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 We will be using curriculum designed by computer science professors at the University of Washington to help students develop skills in Science, Technology,

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2  We will be using curriculum designed by computer science professors at the University of Washington to help students develop skills in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math.  Many feel that programming language should receive the same language credit any other foreign language class receives; it is that important to ever changing, quickly progressing society.  Learning objectives were designed to align very closely with ISTE’s NETS for students and 21st Century Skills Technology Core Standards.  Computer Programming provides instruction in six critical areas:  1. Technical skills related to software development, computer programming & graphic design  2. Creative, innovative & critical thinking  3. Communication and collaboration as an individual and part of a team  4. Using appropriate and accessible digital tools for research and learning  5. Using engineering, physics & mathematical concepts critical to game development  6. Post-secondary and career options & resources related to STEM

3  No food or drink in class.  Water is OK if you keep it away from the computers.  Do your own work.  Please keep all work and comments appropriate to school and the class room.  Please be in the class room when the bell rings.  Do not pack up or shut off your computer until the bell rings.  The instructor dismisses you from class, not the bell.

4  Please be courteous to your fellow students and staff members.  Please be respectful to yourself, your fellow students, and staff members.  Please keep the class room clean.  Don’t abuse the equipment.  Please push in your chairs before you leave class.  6 th period: please stack all chairs and turn off all computers.  Have fun (within the context of the classroom) and don’t be afraid to ask questions/make mistakes; this is how we all learn.

5  Tardies  Tardies will be dealt with as per the student handbook  In addition, students will lose 10 points from their attendance/participation grade for each unexcused tardy  Leaving the class room  NBHS staff wants to keep kids in the class room, so limits will be set for leaving the it (unless the instructor is informed differently from the office; i.e. a medical exception) ▪ Three “free” trips per quarter ▪ For the fourth time out of class, the student will owe the instructor 15 minutes of time; the fifth trip will equal a half hour, and so on. ▪ If the student owes the instructor any detention time, that student may not leave class until that time is served. ▪ Students must sign out of class AND take the hall pass ▪ Students are expected to keep time out of class reasonable or this privilege will be revoked; the instructor believes two to five minutes reasonable.

6  Turning in assignments  Unless stated otherwise, all assignments will be shared with the instructor through your Google drive account  You can also email assignments to the instructor if you feel the Drive is not working  Check your email often for additional class resources, directions, assignments, etc.  Check the class Web site often for additional class resources, directions, assignments, etc.

7  Please be careful in the class room.  All safety measures and precautions have been taken, but there are still many wires, cables, and other tripping hazards to be wary of.  Do not move or exchange computers or their peripherals.  This includes monitors, keyboards, and mice.  Please try not to move the tables/desks.  Each Friday, each class will be responsible for deleting all their work from the computer. All work should always be saved to your Google Drive account each day.

8  The instructor expects all rules, expectations, and policies to be followed without prompting.  If needed, a general prompt to the classroom will be issued.  If an individual student can be recognized misbehaving, the teacher will warn that student and remind him/her of the consequences of his/her actions.  Consequences (in no order): Lunch detention, Before or after school detention, After class detention, New seating assignment, Hallway detention, Send to office, Discipline referral, Call home  Appeal process:  If the student feels the instructor assigned discipline in error, he/she is welcome to speak with the instructor and may have someone accompany them.  If student is still unsatisfied with the instructor’s decision, he/she is welcome to speak with Mr. Mackey and/or Mrs. McCoy

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