, solar and wind) Didin Suwardin, A. Vachlepi, M. Pubaya and S. Hanifarianty Indonesian Rubber Research Institute - Sembawa Research Centre Jl. Raya Palembang-Pangkalan Balai km 29 Banyuasin ~South Sumatera Phone: (0711) 7439493; Fax : (0711) 7439282 e-Mail : Indonesian Rubber Research Institute - Sembawa Research Centre Jl. Raya Palembang-Pangkalan Balai km 29 Banyuasin ~South Sumatera Phone: (0711) 7439493; Fax : (0711) 7439282 e-Mail :

2 INTRODUCTION The drying process is a critical step in the processing of natural rubber. The issue is the provision of energy sources for drying process is limited and increasingly expensive to reach 50-60% of the production cost. Therefore it requires the efforts provision of energy sources cheaply and environmental friendly. In this study, it was developed biomass-based energy sources integrated with wind power and sunlight. Energy used in the drying process included two forms of energy, thermal energy and electrical energy. The thermal energy was obtained from biomass gasification process and the greenhouse effect. While the conversion of electrical energy generated from the sunlight and wind power.

3 METHODS Basic data validation Basic data consisted of temperature, long exposure, humidity and wind speed. Those data obtained from the search results for the last 6 years. Data were obtained from the Climatology Station of Sembawa Research Center - Indonesian Rubber Research Institute Design criteria of rubber dryer unit The capacity of drying unit was designed for 300 rubber pieces suitable with production for a smallholder rubber processing group. The main components of the drying unit consisted of a drying chamber, solar collectors, wind turbine power, solar power generation (solar cells), blower, fans, and a biomass gasifier

4 METHODS Schematic diagram of rubber drying unit Installation of rubber drying unit

5 METHODS Schematic diagram of wind power unit Wind power plant unit

6 Solar power generation unit Schematic diagram of solar power unit METHODS

7 Biomass stove and blower METHODS

8 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION. Data of environmental parameter

9 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Ultimate and proximate analysis of biomass

10 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 8.008.309.009.30 10.0010.3011.0011.3012.0012.30 TIME (hour) TEMPERATURE ( o C) TEMP. OF COLLECTOR TEMP. OF AMBIENT 20 40 60 80 8.459.009.3010.0010.30 TIME(hour) TEMPERATURE ( o C) Temp. of ambient Temp. of collector RESULTS AND DISCUSSION cloudy condition sunny condition

11 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The gasification efficiency analysis of biomass

12 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Conditions of rubber sheet drying results The processing stage of rubber sheet

13 The temperature and time of rubber sheet during drying process

14 CONCLUSION The main components of the drying unit consisted of a drying chamber, solar heat collectors, wind power generation, solar power generation, blower, and a gasifier The time required in the drying process of sheet rubber was about 64-hours The use of biomass stumps rubber, rubber chips and palm oil shell material respectively required as much as 72 kg, 76 kg, and 63 kg Rubber sheet that was obtained by using a Deorub K coagulant had dark color, while the Deorub K coagulant mixed with turmeric and HNS, respectively produced brightly colored of rubber sheet.

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