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Objectives  Encourage education through a new format of utilizing social media within a primary care residency program.  Lead discussions through multiple.

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Presentation on theme: "Objectives  Encourage education through a new format of utilizing social media within a primary care residency program.  Lead discussions through multiple."— Presentation transcript:


2 Objectives  Encourage education through a new format of utilizing social media within a primary care residency program.  Lead discussions through multiple outlets of social media with medical students, residents and colleagues.  Recognize obstacles to medical student and resident education in the traditional classroom setting.

3 Group DiscussionGroup Discussion  Who in this room is on Facebook?  Who in this room is on Twitter?  Who in this room is on Both?  Does anyone use another social media platform?  How comfortable do you feel using social media in teaching?

4 Social Media PlatformsSocial Media Platforms  Facebook  Twitter  Google Plus  Friendster  Classmates  Linkedin  Mylife  Ning  Plaxo  Xing

5 Facebook  Users create personal profiles  Add other users as “friends”  Users can create status updates  Easy platform to share photos and videos  May join common interest groups  Businesses can created “pages” which users can “like.”

6 Twitter  Known as a social networking site and microblogging service  Users post messages which are limited to 140 characters  Messages are public unless users edits their privacy settings  May group posts together with use of “hashtages” or “#”  For this discussion please use #Teaching_Seattle

7 Why? Highest usage  18-29 year olds  Some college Second highest usage  30-49 year olds  College + Resource: Networking-less-detail.aspx Retrieved 4/17/12 Networking-less-detail.aspx

8 Why?  As of 4/2012 – 901 million people use Facebook with 153 million users in the United States  As of 3/2012 – 140+ million people use Twitter  86% of individuals between 19-29 years old use social media sites (Brenner, 2012)  Social media is an emerging teaching tool that can be very beneficial to our learners.

9 Promoting Learning?Promoting Learning?  We will discuss a few interesting options.  Twijector  HootCourse  TweetGrid  Groups  Pages  Ask Question

10 Twijector  Calls itself a “real-time twitter wall for conferences, events, cafe and classrooms.”  Allows users to follow a certain “hashtag” conversation on twitter.

11 Screenshot: TrijectorScreenshot: Trijector Twijector. Retrieved April 26, 2012, from

12 HootCourse  “A HootCourse is an online classroom. And then some.”  “Instead of cumbersome forums or complicated lesson-plan formats, HootCourse uses a combination of the most popular social networks and blogging platforms to provide a new type of online classroom.”  Benefits: Combines both Facebook and Twitter.  Can be integrated with a client right into a classroom website.  Problem: Still in a Beta version.

13 HootCourse Hootcourse. Retrieved April 26, 2012, from

14 TweetGrid  “TweetGrid is a powerful Twitter Search Dashboard that allows you to search for up to 10 different topics, events, converstations, hashtags, phrases, people, groups, etc in real- time. As new tweets are created, they are automatically updated in the grid. No need to refresh the page!”  You do not have to have a twitter account.  You can make a group in tweetgrid so that you only see messages from included people.  Can have up to 10 topics going at once. Resource:

15 TweetGrid TweetGrid. Retrieved April 26, 2012, from

16 Groups  Email list of Facebook.  Allows you to create a page where multiple people come together virtually without having to “friend” each other  Benefit: Just because you belong in a group with others, they can not see your personal information.  Groups can be public, private or secret.

17 Groups Facebook. Retrieved April 26, 2012, from

18 Pages  Better for larger groups of people than “groups.”  Users who are not “friends” can also interact without “friending” each other.  Instead of joining a page, users “like” the page.  Posting is more for the organizer of the page.

19 Pages

20 Pages

21 Ask QuestionAsk Question  Allows you to create polls or multiple choice questions which are then shared with your “friends.”  Get instant results as users answer.  May direct these questions to a specific group or to everyone on your list.  Your “friends” can share the question also.

22 Group Discussion:Group Discussion:  Has anyone used these platforms in their teaching?  How?

23 Group DiscussionGroup Discussion  Can you think of ways in which you might be able to use these applications in the classroom?  How?

24 Group DiscussionGroup Discussion  What are the barriers?  Does your institution have a social media policy?  Have you looked into your institutions social media policies?  Any ethical dilemmas?

25 Resources  Brenner, J. (Mar 29,2012). Pew Internet: Social Networking (less detail). PewInternet. Retrieved April 26, 2012, from Social-Networking-less-detail.aspx  "Don't Deceive Me (Please Don't Go)" Grey's Anatomy. ABC. Feb 3 2011  Facebook. Retrieved April 26, 2012, from  Hootcourse. Retrieved April 26, 2012, from  Twijector. Retrieved April 26, 2012, from  TweetGrid. Retrieved April 26, 2012, from

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