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Marie Curie Fellowships for Career Development Briefing on news in international scientific cooperation June 18, 2010.

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Presentation on theme: "Marie Curie Fellowships for Career Development Briefing on news in international scientific cooperation June 18, 2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 Marie Curie Fellowships for Career Development Briefing on news in international scientific cooperation June 18, 2010

2 Focus on 2 types of fellowships – initial information: –Intra-European Fellowships for Career Development –International Outgoing Fellowships for Career Development Presently, calls for proposals are open, deadline: 18 August 2010 Next call expected to be opened in March 2011

3 Intra-European Fellowships for Career Development Objective, eligibility criteria, expected impact, listed in the Work Programme (obligatory reading)Work Programme Aimed for experienced researchers in different phases of career – gaining new competences in research / experience from other sectors / resume a research career

4 Intra-European Fellowships for Career Development II Duration of the project: 12 – 24 months Activities covered: training through research, practical training with new techniques or instruments, development of complementary skills (writing project proposals, patent applications, project management etc.) All fields of science and technology covered as requested by applicant (bottom up)

5 Intra-European Fellowships general characteristics Mobility is a requirement: fellowship is used at the host institution in another EU – FP7 associated country Host institution can be: University, research center or company Commission signs contract with host institution Fellow signs contract with host institution

6 Intra-European Fellowships financial I Examples of Correction coefficients Austria 102.2 Belgium 100.0 Cyprus 99.0 Czech Republic 77.2 Denmark 133.5 Serbia 66.1 Engagement under Employment contract - gross Fixed amount fellowship, min. social security (if allowed in host institution)

7 Intra-European Fellowships financial II Monthly mobility allowance: 500 eur single, 800 eur researcher with family Fixed travel allowance – 1 x 12 months, depending on the distance from home Career exploratory allowance – once, 2000 eur Research expenses 800 eur / month for laboratory works, 500 eur / month for non- laboratory work + Management costs of the host institution max 20% of the project Approximate value of one project: 150.000 €

8 International Outgoing Fellowships - Differences - Mobility outside EU – FP7 associated countries, to high level research institution Duration: up to 3 years Obligatory 1 year return phase, after 1 – 2 years outgoing phase Contract is signed with RETURN host organisation No monthly mobility allowance if returning to the country of origin No career exploratory allowance Approximate value of one project: 200.000 €

9 Evaluation Criteria S&T quality – 25% Training – 15% Researcher – 25% Implementation – 15% Impact – 20 % See Work ProgrammeWork Programme

10 Evaluation procedure Online submission of proposals 8 scientific panels with evaluators in Brussels Results: 4 months from submission Signing of grant agreement: within 6 months from submission

11 Budget allocated to IEF, IOF In 2009: –95 M € for IEF (~600 fellowships will be awarded) –28 M € for IOF (~140 fellowships) You can be one of them. Go for it! Obligatory reading: Work programme, Guide for applicants Portal CORDIS, Find a call, Information package

12 Other Marie Curie Schemes Aimed at institutional / HR development 3 types of projects: –INITIAL TRAINING NETWORKS (reception of foreign young researchers as research trainees – e.g. doctoral students within a network) – call opens 23 July 2010 –RESEARCH STAFF EXCHANGE SCHEME (swapping staff among research institutions in EU + AC and outside EU) – call opens 20 October -INDUSTRY-ACADEMIA PARTNERSHIPS AND PATHWAYS – call to be opened 23 July 2010 (cooperation programme between public research institutions and private companies: recruitment, secondment, training) INTERNATIONAL MOBILITY IS A MUST

13 Assistance NCP People in Montenegro Branka Zizic Ministry of Education and Science Aid in: rules for participation, finding partners, financial issues, commenting draft project proposal EURAXESS – European network for support to researchers’ mobility As of 2010 established in Montenegro (at the University of Montenegro)

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