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Integrating Frameworks for Energy and Climate Policy Analysis. Professor Rudolf B. Husar, Director, Center for Air Pollution Impact and Trend Analysis,

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Presentation on theme: "Integrating Frameworks for Energy and Climate Policy Analysis. Professor Rudolf B. Husar, Director, Center for Air Pollution Impact and Trend Analysis,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Integrating Frameworks for Energy and Climate Policy Analysis. Professor Rudolf B. Husar, Director, Center for Air Pollution Impact and Trend Analysis, Washington University, St. Louis, MO, USA, Professor Shen Dingli, Director, Center for American Fudan University, Shanghai, China Shanghai Forum 2010 Shanghai, China, May 30, 31

2 Analysis Framework I: Biogeochemical & Energy Flow Loop

3 Physical Causes of Climate Change Climate System: Atmosphere, Ocean, Land, Ice Multiple Climate Change Drivers: Some Heating other for Cooling

4 Analysis Framework II: Societal Causes of Climate Change CO 2 Emiss. = (Pop) (GDP/Pers) (Energy/GDP) (CO 2 /Energy) Carbon Intensity of Energy Mix Energy Intensity of Economy Economic Development Total Population Carbon emissions are driven by at least four distinct factors Each represents a different aspect of human-nature interaction

5 Drivers of C Emission Change, 1990-2000 Data from World Bank

6 Climate Policy CO 2 Emiss. = (Pop) (GDP/Pers) (Energy/GDP) (CO 2 /Energy) Envir.;“Green” Policy Energy Policy Economic Policy Population Policy Climate/Carbon Policy = + + + “Climate policy” is the combined outcome of policies for Population, Economy, Energy and Environment

7 Analysis Framework III: Sensory-Motor Loop Assessment Compare to Goals, Plan Reductions Track Progress Controls (Motor-Actions) Set Goals Assessment turns information into actionable knowledge for decisions Monitoring collects multi- sensory Earth Observations Human activities exert pressures, e.g burning fossil fuels, that alter the state of environment. The impaired environmental state, elicits responses, such as regulations in a feedback loop All living organisms use this type of sensory-motor feedback to maintain their existence. Monitoring, Assessment and Controls are the necessary steps for sustainable development. Monitoring (Sensing)

8 International Collaboration Opportunity: Global Observing System of Systems (GEOSS) Pooling of Earth Observations nine Societal Benefit Areas Any Dataset Serves Many Communities Any Problem Requires Many Datasets New International Program - China is a Co-Chair of GEOSS EE

9 Summary Frameworks for Energy-Environment Integration: –Biogeochemical Cycling Loop (Materials Balance) –Causality Loop (Socio-economic, Physical, Heatlh/Welfare Sciences) –Sensory-Motor Feedback Loop (System Science) Opportunities for Analysis and Collaboration: Combined assessment Population, Economy, Energy and Climate policies Collaboration in Earth System monitoring and Assessment

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