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ED 571-1: Methods of Teaching Secondary Social Studies May 22, 2012 Dr. Anthony Dralle First Seminar/Introduction to the Course.

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Presentation on theme: "ED 571-1: Methods of Teaching Secondary Social Studies May 22, 2012 Dr. Anthony Dralle First Seminar/Introduction to the Course."— Presentation transcript:

1 ED 571-1: Methods of Teaching Secondary Social Studies May 22, 2012 Dr. Anthony Dralle First Seminar/Introduction to the Course

2 Welcome to the course! Overview of course expectations Discussion Board Major Assignments This week’s seminar- Standardized Testing Questions Upcoming Attractions Tonight’s agenda

3 Who’s in this class? From Iowa Eastern time zone of U.S. Pacific time zone of U.S. Other time zone in U.S. Wondering what time it is! Outside the U.S. Currently teaching In or about to start a field experience Subject areas

4 What’s Graded? AssignmentDue DatePoints Discussion BoardUnits 2-9240 Scope and Sequence Analysis of a Textbook Unit 3180 Student Centered Assessment Tool Unit 5180 Final Project: Discovery Lesson Unit 7400

5 Weekly Discussion Board (Graded Units 2-9) 1) Knowledge of content (6 points): Student successfully applies sufficient concepts, facts, and ideas from readings and related assignments 2) Critical Thinking (8 points) : Student demonstrates critical reflection on the topic(s) using two or more of the following strategies: 1) examining issue(s) from multiple perspectives 2) making connections to theoretical frameworks 1)reflecting critically on research methods or legitimacy and/or quality of sources 3) Contribution to flow of Academic Exchange (8 points): Student’s posts contribute significantly to the depth and evolution of the discussion. 4) Participation (5 points): Student provides a high level of reciprocal engagement with other participants. Postings and replies are made throughout the academic week. 5) Writing, Mechanics, and APA (3 points): Student’s posts contain few or no errors in writing or mechanics, and properly formatted APA in-text citation and a list of references wherever one is needed.

6 Discussion Board- Unit 1 Respond to this comment: “Studies have shown that in creating state or national standards for social studies education, mandated testing drives instruction. Though this may seem to be a 'cart before the horse' approach, such a system insures a complete and comprehensive education for the social studies student.” (Not a graded DB forum!) 1) Knowledge of content (6 points): (Discussing relevant ideas from the readings) 2) Critical Thinking (8 points) : Student demonstrates critical reflection on the topic(s) using two or more of the following strategies: 1) examining issue(s) from multiple perspectives 2) making connections to theoretical frameworks 1)reflecting critically on research methods or legitimacy and/or quality of sources 3) Contribution to flow of Academic Exchange (8 points): (Contribute to and promote further discussion) 4) Participation (5 points): (Respond to students; respond at different times in the week ) 5) Writing, Mechanics, and APA (3 points)

7 Discussion Board- Unit 1 Respond to this comment: “Studies have shown that in creating state or national standards for social studies education, mandated testing drives instruction. Though this may seem to be a 'cart before the horse' approach, such a system insures a complete and comprehensive education for the social studies student.” (Not a graded DB forum!) I am not sure I would call standardized testing a positive way to learning the subject of Social Studies, but more of an accountability for what the teachers are teaching. -Kelly Williams With the standardized tests, the teachers are teaching to the test and only going doing a general overview so that they can make sure they get all of the material covered. This doesn’t allow the teacher time or ability to dive into the real issues like, “Why did this happen?” or “What could have we done differently to avoid this?” –Brian Springer The student memorizes the information for the test and doesn't retain most of the information. I believe the best way for students to learn is by visual aids, projects, group work and having a class discussion. -Christopher Powers

8 Discussion Board Reminders Three things** to remember: 1. Enter the site at least 3 times per week. 2. Respond to at least two classmates... 3. Make sure to add a reference list at the bottom of your original post and make sure to cite in the text of your post. Resources can be from outside internet sources. **3A: Communicate with me if/when you anticipate problems posting on time, in a given DB unit.**

