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2 NOTE: This presentation was not made for public use. Please do not use this presentations without my permission and the permission of each of the authors of the photographs, quotes, and other materials that they contain. Thank you, Vicki Hughes

3 Formed elements Leukocytes Erythrocytes Platelets Plasma Assignments: CH 10 OL Practice Test

4 Separation of Blood Components Buffy Coat Centri = center

5 Erythrocytes (red blood cells) Formed Elements 45%

6 Erythrocytes (red blood cells) Formed Elements Buffy Coat 1% 45%

7 Erythrocytes (red blood cells) Formed Elements Buffy Coat 1% 45% 55% Plasma Water Proteins Solutes

8 Erythrocytes (red blood cells) Formed Elements: FUNCTIONS 45% Carries oxygen to cells and carbon dioxide to lungs.

9 Formed Elements: FUNCTIONS Buffy Coat 1% Monocytes are phagocytes that become macrophages. “Clean-up Team” = digest larger cells.

10 Formed Elements: FUNCTIONS Buffy Coat 1% Neutrophils are phagocytes that “eat” pathogens.

11 Formed Elements: FUNCTIONS Buffy Coat 1% Eosinophils kills worms, fights allergies, and neutralizes harmful chemicals.

12 Formed Elements: FUNCTIONS Buffy Coat 1% Basophils contain histamine to fight allergies and inflammation.

13 Formed Elements: FUNCTIONS Buffy Coat 1% Platelets are active in helping with clotting actions. http://www.youtub 36GFPRH5-w

14 Buffy Coat 1% Formed Elements: FUNCTIONS Lymphocytes grow into B-cells and T- cells B-cells make antibodies that fight infections. T-cells use toxins to fight infections. lymphocyte

15 Hematopoiesis = production of blood cells Occurs in bone marrow. Hemocytoblast = stem cell for blood Erythropoietin = hormone controlling the production of blood cells.

16 Hematopoiesis = production of blood cells


18 BLOOD Blood cells have antigens and antibodies. Antigens are tiny receptors on the outside of the blood cell that matches the “type.” Antibodies are what the cell doesn’t like (which is anything different from its own “type.”)

19 Blood Types A A A Type A B B B Type B Type O A B A Type AB B Antigens (none) Anti-B Anti-A none Anti-A and B

20  Blood type has more than one allele to select from to determine the genotype.  Blood “types” can be A, B, AB, or O.  The alleles to make these types include I A, I B and i.  “i” is the recessive allele and I A and I B are both dominant.  So to get… Type A you must have I A I A or I A i Type B you must have I B I B or I B i Type AB you must have I A I B Type O you must have ii

21 Genetics of Blood type pheno- type genotype antigen on RBC antibodies in blood donation status AA A or A i type A antigens on surface of RBC anti-B antibodies Receive A or O BBB or B i type B antigens on surface of RBC anti-A antibodies Receive B or O AB both type A & type B antigens on surface of RBC no antibodies universal recipient Oi ii i no antigens on surface of RBC anti-A & anti-B antibodies universal donor

22 Genetics of Blood type (completed for you) pheno- type genotype antigen on RBC antibodies in blood donation status AA A or A i type A antigens on surface of RBC anti-B antibodies Receive A or O BBB or B i type B antigens on surface of RBC anti-A antibodies Receive B or O AB both type A & type B antigens on surface of RBC no antibodies universal recipient Oi ii i no antigens on surface of RBC anti-A & anti-B antibodies universal donor SciShow Blood

23 “Rh” comes from the rhesus monkey in which the factor was originally identified. Rh+ means the RBCs carry the Rh antigen. If an Rh- person receives Rh+ blood, their immune system will react to the transfusion and the patient’s antibodies will attack and kill the new blood cells. How could an Rh+ woman become pregnant with an Rh- baby and what would happen to the baby? ?

24 Agglutination = clumping of RBCs due to the invasion of foreign blood. Transfusions and Transplants Body recognizes antigens on foreign blood cells or organs and stimulates the immune system to mount a defense.

25 Blood Disorders Clotting Problems: Thrombocytopenia = not enough platelets to clot. Liver can’t produce clotting factors due to lack of Vitamin K. Hemophilia = several inherited bleeding diseases “Free bleeder” No platelets are present. Clotting Problems: Thrombocytopenia = not enough platelets to clot. Liver can’t produce clotting factors due to lack of Vitamin K. Hemophilia = several inherited bleeding diseases “Free bleeder” No platelets are present.

26 WEREWOLVES & VAMPIRES?! Porphyria Can’t make iron-containing part of hemoglobin Causes porphyrins (lesions) 5 P’s : Appears in Puberty Psychiatric abnormalities Pain Polyneuropathy (many nerve defects) Photosensitivity WEREWOLVES & VAMPIRES?! Porphyria Can’t make iron-containing part of hemoglobin Causes porphyrins (lesions) 5 P’s : Appears in Puberty Psychiatric abnormalities Pain Polyneuropathy (many nerve defects) Photosensitivity

27 Blood Disorders Sickle Cell Anemia = some of the erythrocytes are “sickle-shaped” and cannot carry oxygen Advantage in malaria infested areas. Disadvantage in non-infested areas. Thrombus = blood clot that is unwanted Embolus = blood clot that breaks loose and is floating Stroke/Heart Attack = blockage of artery/vein by an embolus Sickle Cell Anemia = some of the erythrocytes are “sickle-shaped” and cannot carry oxygen Advantage in malaria infested areas. Disadvantage in non-infested areas. Thrombus = blood clot that is unwanted Embolus = blood clot that breaks loose and is floating Stroke/Heart Attack = blockage of artery/vein by an embolus


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