9 I. Scope and Sequence: due Unit 3, 180 Points Describe the scope of the text in a condensed form (no more than two paragraphs). Be sure to stipulate the grade-level audience for the book. 2. Describe, in one paragraph, the sequence used in the text. 3. Where does it fit in the scope-and-sequence pattern of your state's education department? (Refer to the relevant standards for your state) 4. In no more than two paragraphs, describe where this textbook fits in the NCSS scope and sequence pattern. Stipulate which of the [seven] core disciplines*** this text fits. 5. Select one topic from the text and list five [non-social studies sources or ideas] that could enhance a lesson on this topic. (A list of non-social studies sources can be found in your ED 571 textbook.). **Include resources beyond the Social Studies textbook. The idea is to find reading materials that would be relevant to the topic, and interesting to students. --Entire paper should be 3-5 pages. *** The core disciplines include anthropology, archaeology, economics, geography, history, law, philosophy, political science, psychology, religion, and sociology, Note that Iowa lists these core content areas: Behavioral Sciences, Economics, Geography, History, and Political Science/ Civic Literacy NCSS (2010) About National Council for the Social Studies, Available:

10 Choose ONLY ONE of these two options when designing your assessment tool: Develop an essay question for 11th grade students on “The Decision to Drop the Atomic Bomb on Japan.” Design the question to assess the students’ ability to express concern about the topic. Create a scoring rubric for this essay. OR Develop six multiple-choice test questions for 9th graders on the nineteenth-century labor movement in the U.S. Using Bloom’s Taxonomy, create one question for each of the six levels (knowledge, comprehension, application, etc.). Be sure to label each question with the level of the taxonomy you are illustrating. Create a scoring rubric for these questions. *** If you would like to choose another topic, please contact me and we will agree upon a topic ahead of time. Additional topics may only be chosen for option #2 (M/C questions)*** II. Student-centered Assessment Tool: due Unit 5, 180 Points

11 1. Prepare materials for the lesson: 1. Find three 20th-century Supreme Court cases involving the rights of citizens in wartime. 2. Write brief synopses (summaries) of the three cases ‑ but do not include the actual decisions made by the Court. 3. Write a fourth "synopsis" that summarizes briefly the relevant stipulations of the Patriot Act of 2002. 2. Write the actual lesson plan: A brief introduction that explains the goals of secondary social studies education, the content areas, and the 10 themes of the social studies discipline designated by the National Council for the Social Studies (NCSS), The case synopses and Patriot Act summary that you wrote. III. Discovery Process Lesson: due Unit 7, 400 Points

12 1. Four components: 1.) A list of three to five "ground rules" for the discussion. 2.) A list of two or three opening questions to initiate the discussion. 3.) A list of two or three questions you might use to refocus the class if the discussion strays from your objective. 4.) A list of two “devil's advocate” questions to use if some students catch on to your objective very quickly and seem confident that they "know" exactly where the discussion is going. Role-playing, group work, or problem-solving exercises. Traditional and authentic assessments. (Rubric encouraged) Integration of national standards (NCSS), and/or relevant state Social Studies standards. Principles of behavioral learning and developmental theories that promote the inclusion of diverse and exceptional learners. Opportunities for reflection and critical thinking. Educational experiences that seek to develop reflective, concerned, and participating citizens who share values of social concern and ethical growth. A brief conclusion where you reflect on what you have learned by designing this lesson plan (impact on your teaching practice) III. Discovery Process Lesson: due Unit 7, 400 Points

13 1. We can consider a different topic for this lesson plan. It would need to be approved ahead of time. It will still involve primary sources, interpretations of them, and a paideia- oriented discussion. III. Discovery Process Lesson: due Unit 7, 400 Points

14 Major Assignments- Keys to Earning Full Credit Follow the rubrics! Start early, ask questions early Feel free to run ideas by me, ahead of time Meet the deadlines, but be sure what you turn in is your best work.

15 This week- Seminar- Standardized Testing Come to the Seminar prepared to discuss the following questions: This seminar will focus on the standards movement. We will discuss our own personal experiences in dealing with standards from the perspective of the student and the prospective teacher. Reflect on these questions from your personal perspective prior to the seminar. Then, if you know a teacher currently employed in secondary social studies instruction, ask for input from him or her. Come to the seminar prepared to discuss the following: Do you think standardized testing in social studies should be limited or expanded and why? Do you think that students who have not had the benefit of living in the U.S. for most of their lives are at a disadvantage in the social studies testing arena?

16 Due this week (Unit 1) -Introductory DB- personal introduction, Influence of Standards question -Review the Site; Review the major assignments - Find and begin analyzing a Soc St textbook

17 Upcoming Unit 2: Origins of Secondary Education Readings: 1.Text, chapters 4 and 5 2.Complete Unit 2’s DB 3.Prepare for Textbook Scope and Sequence, Unit 3

18 Questions?

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